The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Clockwork smiled and sat down at the table with a plate of food, digging into a bite himself. "Yeah. Since I can eat irradiated foods and go into radioactive areas to scavenge, I can collect a lot more supplies than most can. I think it's important to have some sort of constant in your life. For me, it's a nice, warm dinner. And..." He gave a sheepish smile. "The reason I wanted the powdered milk so much was because... well... I get depressed sometimes, and..." He closed his eyes and felt his tear ducts contract again. "The cookies are something from my childhood. They make me feel better, like I'm normal again and that my life didn't consist of looting a frozen city on a daily basis."

Dawn shrugged as she peered out the window, and she pulled out a 4x zoom scope from her backpack and put it on the flame rifle. "Well, we're not going to stay safe if the sniper is there. One second." The mare quickly popped around the corner, took aim at the sniper, and gave the trigger a quick pull. From the end of the barrel came a powerful puff of air and a glob of what looked like a sort of flaming jelly-like substance, traveling through the air like a bullet. It splattered against the sniper's face, prompting the pony to scream in agony as the substance began quickly burning through his facial tissue. He dropped his rifle and clawed at his face, but that only served to cover his hands in the substance as well. He fell dead to the floor after the substance seared through his eye sockets and into his brain.

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Eagle looked over to Chernobyl, and she felt her heart break for him. "I'll do whatever I can to make you normal again, sweetie. I promise." She said softly. With a sigh, she resumed eating her food. She wasn't sure what else she could do to cheer up Chernobyl.

Steel looked out the window with slightly wide eyes as he watched the raider burn. "I think I felt that from here." He remarked quietly. He moved a short distance from the window, and then took out his guitar. He looked to the ironclads behind him and nodded to them, and they prepared their instruments. "Time to take a few more swings at the hornets' nest." He quipped before starting to play another old song. After Steel played the first segment, the backup guitarist and the bassist joined in, and they began repeating the riff.

Before long, raiders were coming out of the woodwork to come investigate the sounds. They were all equipped with varying types of arms and armor, but Steel knew that none would be effective against them so long as they played this smartly.

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Chernobyl nodded and quickly finished his one plate of food, which wasn't very big to being with. He didn't have much if an appetite as a ghoul. He stood up and took some cookies from the platter, then sat down and took small nibbles of one, wanting it to last. He was going to save cookies for another time, but he needed a few right now. Even with Eagle's love, he still felt a bout of depression coming on. As he ate, he looked up sheepishly at his lover, unsure of what she was thinking.

Dawn knocked on the side of the wall of the apartment building, then felt the paint between her gloved fingers. "Concrete with acrylic paint. Low flammability. Perfect." The mare put away her rifle, then pulled put her large flamer, turning a few knobs and making sure the flame at the front was lit. She stepped out into the hall and aimed the fearsome weapon down the stairs, ready to roast whoever decided to come look for them.

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Eagle moaned softly at the taste of the food, which was delicious in her opinion. "You're a great cook, probably one of the best I've ever met." She said happily. She glanced over at her lover with a curious expression, which then turned into a concerned frown as she saw his sheepish expression. "...Is something wrong, Cherry?" She asked softly.

A stallion clad in leather armor with metal spikes walked up the stairs, and then his eyes widened in horror as he spotted Dawn with the flamer. He fumbled around with his side-by-side shotgun as he tried to retaliate, and he aimed it towards Dawn.

(This is fun in an evil way. :pinkiecrazy:)

Group Admin

Chernobyl sighed and set down his cookies, then scooted his chair over next to Eagle's chair. He sat down and snuggled into Eagle's side, resting his head on her shoulder. "I've been lonely, sweetheart... Until you came along, I was alone..." He looked up to Eagle with a sad expression. "I don't want to feel alone tonight. C-could we just... cuddle? i want to be held..."

Dawn pulled the trigger the second the second the raider had stepped into view, engulfing the entire stairway in flames. If one listened closely, they could hear the mare whistling to herself. She was whistling a rather merry tune as she continued to burn the raider's flesh into a pile of charred black goo.

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Eagle smiled widely, and then placed a kiss on Chernobyl's cheek. "Of course we can, Cherry. Whatever will make you happy." She said warmly.

One of the other raiders had been caught in the flames, and he screamed in agony as he fell down the stairs.

Steel had stopped playing once he started hearing the faint sounds of whistling behind the guitars, and he turned and gave the hallway an amused expression. "Beautiful and possibly disturbed...What have I gotten myself into." He said with a soft chuckle. He took a deep breath and then called out to Dawn. "I get the next bunch!"

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Chernobyl gave a large grin and nodded eagerly, then finished off one more cookie before standing up. "Please! I... I'm going to be in the bedroom... Don't let me rush you..." With barely contained excitement, he went up to the decently bedroom, with a queen-sized bed with soft, simple sheets and a heavy red comforter. He crawled under the sheets, still wearing his turtleneck and sweatpants to stay warm as the cold, cold night began setting in.

Dawn finished burning the rest of the first group of raiders, then put away her flamer and walked back into the room Steel was in, patting him on the shoulder as she passed. "You're up." The mare took out her rifle and began shooting at raiders with long-range weapons, working to prevent anyone from hitting them without coming up the stairs. The raider snipers collapsed to the ground, dropping their rifles and clawing at their fur and clothing and faces as the hellish goo burned through their flesh.

Group Admin

2570822 (I finished listening to all of Dragonforce's stuff. I've got most of it on my favorites. :pinkiecrazy: A good power metal band that you could check out is Jag Panzer, I like their style.)

Eagle finished off her dinner, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She stood up from her chair, and then quickly walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. She closed the door behind herself, and then took her boots off. She slowly walked over to the bed and got under the covers, then snuggled herself close to Chernobyl. "Mmm..." She cooed softly.

Steel grinned wickedly as he walked over to front of the stairs, and he began tuning the distortions of his guitar into the low range. When he was finished, he positioned his hands to where they should be. His grin only widened once he heard the sounds of raiders rushing towards him from below. "I think it's time for some..." He trailed off in a soft voice. "Doom metal!" He boomed. He flipped a switch on his instrument, and his guitar roared like thunder as he began playing a powerful, rapid melody. Dawn and the Ironclads could hear a much more ear-friendly version of the song as he played. Muffled screams came from below as eardrums and eyeballs were ruptured, and then there were no more sounds from the raiders. They were all laying on the ground, dead from being shaken so violently by the noise. Steel abruptly stopped playing, and then reset the switch to its original position.

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Chernobyl smiled and snuggled up with Eagle, still seeming sheepish and keeping his hands away from her breasts and rump. "Th-this is nice..." He mumbled with a bashful smile, seeming in disbelief that a beautiful mare was in bed with him, a ghoul. A radioactive ghoul. "Um... S-so... Do you like the radio? We could l-listen to the radio, if you'd like..."

Dawn listened to the slow beat of the song as she continued to snipe raiders and melt their faces. She didn't care for the doom metal songs in the slightest, but she didn't say that aloud. That would be rude. She peeked back into the hallway, seeing the bloody mess of burst eyeballs and broken skulls. "Damn." She mumbled, then looked to Steel. "Wanna finish these fools off and go raid their camp?"

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Eagle snuggled just a little closer, and then rested her head on the crook of his neck. "That sounds nice, Cherry." She said softly. She reached an arm over his body, and then draped it across his stomach. "You're actually pretty good to cuddle with." She raised up and put a kiss on his cheek, then laid back down as she was.

Steel looked to Dawn with a small grin. "Certainly. I think the city might actually thank us for clearing out the pests." He lit his horn and floated his guitar out of his hands, and then put it back around his shoulders, letting it hang from a strap. He then looked out of the window near the stairs at the surrounding city. "Come to think of it, I would not be surprised if a lot of people heard that. That will make some interesting gossip." He remarked.

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Chernobyl's dried cheeks would have been a cherry red if he still had a normal body. He reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer, then pulled out what appeared to be a Pip-Buck 3000, though several wires were sticking out in places. "I found one of these years ago. It was broken to all hell, some kind of explosion damaged it, but I've been trying to put it back together with pieces and parts. I've managed to get the radio function working, though." Chernobyl turned a knob on the front, and the radio came on to the Germaneigh Wasteland News Radio, the local station.

"Guten tag." A deep, strong voice sounded from the speaker. "I am your host, Emergency Broadcast. Today, in the eastern lands, some strange figures were seen moving near the old castle of the Lord Stalhernschlatten. However, no one has identified them beyond that level of detail. There have also been disturbing reports of strange beasts near Stable 57. They have been reported to have come from the vault, and are very predatory and vicious. Anyone entering the area is advised to proceed with caution. And now, please enjoy some jazz music, all the way from New Boarleans." Some slow jazz music began playing, and Chernobyl smiled down at Eagle, still keeping his hands off her assets. "This is... nice..." He said sheepishly.

Dawn nodded as she went down the stairs, checking the corpses to take any caps and valuable ammo. After she exited the building and approached the raider camp, firing more globs of goo at anyone that was in her sight, she eventually crossed into the camp itself. She pulled out her flamethrower once more and began methodically sweeping fire across the groups of raiders and into the small metal shacks, turning them into fiery coffins. All the while, she was humming a tune to herself. "I'm tickled pink... That things are rosy... That skies are blue once again..."

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Eagle noticed Chernobyl's sheepishness, and then traced a finger down his chest. "You can touch me, if you want. I won't mind, I actually like to be touched." She purred softly. She slowly took off her sweater and laid it beside herself, then snuggled up to Chernobyl. She was wearing a white tank top beneath her sweater, and the feeling of her breasts up against Chernobyl was much more prominent. She was plenty warm, even without the sweater.

Steel and his fellow guitarists were standing about ten feet from Dawn. Steel had his shotgun drawn and filled with slugs, ready to shoot any raider who was somehow missed by the flames.

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Chernobyl blushed and silently stammered for a moment, then slowly, sheepishly slid one hand up to Eagle's breasts, still unsure of himself. He gently laid his hand on her left breast, then slowly applied a small amount of pressure. He gave a soft moan as he felt the soft, plump flesh mold around his fingers a little. "Oh, Eagle... I... You're so beautiful..." He whispered as he rubbed his palm over her bosom, his breath a small shudder.

Dawn seemed to be in her element, as tents and raiders went up in flames around her. A couple ran past her, burning and flailing about in panic as they screamed in terror. She casually drew the revolver of a raider who ran by her in a similar state as the first two, then aimed with one hand and fired rounds at each of them, dropping all three to the floor. She fired off the other three shots at other raiders, then tossed the weapon over her shoulder and went back to roasting them alive with her flamer. The heavy weapon spewed a river of fire in front of Dawn as she walked forward, and soon, she caught the raider chief in the inferno, who came running out of his shack and burning alive, scrambling to try to get the flames doused. She gave him one more spurt of flame on the way by, then went back to burning the last few stragglers who missed the first wave of fire.

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Eagle giggled softly, and then slowly removed her tank top. "I think you need to feel a mare's body after all these years." She purred softly as she sat the garment with her sweater. Her upper body was now only covered by a black bra, revealing the swirling black ink that went down her slender arms, and her toned, curvaceous figure.

Steel tucked his shotgun into his coat as he suddenly got an idea, and then he floated his guitar into his hands. The other guitarists saw what he was doing, and they readied their own instruments. Steel reset the distortions on his guitar and turned the volume so that it was a little quieter, and then began playing another song. The two guitarists had joined in, the bassist providing the rhythm, and the other lead reinforcing Steel's melody.

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Chernobyl's mouth silently stammered as he looked down at Eagle's beautiful form, and he felt his body tingling all over, as if some part of his brain was trying to reawaken his dormant nerves, to tell them to make him aroused in the presence of such a healthy and beautiful female. Suddenly, he gave a grunt and crossed his legs, feeling his primal urge to mate slowly coming back from dormancy as a surge of pressure rushed to his groin. He felt his unnatural regenerative powers forming new flesh formed between his legs, all of his bodily functions focused on the task. He reopened his eyes after the pressure faded, and what he saw made him tense up in pure embarrassment and disbelief.

Between his legs was a giant set of genitals, ones that would dwarf even the most well-endowed stallion. His massive member, a piece of luminescent flesh throbbing between his legs and poking over the brim of his sweatpants, measured at an incredible twenty one inches long and 5 wide, making it very thick for its length. However, his testes were equally obscene. At a little over a foot in diameter each, it appeared as if someone had shoved a pair of soccer balls into the ghoul's sweatpants. They churned with seed, ready to impregnate any female of Chernobyl's choosing. "What... How.... I...."

Dawn, however, was singing another song to herself, her soft voice sounding like an angel as she washed waves of fire across another set of tents. She heard little of Steel's music, simply lost in her own little inferno, hearing naught her own voice and the cracklings of the flames around her, and the occasional scream of one of the raiders. Her voice echoed out hauntingly from the burning camp, and she was just a mysterious silhouette to anyone looking inside.

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Eagle lustfully stared down at Chernobyl's member, and she licked her lips hungrily. She grinned as she looked up to her lover's face, and she lightly caressed the base of his member with the palm of her hand. "We can have some fun with this, if you want. I'll make you feel better than you ever have, sweetie."

Steel caught bits and pieces of Dawn's song, though it was enough for him to piece together what song it was. He found it to be just a little unsettling, but he continued playing nonetheless. Perhaps he could make a reputation for himself with musical purges of raiders.

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Chernobyl shuddered as the sensitive flesh throbbed against Eagle's soft touch, and he gave an eager nod. "Yes... Please... Let me be your stallion..." He said softly. He reached down and slid off his pants and sweatpants, revealing his impossibly large testes, audibly churning with seed. He also slipped off his turtleneck sweater, revealing his slim chest and a necklace, bearing a metal circular medallion on a thin chain. It showed the Stable Boy, smiling with a cartoonish laser pistol in one hand and a model of the atom in the other. On the back was an inscription: "Arrive at peaceful resolutions using superior firepower." Chernobyl set the necklace on the nightstand, then turned back to his lover. "So... H-how did you... wanna do this?"

The camp burned around Dawn, all of it to be ashes by day's end. She sheathed her flamer and went through the tents and shacks and burning bodies, picking out all the useful supplies and gear she could salvage. She loaded it all into a tarp and tied it into a sack with some rope, then walked out the entrance and up to Steel with the sack over her shoulder, showing that she was indeed quite strong. "It was a pleasure to burn." She said with a soft, content voice. She motioned for him to lead the way.

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Eagle took off her pants and sat them to the side with the rest of her garments, revealing her long, toned legs, and wide hips. Then, she quickly removed her bra and put it with her other clothes. Her breasts were at least medium D-cups, and they were perky and soft. She laid down on her back, and then looked to Chernobyl with her arms held out for him. "Let me hold you." She purred softly.

Steel couldn't help but grimace softly as he turned and led the way home. He found her behavior unsettling, and she admittedly made him a little nervous, but he couldn't help but be curious about her. She seemed friendly for the most part, and he did enjoy her company. Soon, they arrived back at the factory, and Steel led them back up to the large office above the mill's floor. The ironclads went back to where they were originally hiding, and they hibernated for the night. Steel pulled his shotgun out of his coat, and then laid it down on the desk. He lit his horn and floated his guitar over to his sleeping bag, and he laid it down beside it. He sat down in the large office chair, and then kicked his boots off. "You know, we still haven't had lunch, or dinner. I can cook us something special."

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Chernobyl eagerly laid himself atop Eagle's body and rested his head on her shoulder, then pulled the blankets over them to keep them warm. The wind chill outside was getting dangerously cold, as it usually did in Marelin nowadays. He looked down with embarrassment as his giant member kept throbbing between them, and his massive testes were pressed to her groin. "Mmm...." He relaxed as best he could into his marefriend's embrace. "Thank you, sweetheart..."

Dawn set the sack of loot down in the corner, then her gear next to it, then she finally took off her gasmask again and sat down in front of the heaters. She didn't seem to hear him for a second. "Huh? Oh, yeah. That be nice, thank you. There's lots of food in the sack over there, if you wanna look through what the raiders had on them." With a soft sigh, the pegasus went back to relaxing. She had not taken off her flame suit yet, even though they were safe now.

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Eagle had a soft blush on her cheeks as she looked into Chernobyl's eyes, and her breath was slow and heavy. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his, and she moaned into his mouth as she passionately kissed him. "Make love to me." She said quickly as she briefly broke the kiss.

Steel got out of his chair and went over to the sack of loot, and then began quickly picking through what was there. He pulled out a can of baked beans, a large packet of instant mashed potatoes, and a can of coffee. He had seen some corn and a few other vegetables in there, but considering how raiders lived he was reluctant to even touch them. He took the food and went back over to the desk, and he sat it all on its top. He turned on the hotplate, and then unwrapped some brahmin steaks that he had laying out. He took the steaks and began cooking them first, idly humming some sort of slow song. After a minute of making sure the steak was cooking properly, he glanced back at Dawn. "Some first date, huh? Honestly, I've never went out with anyone before. I hope everything was to your liking."

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Slowly, Chernobyl rolled so Eagle was atop his body, and he looked away nervously. "C-could you take charge? I d-don't know how to... I've never done it b-before..." He looked away again as his hands rested on his lover's shoulders, waiting for her to take the lead. He did love her very much, and he wanted to make sure she was satisfied in every way possible. "I love you." He said softly, smiling bashfully up at his marefriend.

Dawn shrugged and blushed a bit, still staring into the fire. "Y-yeah... I've never dated anyone before either. That was fun, with the raiders, though." Then, with a sad expression, she looked to Steel and said "I'm sorry if my behavior in the raider camp was... weird. I just..." She closed her eyes, and a few tears silently ran down her cheeks and matted he fur. "I... I don't want to talk about it...."

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Eagle quivered as she eagerly reached back and gently guided Chernobyl's member into her marehood, and she moaned as the flared tip parted her hot, swollen lips. She decided to take him in slowly; she wanted to savor the feeling of every inch of her lover's massive stallionhood parting her wet folds. The sensation was utterly euphoric, he stretched her tighter than anyone else had before, and it felt like it just kept going deeper. She panted lightly and moaned louder as she continued to take him deeper within her folds.

Steel stopped what he was doing and immediately walked over to Dawn, then knelt down beside her and kissed her on the cheek. He smiled warmly as he looked her in the eyes, and he used a finger to wipe away one of her tears. "Hey, don't cry. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I know what it's like to have a dark past, it's not fun to discuss." He then gave her a warm hug and held it for several seconds, then got back up and walked back to the hot plate. As much as he wanted to hold that hug for a little longer, he didn't want the steaks to burn.

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Chernobyl gasped and moaned at the unexpected feeling of pleasure. His giant shaft throbbed inside Eagle as it kept sliding inside, and he closed his eyes and let his arms stay wrapped around his lover's shoulders for support. "Ohhh... Eagle..." He had never felt anything like this before, and now that he had Eagle to love and pleasure, he was certain he would be feeling it a lot more often in the future.

Dawn eagerly held Steel in the hug, silently crying on his shoulder, before reluctantly letting him go. She pulled a small lighter from her backpack, and she flicked the switch and held it, watching the flame burn with unfazed eyes. She always did this when she needed to escape. It was her escape, the fires. She was so comfortable and peaceful around them, in stark contrast to her apparent hate of cold. She looked lonely like this, still wearing her suit and the clothes over it. Maybe she did need someone to help her and comfort her.

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Eagle's eyes widened, and she let out a loud gasp as she felt the tip of Chernobyl's member push against her cervix. "It's so deep..." She moaned out. She began rocking her hips powerfully, and her ears swept back as she let her mouth fall open in a long, deep moan of pleasure. She clenched her eyes shut and squealed softly as the tip of her lover's member pushed through her cervix and into her womb, and she could only pant from the wonderful sensation.

Steel flipped the steak, and then left it to slowly cook as he walked over to Dawn and sat down next to her. He pulled her into another hug, and he rested his head on her shoulder. He didn't know what else he could say to make her feel better, but he did know that he could show her that he cared, and that's what he would do.

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Chernobyl nearly shouted in pleasure, and he clung to Eagle tightly as he felt his hips jerk, burying his shaft deep inside his marefriend's womb. "Ohhh... Eagle... I..." He couldn't seem to form any words other than her name, and he took to burying his muzzle in her mane and letting her take the lead. He was happy she was enjoying this, though; her pleasure was everything to him.

Dawn dropped the lighter and closed her eyes tightly, then buried her face in the crook of Steel's neck. She silently cried into his fur, her body limp otherwise. She didn't want to be alone anymore. Not with all the pain she carried around. Steel was being wonderful to her, and she had never felt more like someone cared about her. She was abandoned by her parents, so to have someone care meant the world to her. She eventually looked up to Steel's face and gave a soft smile, which quickly faded before she rested her head back onto his shoulder.

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Eagle moaned loudly as she began began slamming herself onto Chernobyl's member, unable to think about anything else but her lover and the immense pleasure that was pounding her senses. She grunted and and squealed each time she brought her hips down, and she clung to Chernobyl tightly. "You feel so good..." She moaned out.

Steel continued to hold Dawn tightly, and he had no intent on letting go anytime soon. "I'll never leave you, Dawn. Not if you don't want me too." He said softly. He knew what it was like to be alone, and he didn't wish it on anyone.

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Chernobyl moaned and panted into Eagle's mane, his eyes still clutched tightly and his arms wrapped tightly around Eagle's back. He was overcome by so much pleasure, and he felt his climax coming rather quickly with how sensitive his new endowments were. He was sure he would orgasm soon, though he hoped he could hold out until his marefriend hit her own peak.

Dawn sighed and slowly shifted herself so her head laid sideways onto Steel's shoulder. She looked tired, and sad. "Thank you... I... I don't want to be alone anymore..." She placed a soft kiss on Steel's cheek, then sat back against the wall and curled her knees to her chest. "I... I have a lot of burn scars under my suit... That's why I don't take it off... I had to do something very drastic to escape a group of raiders once... It's mostly been healed, but..." Her hand rubbed across a spot on her bicep. "There are some places my fur hasn't grown back.... It looks so ugly..." She mumbled, her eyes seeming to glaze over with emptiness.

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Eagle was already nearing her peak, and her moans were turning into squeals over time. She had taken Chernobyl deeper than she had ever taken any other stallion, and she was loving it. The pleasure was incredible, and the sheer size of him made her feel pleasantly full. "Cherry, I'm almost coming....How are you?..." She panted out.

Steel looked into Dawn's eyes, and gave her the most serious look that he had ever given anyone, which was saying something. "Dawn, you're the most beautiful mare that I've ever met. Scars won't change that view." He said softly.

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Chernobyl gasped and grunted for a few more seconds, then gave a shout of pleasure as his member throbbed and his giant testes clenched. He began pumping his seed into Eagle's womb with his climax, and his massive balls churned. Ten seconds, fifteen, and he was still filling Eagle up with his essence. After around thirty seconds, he collapsed and panted for air, gasping loudly and staring blearily up at the ceiling. "Ohhhh.... Oh, Eagle.... Ohhh....."

Dawn gave a few tears of joy, then flung herself into Steel's embrace and held him tight, breathing deeply. "Th-thank you.... I... Oh, thank you...." She sat herself in his lap, then closed her eyes and rested in his embrace. She didn't care much for food at the moment, not if it meant she had to leave the safety of Steel's arms.

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Eagle had shouted as her orgasm wracked her nerves with unbelievable pleasure, and she was left cooing and moaning softly as her lover filled her up. She nuzzled her lover's neck, and then placed a deep, passionate kiss on his lips. "I love you, Chernobyl." She said softly.

Steel had to check to see if he was dreaming, or if he was really awake. He couldn't believe that a beautiful mare like Dawn had just thrown herself into his embrace for comfort. He gently ran his pointer and index finger through her golden curls, and he softly breathed in her scent. "I'm the luckiest stallion alive..." He said with disbelief.

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Chernobyl groaned and clung to Eagle tightly, kissing her cheek and resting his head on her shoulder. "Oh, honey...." He let out a soft moan, closing his eyes and letting sleep wash over his body, his massive shaft still throbbing deep inside his mare's womb. "I love you.... Let's rest, my love...."

After a little while, Dawn opened her eyes and let out a soft sigh. "Thank you. I.... I needed that. I don't have anyone else, and..." She gave Steel another hug, and kissed him softly on the cheek. She then stood up and stretched, then gave a warm smile at her new coltfriend. "So... How does dinner sound?"

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Eagle let out a quiet sigh of contentment as she relaxed into Chernobyl's loving embrace, and she smiled warmly. "I love you, Cherry." She said softly. She was so glad to have someone who would love her and pleasure her.

Steel smiled lovingly as he stood up and stretched his arms, and then he walked back over to the hot plate. "I'll make you the best dinner you've ever had." He said warmly as he flipped the steak. "I really like to eat, so I'm always trying new foods and recipes whenever I can." Soon, the steak was done cooking, and he set it on one of a few plates that he had sitting out. He opened the can of baked beans and poured it into a tin, then set the tin on the hot plate to cook. It didn't take very long for that to heat up. Steel took the tin and poured it into two bowls, then took another tin and filled it with purified water from a bottle. Then, he took the packet of mashed potatoes and poured it into the water, and then set it on the hot plate. It was ready within a few minutes, and he put the potatoes into two bowls for them. Their food was arranged on both sides of the desk so they could both reach what they wanted. Steel turned to Dawn with a smile, and he motioned to the larger, more comfortable chair which he was previously sitting in. "You can take my seat."

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The next morning, Chernobyl slowly opened his eyes, smiling as he felt more alive than he could remember being a ghoul. He moaned and slowly shifted his hips, then slowly pulled his huge member out of his mare. After it had gone flaccid, he put on some sweatpants and a blue turtleneck once more, smiling as he saw his huge, obscene bulge caused by his scrotum, like two soccer balls. It made him feel... masculine. Like a healthy stallion. He went downstairs and into the kitchen, pulling out some powdered eggs and mixing them with some water. He was planning on staying home today and making Eagle breakfast. He and his beautiful, loving mare deserved a rest.

Dawn blushed and smiled thankfully as she sat down in the seat, then began slowly taking bites of the steak. "Mmm.... Nice job with the cooking." She gave a sheepish smile and said "You know, I can grill a mean steak, if you wanna try it sometime." The pegasus mare flapped her huge wings once out of nervousness, then took a bite of the mashed potatoes, making sure to mix said food with the baked beans, as she always liked it that way. "So... Um... Do you have any place in here I can wash up in? And..." She blushed harder than before, looking away in embarrassment. "Do you h-have any lotion? i know it's hard to find, but..." She reached up and scratched her upper arm through the rubber of her suit. "The b-bare patches get dry and itchy..."

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Eagle groaned softly as she felt that Chernobyl was missing from the bed, and she awoke with a long yawn. Her eyes fluttered open a moment later, and she slowly moved herself into an upright sitting position. She got off the bed and stretched, then quickly put on her clothes and walked downstairs. She smiled when she saw her lover in the kitchen. "Good morning, sweetie." She purred softly.

Steel took a bite of his steak, and then swallowed it before answering. "There was some kind of water system downstairs, I managed to turn it into a shower." He lit his horn, and then floated a bottle of pink lotion from his coat and over to Dawn. "I keep this around when I can. The weather isn't good to me sometimes."

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Chernobyl smiled and walked over to his lover, pressing their bodies together and kissing her lips passionately. "Mmmm.... Morning, baby. I was cooking us breakfast. So, I was thinking we could just stay home for today and rest, unless there was somewhere you wanted to go today. I just wanna spend time with you, my love." He turned and went back to cooking the eggs on the pan, and on another pan, he was cooking toast with butter on it to make sure it didn't burn.

Dawn smiled thankfully and took the lotion, then quickly scarfed down her meal and stood up. "Thank you. Can you please show me the shower? My skin is getting itchy, and... you know..." For the third time, she rubbed her left bicep with a hand, further indicating the location of a bare patch on her skin. The scars she bore seemed to cause her to feel shame.

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Eagle yawned again as she walked over to the table and sat down, and then she gave Chernobyl a warm smile. "I would love to just stay here with you, sweetie. The less I have to go out, the better."

Steel took another bite of his food and stood up, then pointed out towards the mill's core area. "On the far right wall there should be a system of water tanks and things like that. There's some nozzles used to get water in and out, I've rigged an old motorized pump to it to work like a shower."

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Chernobyl gave a squee as he set the cooked eggs and toast onto plates, then set the plates on the table and pulled out forks. He took a seat across from Eagle and eagerly took a bite of his eggs. "Mmm... So, what do you usually do for fun? I have a lot of books, so I mostly work on those. We could explore thr suburb area today, if you'd like. It's mostly free of any creatures, and completely free of raiders. And ghouls won't bother us so long as I'm around."

Dawn nodded and took off through the door into the core area, and upon seeing a large curtained off section to the right, she stepped inside and turned on the shower, letting it heat up. She set down the lotion, then with a heavy heart, took off her suit, leaving her naked besides a bra and panties, which were shed as well. The fur under her suit was marred by patches of bare skin, pale against her soft blue fur. The major patches were on her left bicep, another under her breasts and just above her belly button, one large one on her right hip, one smaller one on her inner right thigh, and one long one going down the lower half of her outer left leg, down to her ankle and up to her knee. With shame in her eyes at the sight of her own scarring, she stepped into the shower, shuddering as the hot water ran over her bare skin.

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Eagle put one of her eggs onto her toast, and then took a bite of it with a soft moan at the taste. "Exploring sounds fun, actually. I usually get pretty lonely when I'm exploring but...I don't have to worry about that anymore." She said with a loving smile.

Steel sighed as she took a bite of his steak, and he wondered about his situation with Dawn. He had never had a marefriend before, but he would work to keep her around as long as possible. She needed him, and, though it was hard for him to admit, he needed her too. He didn't want to be alone again.

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Chernobyl smiled widely and took a bite of his scrambled eggs, then took a bite of toast as well. "We could look through some of the other houses that are around. This whole block is mostly intact. I mainly chose this one because I liked the layout, and it was an easy fix-up. Plus, it had lots of books." He said the last part with an excited grin.

A little while later, Dawn came into the office again, wearing her clothing without her suit. She shifted her shirt and jacket sheepishly and made sure her cargo pants and boots were on properly, then sat down in the chair next to Steel. She sett he bottle of lotion back on the desk for him. "Thanks." She said softly. She looked to him with a sad smile, still feeling shameful about her marred beauty.

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Eagle took another bite of her toast, and then looked to Chernobyl with a slightly worried expression. "Is there anything around this area besides ghouls?" She asked softly. She had to be careful after a few encounters in the past.

Steel floated the bottle of lotion back into his coat, and then he leaned over to Dawn and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "No problem, beautiful." He said, emphasizing the last word. He truly thought that Dawn was the prettiest mare that he had ever seen. He quietly went back to eating, this time mixing a bit of baked beans and mashed potatoes with a bite of steak.

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Chernobyl shrugged and took another bite of his toast. "Meh. Maybe a few super mutants and centaurs, but the mutants keep them on leashes, and the ones around here have a silent agreement with me that goes like this: you don't shoot, I don't shoot." The ghoul swallowed another bite of his eggs. "Is there anything you'd like, specifically? Anything you've always wanted? We might find some good stuff in the houses."

Dawn's breath caught in her throat, and without looking up, she rolled up her left sleeve and the bottom of her jacket, showing the bare patches on her bicep and stomach. She was ashamed by them. The pegasus didn't say anything, only letting tears silently run down her cheeks.

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"Well, I always wanted to have an electric cello." Eagle replied cheerily before taking another bite of her toast. "I know it's an odd thing to want out here in the wasteland, but I always loved the music since I heard it as a filly. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I decided that I didn't want a wooden one. I'm too afraid of it being damaged out here." She rambled. She then blushed and looked off to the side as she took another bite of her food.

Steel eyed the scars for a few seconds, then looked up to Dawn. He leaned over to her and placed a loving kiss on her cheek, then gave her a gentle hug. "You're still beautiful to me." He said softly.

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Chernobyl smiled and reached over, stroking Eagle's cheek. "If we find you an electric cello, I'll fix it up for you, I promise." The ghoul finished his meal, then slowly stood up and adjusted his massive scrotum in his pants and walked into the living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the lamp.

Dawn burst out into tears, and she held Steel tightly and sobbed into his shoulder. She didn't know what to say. Steel had made her feel loved when she thought herself ugly and alone. "Th-thank you... Thank you..." She sobbed out, unable to say anything else.

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Eagle finished her food, and then stood up and walked into the living room with Chernobyl. She sat down beside him on the couch, and then leaned against his shoulder with a sigh. "You're snuggly."

Steel rested his head on Dawn's shoulder as he tightened his hug, and he loving rubbed her back with the palm of his hand. He felt so happy right now, which was a welcome change from his usual depression. "You'll always be beautiful to me, Dawn. Don't forget that."

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Chernobyl giggled quietly and pulled a blanket over them, then wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mmm... You're snuggly, too... I'm so glad we met, sweetheart. You've been wonderful to me, and... I don't think I'll be sad anymore, not with you by my side."

Dawn's grip slowly loosened over time, and soon, her breathing was soft and body limp. She had fallen asleep in Steel's arms from all she had done that day. She was smiling, though, and she wasn't even playing with fire. That was good. The pegasus was peaceful, and her face was still buried in Steel's shoulder fur, breathing softly and basking in the stallion's warm body.

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Eagle giggled quietly as she leaned to his cheek and gave him a kiss. "I'll try my best to keep you happy." She purred in a sensual, yet sincere voice. She would do whatever it took to keep Chernobyl around.

Steel grunted as he lit his horn and stood up, using his horn to negate most of Dawn's weight. He walked over to his sleeping bag and sat down on it, then carefully laid back with his marefriend atop him. He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep, exhausted from everything that had happened. Rather than the nightmares that he usually had, he dreamed of watching the sunset with his lover.

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The ghoul smiled and laid back on the couch, gently pulling Eagle atop him and rubbing her back. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart." His hands gently caressed her beautiful curves, a soft shudder leaving his lips. "You make me happy just by being here with me." Chernobyl gently pressed his lips to Eagle's own, moaning quietly at their softness and warmth.

[You can question his past, if you'd like. I've got stuffs in my head for it. :pinkiecrazy:]

When the morning came, Dawn was sleeping atop her coltfriend, her arms wrapped around his back. She wasn't planning to wake up anytime soon; this was the first good night's sleep she has had in a long time, and she was not going to ruin it.

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Eagle had closed her eyes when their lips met, and she moaned softly into the kiss. She broke the kiss a few seconds later and slowly pulled away, then rested her head in the crook of his neck. "Sweetie, I've been wondering. What was your past like? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Steel was still sleep as well, a soft smile on his lips. He was dreaming of dancing with his marefriend, and treating her to a nice dinner and a show at one of the nicer clubs in the wasteland. He felt so loved at the moment, he didn't want to leave Dawn's embrace.

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Chernobyl tensed up, and he silwntly stammered for a few seconds. He couldn't tell her. He couldn't. She would call him a monster and leave him. "I.... I... I just..." He looked away with a nervous expression. "I don't want to... talk about it... I did something very... very bad once..." He trembled and held Eagle tightly, burying his face in her muzzle. He didn't want her to go. He would be alone again if she left, and... having his heart broken might just do him in....

A little while later, Dawn slowly opened her eyes, and she snuggled into Steel's chest and buried her muzzle in his mane. The pegasus let her huge wings drape over them like blankets, and the downy feathers inside them were incredibly soft and warm. "Mmm..."

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Eagle didn't say anything as she hugged him back tightly and rested her head on his shoulder. If he didn't want to talk about it, then that was his choice, and she wouldn't press the issue. Though, she would listen if he ever did want to talk.

Steel groaned tiredly as he slowly awoke, and his eyes fluttered open a few seconds later. He looked up at Dawn, then smiled up at her. "Sleep well?" He asked softly.

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