The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Sam gasped and quivered at the sudden surge of pleasure. After he recovered, he took a few moments to slowly lick at Baker's arousal, and he moaned softly at the taste. It tasted a little like honey, but there was also a salty aspect to it. Casting those thoughts to the side, he began to make hard and slow licks at Baker's walls.

Thresh let out a small growl of pleasure as his tongue was licked, and he began to fondle Connor's large rump carefully. His large member slid out of his sheathe, and it poked at his mate's stomach. It throbbed between the two of them, and leaked pre from the tip.

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Baker shuddered as her folds suddenly clenched, and a gentle orgasm came out from her loins, filling Samuel's mouth with her feminine nectar. The woman sucked hard on her lover's member and quickly bobbed her head, hoping to bring him to orgasm so he could bask in the pleasure with her. "MMMmmm..... mmm...."

Connor moaned and slowly adjusted his hips, raising them into the air and making sure Thresh's hands stayed on his large bum and so he could still make out with his lover. He lowered himself until the deathclaw's member was inside him, and he got onto his knees and straddled Thresh's abdomen, all while still kissing him. "Mmm...." Connor began to slowly move his hips up and down, but he let Thresh adjust their position however he wanted if he was uncomfortable or if he wanted something else.

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Sam quivered and moaned as his member throbbed and spilled his seed all over the inside of Baker's mouth. He gulped down his lover's juices, savoring their taste, and then pulled his face from her marehood. "That...was amazing..." He said softly.

Thresh groaned loudly as Connor's walls squeezed around his thick member, and his hips bucked forward slightly. His breathing had become heavier, and he gave Connor's rump a firm squeeze. He loved his mate's endowments.

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Baker slowly turned her lover around, then laid him atop her plush body, resting his head in her deep cleavage. "Yeah... Ohh..." She bent down and kissed the top of his head as she pulled the blankets over them. "I love you, Sam..." She whispered, and she wrapped her strong arms around his back and held him to her snuggly-soft body.

Connor gasped and broke the kiss for a second. "C-careful, sweetie... I'm sensitive back there..." He promptly re-initiated the kiss, pushing his lips back onto Thresh's muzzle and taking the deathclaw's tongue into his mouth again, still bouncing his hips on his lover's huge shaft.

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Sam grinned widely with satisfaction as he snuggled into Baker's warm embrace, and he wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her passionately on the lips, and then gave her a loving smile. "I love you too, Baker." He whispered softly.

Thresh groaned loudly into Connor's mouth as he felt his climax begin to build at the base of his member, and he gave his lover's rump a much more gentle squeeze. His member throbbed powerfully as Connor bounced up and down, and it wouldn't be long before he reached his peak.

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Baker sighed softly and slowly sat up, rolling her neck and standing up from the bed. "Mmm... Alright, gotta start on dinner..." She gave a loving, sensual smile back at Samuel as she put her clothes on. "Wanna come watch me cook?" She gave her lover another smile, then strutted put of the room towards the kitchen, swinging her massive bum and globe-spanning behind her as she walked.

Connor moaned loudly into Thresh's mouth and licked at the deathclaw's large, powerful tongue. He himself was getting close, and he held back so he could reach his peak with his lover. "Mmmm.... Mmmm...." Connor loved Thresh with all his heart, and he never wanted the the deathclaw to stop loving him. He stroked the back of his lover's head, feeling the pleasantly firm grey scales beneath his fingers.

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2510558 (Sorry for being late with my replies, I was busy making sure that the technical aspects of my recording studio were in order. That said, replies may be slow as I try to get our channel off the ground.)

"Oh, hell yes." Sam said as he sprung up into an upright sitting position. He hopped off the bed, and then quickly got dressed. He was still buckling his pants as he hurried after his lover. Once they were in the kitchen, Sam sat down at the table, and he smiled warmly at his lover.

Thresh began to pant as his climax drew ever closer, and he gave a soft groan into his lover's mouth. After a few more thrusts, his huge member throbbed powerfully and sprayed his seed deep inside of his lover. He purred loudly as pleasure washed over him, and he was glad that he could please Connor like this.

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[Lol, Sam's reaction. :rainbowlaugh:]

Baker bent over a crate to pull out some canned corn, a few potatoes, and some canned ground beef. As she picked out several ingredients, she made sure her lover had a full view of her giant bum and massive thighs. She stood up and shot him a playful smile as she pulled out a large pot, then filled it with water. "Anything you'd like with dinner, sweetie? I'm making stew."

Connor moaned loudly as his member twitched and sprayed his seed onto Thresh's abdomen. He moaned softly and slowly lifted himself off of his lover's shaft, then crawled up and placed a deep kiss on Thresh's muzzle. "Oh, honey...." He moaned, placing a hand on the deathclaw's cheek and stroking with his thumb. "Mmm.... Let's get down to the kitchen, my love. I'm sure Baker has something cooking by now." Connor hopped off the bed and slid on his clothes, enjoying the snug fit of his jeans and underwear on his lower body. He went out into the hall and went down to the kitchen, making sure to swing his hips for Thresh's viewing pleasure.

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Sam scratched his chin as he glanced at the cabinets around them. "I can't really say there is. I usually don't make anything to go with stew." He said uncertainly.

Thresh purred loudly as he had watched Connor walk away, and he had soon followed after him. The smell of food made the deathclaw's stomach growl, and he licked his lips at the thought of fresh meat.

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Baker shrugged and kept cooking, making sure her hips swayed slowly with the turning of the spoon in the pot as she stirred. The large woman gave a sensual smile back at Sam, hoping he enjoyed the show.

Connor arrived a few minutes later, sitting down in a chair and waiting for Thresh to come snuggle him. He didn't stare at Baker; that was intended for Sam's eyes, and besides, he wanted his big, strong deathclaw to hold him tight. That would be all he needed.

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Sam's gaze was glued to Baker's backside as she moved about the kitchen, and he was completely entranced by her body. Hot damn... He thought to himself as he waited at the table.

Thresh soon came up behind Connor and wrapped his arms around him, and then he nuzzled his cheek. He purred softly, and he gave his cheek a small lick of affection.

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Baker made sure her massive backside swayed enticingly as she stirred the stew, giving it a small shake every now and then as she added spices and such. She always loved teasing Sam and making him feel loved. Connor had taken to snuggling into Thresh's chest while sitting on his lap, kissing his lover's sternum occasionally. He felt wonderful, and feeling the warmth of Thresh's scales was comforting.

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Sam's eyes widened slightly as his member hardened at the sight of Baker's shaking rump. "Hello, old friend..." He mumbled quietly. Getting aroused near Baker seemed to be a consistent thing for him.

Thresh was content to hold and nuzzle his lover, still purring happily. It felt good to have Connor in his lap, and he hoped that he knew how much he loved him.

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Baker looked back with a giggle and shot Samuel a wink. "I'll be sure to take care of that after dinner." She purred, then turned around and set a fresh bowl of stew before her lover, then gave a bowl to Connor and offered several pieces of raw brahmin to Thresh. "Eat up, gang. So..." She said as she sat down and looked about her friends and lover. "Where should we go next? I assume we're heading somewhere down south?" Connor shrugged as he ate his delicious stew, still in Thresh's lap. "Maybe. We're heading down to Mexico. Maybe we could find ourselves some good haunted places or something." As he ate, his eyes lit up. "Oh! isla de las muñecas! The island of the dolls! We could go there, assuming it's still intact. The gulf feeds into the river it's on."

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"That has to be one of the creepiest names that I've ever heard. I'm going to pack a loooot of firepower for that trip." Sam remarked as he took a small sip of his stew. He gave an "mmm" of approval at the taste.

Thresh immediately devoured his food without a second thought, and he gave a grunt of satisfaction as his hunger was sated,

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Baker chuckled at Thresh and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You speak up if you're still hungry, big guy." Connor giggled at his mate's appetite and took a bite of his stew. "The legend's even creepier." He said as Baker sat down at the table. "So, the legend goes, and this is from the year 2013, mind you, so translate time as needed, that around fifty years ago, a little girl drowned in a canal next to the island. The lone man living on the island buried her, then found a little doll floating down the canal the next day. He thought it was the little girl's doll, so he hung it on a tree to honor her. Here's where it gets creepy. For the rest of his life, the man was seemingly obsessed with dolls. He bought and sold and traded for any kind of doll he could get, just so he could cover the trees with them. There's supposed to be at least a couple hundred dolls on the island. Near the end of his life, he mysteriously drowned in the same canal the little girl did all those years ago. Some say he heard voices that told him to go to the water."

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Sam stopped eating, and then gave Connor a perturbed look. "...I'm fucking destroying every one of those dolls that I find." He said flatly. Without another word, he returned to enjoying the wonderful stew that his lover had made for them.

Thresh suddenly gave a small belch as he finished his food, and then he licked his lips and teeth with his long tongue to clean up any leftover scraps.

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Connor chuckled and took another bite of his stew, resting his head back against Thresh's chest. "Then you'll have to burn the island down. They are literally on every tree. Come on, they're just dolls. Still, I don't blame you for bringing weapons. So... Anyone hear anything strange lately?" Baker raised a hand. "Well, sometime last night, after Sam had gone to sleep, I went up to the captain's bridge because I couldn't sleep very well. I talked to Argus the radio, and he said that there's a few strange things, one on an island near Italy, and one underneath the streets of France." Connor nodded, seeming to know what those things were. "Then we have our destinations after we visit Mexico, unless any of you wanted to see Brazil or something."

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Sam looked up from his stew, and then gave Baker and Connor an intrigued look. "I'm interested to see what's been going on in Europe. I know things between the US and China went bottom-up when the war started, but that's all I really know."

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"Maybe we could find out. I'm uncertain what the different countries would be up to, but i would assume they would have something similar to the Vault program." Connor said, remembering the strange bunkers he had heard about. "Of course, assuming they have civilized life, we could do a little bit of trading. A trained chef, two engineers, and a deathclaw on guard duty." He gave a happy smile as he looked between his lover and friends. "I think we're going to do very well for ourselves. Oh! That reminds me. Thresh, sweetheart, I have a surprise for you, but it's not quite finished. I'm going to go finish making it, then I'll show it to you, okay?" He said with a smile. He set his bowl down, thanking Baker for the stew, then went down to the large workshop area, where he began finishing up the touches on his gift to his lover. It took a lot of materials, but it was definitely worth it. "Okay! Come and see!"

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Sam finished his stew , and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Seems like we have an interesting trip ahead of us. I better go make sure our weapons are prepped." He said before slowly standing up from the table and stretching. He looked over to Baker and gave her a warm smile. "Anything you want done to your weapons? There's a lot that I could do to make them more effective."

Meanwhile, Thresh had rushed down to see what Connor had made for him.

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Baker smiled and pulled out her BAR and 9mm browning hi-power. "Well... I would like to add some kind of foregrip to my BAR, just to handle it better. And... Maybe a scope, preferably a removable or movable one? I could use the semi-auto function and scope for precision targeting, but the iron sights are better for full auto. As for my pistol... It's not powerful enough to warrant a stock. Any suggestions?"

Connor was standing before a set of giant black armor, reminiscent of Super mutant armor, but much more professional and high-quality. It was full-covering, even covering the tops of the hands and feet. The chest was emblazoned with a white symbol of a deathclaw head in front of three crossed weapons, all of which were owned by the group. A brush gun, BAR, and Moslin Nagant. On the armor's back was a sort of backpack-looking large leather pack, made of pieces of leather and thick rubber materials. Next to the armor was a large metal shield, painted black and with a small slit of glass to view out of.

Next to the armor and shield were three weapons. The first was a tri-barrel minigun, chambered for .308 rounds. It had a flamethrower underbarrel, with the tanks below the minigun ammo slot. The next was a sort of crossbow weapon, though the wide breach and grenade launcher-like sights indicated it could be used to launch many things. Finally, there was a long metal pole with a tire placed horizontally on the pole, and rail spikes were sticking out from the rubber. "Like it, sweetheart?" Connor said with a big smile.

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Sam grinned widely at the idea of modifying the BAR to such an extent, and he rubbed his hands together eagerly. "There's nothing practical that I could add to the pistol, but I could refine its current features. I can round off the corners to keep it from catching on a holster." He reached out and carefully took the weapons from his lover. "Modifying your BAR will take a while, but you'll love me even more when you see the end result." He said cheerily as he turned and walked towards the large workshop.

Thresh purred loudly and happily in response, and he began putting on his armor to see how it fit, and he eventually had it on within five minutes.

Sam came into the room, and his eyes widened with surprise. "Holy shit..." He said as he admired Thresh's armor and equipment.

Group Admin

[Skip powers GO!]

A few days later, as the sun set, the group was getting closer to Mexico, and it was mostly relaxing as they crossed the gulf. Connor had his feet up in the captain's chair, talking with Argus to see what was happening around the world, and to check in on those mysterious radio stations. Baker had been cooking dinner: an actual pepperoni pizza made from ingredients lying around. Sure, a lot of the ingredients were canned or dried, but all things considered, it smelt great.

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Sam was down in the workshop, muttering occasionally as he fixed up an old Mossberg 590. "Now, you stay there." He mumbled to the firing pin as he put it back in the weapon. Suddenly, he stopped working as he smelled the scent of pizza, which wafted down from the kitchen. He got up from his workbench and then went up the stairs and into the kitchen. "Something smells good." He said with a warm smile as he entered the room.

Thresh was out on the deck, laying against a wall as he basked in the sun.

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Baker heard Sam coming, and she had bent herself over a table, her giant bum in view of whoever came in through the door. "Hi, sweetheart." She purred as she gave her colossal backside a small shake. She had to lay her body on the table at an angle, or her bum would hide all of her upper body from her position.

After a few minutes, Connor got up and walked out onto the top deck. He saw his mate and grinned, then sauntered over and laid down in his lap. He didn't say anything, just snuggling into Thresh's muscular chest and placing a soft kiss on the sternum before relaxing in the setting sun with his lover.

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Sam blushed softly as he noticed how Baker was posed, and he felt a tent erect in his pants. "Well, hello to you too." He said playfully, as he stepped further inside the kitchen. He pulled out a chair, and then sat down at the table and eagerly watched Baker's backside as she cooked.

Thresh began purring loudly as he wrapped his powerful arms around Connor's chest, and he leaned down and nuzzled his cheek affectionately. He was glad to have his mate with him while he bathed in the sun.

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Baker immediately sat down on Sam's lap, straddling him and pressing her huge bosom softly to his face. "Mm... The pizza has a little while to cook, sweetie. I think we can enjoy each other's company for a bit. Does that sound fun, honey bun?" She purred, smiling sensually down at him, shifting her giant bum a little bit.

Connor blushed and kissed Thresh's muzzle, then nuzzle him back. "Awww, you sweetheart. How are you?" He smiled and rubbed his hands across Thresh's sides. "I'm so glad we met, baby. So..." He closed his eyes and relaxed. "Maybe we'll find some cool stuff somewhere. Some adventure, maybe. I know I'll be safe with you."

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Sam let his face stay in Baker's cleavage for a few seconds, and his erection was throbbing madly the entire time. "Dear gods..." He mumbled, amazed by how soft and warm her breasts were. He looked up to Baker's face with a furious blush, and he smiled softly. "That sounds wonderful."

Thresh let out a low groan, and then licked Connor's cheek lovingly. He would protect his mate wherever they went, regardless of what they had to face.

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Baker grinned and reached down, sliding her hand into Sam's pants and gently stroking his member with her fingers. "Let's have some fun, baby. Connor and Thresh are in the upper levels. We have time to ourselves." The woman stood up and dropped her jeans, revealing her wet womanhood. She bent herself over the counter and shook her giant bum at him, smiling sensually. She was apparently very aroused today, and she needed some relief.

Connor stroked his finger down Thresh's sternum, smiling lovingly at him. "Did you maybe wanna have a little fun, baby? I'm sure we could get a little creative while dinner is cooking..." He looked up with a sensual smile and placed a kiss on Thresh's chest, then nuzzled it affectionately.

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Sam sprung up from his seat and went over to the door, then locked it. He turned and strode over to Baker, then quickly removed his pants and tossed them to the side. He got behind her and placed one hand on her hip, then lined himself up with her marehood and slid inside with a loud moan. He couldn't believe how hot Baker's folds felt against his member, it was like being in an oven to him. With a grunt and pushed himself deeper inside of his love and bottomed out, then began thrusting slowly and hard.

Thresh leaned down and placed his lips to Connor's and then slid his tongue inside his mouth. Every bit of intimacy with his mate was something he treasured, and he hoped that he could make his lover feel great.

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Baker grinned as she felt Sam climb deep into her colossal bum cleavage, which had to be done if Sam wanted to get close enough to insert his member. She moaned happily and let Sam thrust as he pleased, her wet folds tight around his shaft. "Ohhhh honey... Faster... Please..." She mumbled, her mouth stretched into a grin and her eyes rolled back in her head.

Connor moaned and eagerly licked at the tongue in his mouth, wrapping his arms around Thresh's neck to stay close to him. He was ready to get frisky with the deathclaw, and he was eager to pleasure him again. He continued passionately kissing his mate, not caring about anything else in the world.

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Sam let himself go as he heard those words leave Baker's lips, and he began rutting her hard and fast. Their groins connected with wet slaps with every thrust, and Sam grunted with effort. To feel a woman as well-endowed as beautiful as Baker was such a wonderful sensation.

Thresh groaned and purred into Connor's mouth as he began eagerly licking at his mate's teeth and gums. Suddenly, his member sprang out of its sheath and throbbed between their bodies, eager to deliver its virile seed.

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Baker shouted and squealed with joy at the intense pace, drooling onto the counter and moaning loudly all the while. She was going to hit her peak very quickly, and it was going to feel absolutely wonderful. "Nnnnnnn..... G-give it to me, baby..." She moaned out, her arms crossed under her head as a pillow. "Please..."

Connor grinned and broke the kiss, then slipped out of his pants and underwear, revealing his very large backside. He turned around and eagerly took the tip of Thresh's shaft into his mouth, and he shook his bum enticingly for his mate, wanting to see what kind of creativity Thresh had in him.

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Sam grunted and groaned loudly as he kept his pace for about half a minute, and then he abruptly threw his head back and shouted ecstatically as he released his hot, sticky seed deep inside of Baker. He panted heavily from the exertion, and then he looked down to his lover with a soft smile. "How was I?" He panted out.

Thresh groaned lowly at the intense pleasure, and he stared at Connor's rump, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, he got an idea. He gently picked up Connor and spun him around so that his rump was in his face, and then he carefully took his member into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around his mate's shaft, hoping that he enjoyed it.

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Baker gasped as her juices sprayed out and leaked down her massive thighs, and she squeezed Sam's lower body in her colossal bum cheeks. "Mmm.... Oh, that was nice... Nnnn.... You can stay in here..." She squeezed her bum cheeks again, making sure her lover's body was enveloped in her soft, warm flesh. "As long as you want... The pizza takes a while in that oven..."

[He's already in that position, silly.]

Connor moaned softly and panted as he looked back, and he reached a hand back and fingered his anus, adding to his own pleasure. "Mmm.... Oh, sweetie... C-can you... in here... Please?" He moaned out before going back to eagerly licking and sucking on his mate's shaft, bobbing his head and taking several inches down his throat.

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"Guh..." Was all that Sam could manage to say as he wrapped his arms around Baker's waist. He felt so lucky to have such a sensual woman to call his lover. "You're amazing." He said softly.

Thresh removed Connor's member from his mouth, and then pressed his lips to his bum and thrust his tongue into his anus. This was...different, but not entirely unpleasant. He was willing to do whatever it took to please his lover.

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Baker smiled and leaned back, turning her head so she could passionately kiss Sam on the lips. "You make me want to be so sensual and intimate. You make me feel loved for who I am, and I can't thank you enough." The woman slowly moved forward and slid Sam out of her bum cheeks, then put her jeans back on and walked over to the oven. She used a pair of oven mitts to pull the pizza out. "There, now we just need to let it cool."

Connor's anus was quite clean and free of anything unsanitary, and judging from his loud moans of pleasure, he was quite enjoying this. He bobbed his head furiously on his lover's shaft, and his hands stroked what his throat couldn't fit, feeling every vein ripple under his fingers.

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Sam quickly put his jeans back on, and then sat down at the table. "The pizza smells great, by the way. I haven't smelled one of those in years." He mused idly.

Thresh moaned loudly as he tongued Connor's rear as fast as he could, wanting to bring his lover to a quick and satisfying orgasm. He had yet to eat, and the effects of hunger were starting to get to him a little.

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Baker once again sat herself in his lap, holding him close and nuzzling the top of his head. "Mmmm... I haven't had one in a few months. I had one around a month before I came to this world." She sighed and stroked her lover's hair, seeming a little sad. "I miss my mom... And my friend..." She gave a sad smile, staring off into the distance. "I wish you could meet them..."

Connor squealed as he bobbed his head and stroked Thresh's shaft, feeling his member twitch as his orgasm came closer and closer. In a minute or so, he gave a loud shout of bliss as his member spasmed and sprayed seed all over his mate's chest. He kept sucking and stroking, hoping to make Thresh come to his peak.

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Sam offered Baker a warm smile as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He didn't know what he could say to make her feel any better, so he just held her. He didn't like it when she was sad.

Thresh moaned loudly as his thick shaft throbbed and spewed his virile seed down Connor's throat. He purred loudly as he pulled out his tongue, and he held his mate lovingly.

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Baker slowly sighed and stroked Sam's hair, holding him tightly to her chest and rubbing his back. "Thank you, sweetheart. I just... I don't think I would be alive if I didn't have you and Connor and Thresh. I'm so lucky. And I'm so happy you love me." The woman slowly stood up and walked over to the pizza, using a knife to cut it into eight pieces. She also had more raw steaks out for Thresh to eat.

Connor hummed to himself as he got up and slid into his clothes again. "Come on, sexy." He purred. "Let's go get something to eat." He sauntered down to the kitchen, smiling thankfully at Baker and taking a slice for himself on a plate. The large woman had already sat down at the table with her own slice.

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Sam gave Baker a loving look as he sat at the table. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Baker. I'll keep you safe no matter what." He said in a loving tone. He got up from the table and got his own piece of pizza, then walked back over to the table and sat down. He put the slice of food to his mouth and took a bite, and he moaned softly at the taste.

Thresh had walked in behind Connor and went straight to the meat laid out for him. He eagerly dug into the meat, tearing the slabs into little bits and swallowing them whole.

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Connor looked between the members of his group with a grin. "So... Island of the dolls in the morning." Baker's eyes widened, and she looked between the others. "Um... Definitely gonna be creepy, but as long as I'm with you guys, we'll all keep each other safe, right?"

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"I suddenly find myself wishing I had dynamite." Sam quipped as he took another bite of his pizza. He really, really didn't like those dolls after hearing that story.

Thresh let out a belch as he finished the last of his food, and he cleaned his teeth with the tip of his tongue.

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Connor burst out laughing at Sam's statement, and he gave him a grin. "I have powder charges from all the gunpowder I collected when I was taking apart shells for the bullets. Turns out, the chamber I made the air rifle with is big enough to fit the bullets of most full size rounds. You're free to take the charges, if it'll make you feel better."

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"Those things will get a charge out of life, that's for sure." Sam said with a small grin as he took another bite of his pizza.

Thresh just grunted and looked off to the side.

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Connor rolled his eyes and took a bite of his pizza. "You and your puns, Sam. Well, I don't actually think the dolls will be any threat. I only plan to stay a day or so on the island. We can just hop on the boat and leave when we want."

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"Well, that's a relief." Sam said as he stood up and walked over to the pizza. He got himself another slice, then walked back over to the table and sat down in his chair. "As much exploring, those dolls just give me the creeps like no other."

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Connor grinned devilishly and got up, then came back with his second slice and sat down. "Just wait until you see them. So, I was talking with Argus, and he said that he had heard of an island near Italy, and a few things in France. I think I know what they are, but I'm not gonna say until I'm sure. However, that does mean, if we're going to cross the ocean, we need to grab lots of extra food and water. The steam engine was replaced by an atomic core, as was most every kind of vehicle around here, so fuel isn't a problem."

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