The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Sam had a thoughtful look on his face as he bit into his food. "We could start a garden to help with the food, and we'll probably need a map of the oceans to make sure we don't run into any problems."

Group Admin

Connor nodded and looked out this window at the surprisingly lush section of forests on the banks of the river around them. "I can set up some heat lamps downstairs and grab a lot of this soil. It looks really fertile. A compost bin would help a lot as well, so I can keep reusing the soil. I'll make sure it has a seal." He gave a grimace. "No need for the smell to travel throughout the whole boat."

Group Admin

Sam took a glance around the kitchen before returning to his pizza. "I can plant the crops at specific times to make a growth cycle, that way we have a little bit of produce every few weeks or so instead of all at once."

Group Admin

Connor gave a nod of affirmation, taking another bite of his pizza. "Right. Perhaps I can set up some sort of desalination system. I can definitely do it with...." He thought for a moment. "Some tubing, a boiler, and something to seal the tubing to a container with an airtight seal. I can just boil the water and leave the salt behind. Speaking of salt, if we collect the sea salt, we can use it to preserve any meats we come across. The meat we have now is preserved, but I'm not sure how much is left."

Group Admin

Sam nodded as he took another bite of his pizza. "Sounds good. We could also set up a system for catching rainwater. It could go through a pipeline into a large tank, which then empties from a nozzle. From there, we just boil what we need to drink."

Group Admin

Connor shrugged at Sam's proposal. "Maybe. The tank idea sounds good, but the salt is left behind when it evaporates, so unless you want to completely sterilize the water, there's no reason to boil it."

Baker smiled as she listened to the guys talk. It always fascinated her with how they constructed things all the time.

Group Admin

"Better safe than sorry, there's no telling what's in that water. The last thing we need is one of us getting sick." Sam said before taking another bite of his pizza.

Group Admin

Connor nodded and took another bite of his slice. "Speaking of sick, we have enough medical supplies, right? I want to make sure we have plenty before we set out. Once we cross the ocean, it should be easy going from there. Say, Sam, do you know any European and Asian languages? I know a lot of Spanish, bits of French and German, and a good amount of Japanese."

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