The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Sam chuckled heartily, and then leaned in and pecked Baker on the cheek. "See? Guns are awesome." He said with a hint of excitement. He took a step back and then reached into his holster, and he pulled out a Browning Hi-Power. "This is your next weapon." He said warmly as he handed it to her grip-first. "It's based on a much larger design that's been around for several hundred years. It's got a lot of parts to it compared to some other handguns, but it's overall very reliable."

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Baker looked at the weapon curiously, turning it over in her hands. "Say, this is the same kind that Connor has. Huh." The mare walked over to the railing and set up three more bottles, then went back and stood beside her lover. She tried her best to remember what those books in that library said. She bent her knees a bit, put her hand on the one holding the gun, and made sure her elbows weren't locked. She aimed down the sights once more, taking a shot at the first glass bottle and shattering it. The woman took a minute to adjust to the new feeling of recoil and the new noise before firing twice more in succession, hitting the bottles and shattering them. Baker looked to Samuel with another excited grin. "This is so cool!" She said happily. "Em... Anything bigger? I mean, I'd like to see how big of a gun I can handle."

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2466638 (I'm just gonna say that Sam has his main rifle with him.)

Sam took his brush gun off of his shoulders, and then presented it sideways to Baker. "This is what I use most of the time. It's very short-ranged, kicks like a mule depending on what rounds are used, and tears through just about anything. It's supposed to be used for hunting animals in places where there's a lot of brush, but it works just as well for busting light cover and armor."

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Baker nodded as she set up three more bottles, then took the rifle from Samuel. She aimed and fired it once, once again reeling back a bit from the unexpected recoil, but the next three shots were as accurate as all the others, shattering the bottles in quick succession. Baker lowered the gun and rubbed her temple with a hand. "Ow. I think those suppressors Connor's making is a good idea... I'll get used to it soon, I guess... It's a nice gun, though." She mused as she looked it over, seeming impressed with the craftsmanship. "Hmmm.... Is there something that could let me fight with a bit more... flair? Something that could be used by someone who isn't as much of a deadeye as you? Like me, for instance?"

[Psst. Give her an automatic weapon. She'll be very comfortable with it, and her chest and booty gon' be jiggling with all that recoil. :rainbowkiss:]

Group Admin

2468467 (If Baker's got any sort of cleavage, then Sam won't be able to pull his eyes away from her chest once she starts firing. :rainbowwild:)

Sam nodded with a smile. "I think I saw a military-grade rifle in my shop, I just didn't have a lot of time to look it over. It should work properly." He said before walking back into the ship. He returned a few minutes later with an M16 in his hands, one that had clearly seen some use. "There's a lever on the side that switches it from fully automatic to semi-automatic. It's the lightest automatic weapon here besides the Browning Automatic Rifle. I would have gotten you one of those, but I don't think you'll like carrying around 15 pounds worth of gun."

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[A good half-foot of it. Her tee shirt can't contain all that woman. :rainbowlaugh:]

Baker gave a soft giggle. "I can handle heavier weapons. I wanna feel this one, though." She set up six more bottles, and took aim. Her strong hands held fast to the weapon as she fired six shots in quick succession, shattering each bottle while her plump assets jiggled whenever the weapon fired. She set the weapon to full auto, put up a tin can, then put in another clip. The woman took aim and emptied her whole clip into the can, sending the hole-filled piece of metal into the river. As she fired, her massive bum and huge breasts jiggled wildly under the recoil.

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Sam noticed Baker's assets as she fire her weapon, and his widened slightly as he watched the mountains of flesh that were her breasts jiggle madly from the recoil. Within his pants, his member immediately stood straight up and throbbed madly, and a few drops of pre leaked from the tip onto the inside of the denim. "...This was the best idea ever..." He mumbled.

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[Can't stop laughing...]

Baker squealed like an excited little girl once more, hopping up and down a bit in place. "I like this one! Oh, but could I try that Browning Automatic Rifle you mentioned? i just want to try everything. I really like this gun here, but I feel like I could handle something with a bit more kick to it."

[Can you skype me, please? or is your brother still over?]

Group Admin

Sam groaned softly as he watched Baker's cleavage bounce up and down, his member was already throbbing madly, and now it was pulsating so much that it hurt. He nodded quickly in response. "Yes, that's definitely you." He said eagerly. He went back into the depths of the ship, and then returned with a BAR in his hands. "This thing has quite a bit more recoil than the M16 you fired. In fact, this is usually the upper limit of what most people can handle."

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Baker smiled and took the hefty weapon, putting to her shoulder to feel it in her hands. "Huh. Let's see..." The woman turned the fire mode to semi-auto, then set up four bottles and another tin can on the railing. She stepped back and clenched the weapon tightly, then pulled the trigger, shattering the first bottle. The kick was substantially higher, as she expected, but nothing she couldn't easily handle. She fired three more times, her bosom and rear jiggling harder than before, and then, she switched to full auto and emptied her magazine onto the tin can, her assets jiggling even more than before under the intense recoil. When it was done, Baker lowered the weapon with a happy grin. "I'll take this one." She declared.

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The front of Sam's boxers were now stained with his arousal, and he gave Baker two thumbs up and a grin. "As a gunsmith, I fully agree with your choice." He said happily. He took one last glance at her cleavage, and then looked to her face. "And might I say you look mighty damn fine while using it." He said in a playful tone.

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Baker blushed and gave her chest a small shake. "Yeah... That's not a professional opinion on my choice of weapon, is it?" She teased, walking up to Sam and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Not that I mind..." She set her gun down and wrapped her lover in her arms, gently smushing his face into her cleavage. "I certainly don't mind getting to make you feel good, either." She said as she kissed the top of his head. She held Samuel in her arms, his face buried between her breasts for a couple minutes more before letting go and picking up her BAR again. "Well, let's see how Connor is coming along with those silencers."

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"This is going down on my list of 'best moment's I've ever had'." Sam said with a wide grin as he hung his brush gun from its strap on his shoulders. He led Baker into the depths of the ship and looked around Connor, then ducked his head into one of the rooms after he heard noises. He grinned when he saw his friend, and then he knocked on the wall. "Hey, how's it coming?"

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Connor had set up a workshop of sorts, and he had several tin cans, pips, and oil filters strewn about. "Yo." He held up a finished silencer, made from a pipe and several sheets of a soft padding to create chambers for the gas to go into. It was a small enough diameter to fit any gun without obstructing the sights. "What do ya think? I drilled a hole to fit your brush gun, Sam. Catch." He tossed the suppressor to his friend, then turned back to the table. "As for some other weapons, just attaching an oil filter will do nicely. They might obstruct the iron sights, though, so I wouldn't use them on any precision weapons. I did put an oil filter on my pistol, though. They're not as bulky as they look, and it does wonders for keeping quiet. I'll get making a suppressor for your rifle, Baker." Connor also had a strange contraption partially set up in the corner. There was a pistol grip, trigger, and a few batteries wired to what looked like a roll of copper wire.

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Sam caught the suppressor, and he slid it onto his barrel. He raised an eyebrow at the contraption in the corner, and he then turned to Connor. "What's that thing you're working on in the corner?" He asked in an intrigued. He gave his new accessory a few more twists and then smiled, satisfied that it was on straight.

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Connor looked over to what Sam was indicating. "Oh, that. I started working on a coilgun. I'm just shaping some plastic pipe for a frame. Using any kind of metal to build it won't work. When it's finished, I'll have it designed to fire like a rifle, but there'll be no gunpowder, and it'll still a little more power per shot than that of a .308 round. I'm going to add an ACOG scope I found to it. I was thinking of making a full auto version and a few other kinds as well. So, when did you all want to dock at New Orleans?" He asked as he continued to put together a suppressor for Baker's rifle.

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Sam scratched his chin as he eyed the coilgun for a few more seconds, and then he turned back to Connor. "Well, I wanted to head out as soon as possible." He looked over at his lover with a smile. "Is that okay with you?" He asked softly.

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Baker nodded with a soft smile. "I'd like to wait until Connor is finished with the suppressor, though." Connor smiled as he kept working. "Be sure to load up some ammo, food, and water. Traveling through rough areas can be strenuous." After a few minutes, he turned and gave the suppressor to Baker, who gave a thankful smile and screwed it on. Connor stretched his back, rubbed his large bum and went out the door up to the captain's bridge. Grabbing a pair of binoculars, he looked over the edge of Louisiana as they neared the city. "Whoa...."

The whole place was surrounded by makeshift barricades, save the river, wtih many hazmat signs posted on the walls, as well as spray-painted messages reading 'GHOULS' and 'STAY AWAY'. "Uh, Sam," he called out, hoping his friend could hear him through the ship. "You might wanna see this."

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Sam raced up to the bridge and looked out at the city through the scope of his rifle. He felt his blood turn to ice, and his heart raced from fear. "Eeeeeyoh sheeeeeeyit..." He mumbled. He never had to deal with ghouls around Cincinnati, but he had heard stories of them. When he was a kid, he had a constant fear of rounding a corner to find one.

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Connor nodded as he kept scanning around. "Okay, there. The bridge is lowered. Someone needs to go to the control room next to it and raise it. Alright, let's see... I can drive the boat quietly down the river, then cover you all with my air rifle. You could also take Thresh with you as backup. He can be ridiculously quiet if he wants to. It'll be midday soon. Would you rather go now, or at night? We can go now, when visibility is best for both us, and these ghouls, whatever they are. Or we can go at night. If we use any lights at night, we'll draw every ghoul around us, I'm sure, but otherwise, we'll be well hidden, as will they."

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Sam continued to look at the city through his scope, almost hoping to see some sign of life. He felt more comfortable if he knew where the enemy was. "I'd like to go no unless we have some sort of night vision equipment aboard, or something that lets us hear them coming. If we go now, we need some sort of close combat weapons in case we run out of ammo."

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Connor nodded as he looked back down the stairs in thought. "I saw a stage microphone and a set of headphones. I could set up a directional microphone, but you'd probably need a rangefinder of some kind to make it more effective. Other than that, there should be some axes and other things strewn about along with the guns. I also can cause distractions, whether now or at night. I can just make a sling or slingshot of some sort and fling things like firecrackers into certain areas to draw their attention. Whatever you'd like. We have time."

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Sam grinned at Connor's response. "Now that's what I needed to hear. I'll go down and get the melee weapons." He turned and walked out of the room and into the depths of the ship, and he searched around in their stores for what he needed. He eventually found a large machete and a bowie knife, which was what would work the best. He went out of the room and went to Baker, and he cleared his throat to announce his presence. "So, we have a bit of an issue. We need to go through the city to raise the bridge so that we can continue forward, but the city is filled with ghouls. We need to use our suppressed weapons and keep these close combat weapons with us in case something happens, and we need to be quiet like ghosts."

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Baker nodded and hefted the backpack on her shoulders, then let her BAR hang on her shoulders by a strap while she took a sledgehammer in her hands. Connor looked about the other three. "Right. I'll be providing cover with my air rifle and distractions as needed. I'll let you guys off on the side of the river, and I'll steer the boat up to the bridge. Once you raise it, I'll have a ramp ready to lower off the boat to let you guys back on. Best be quick, though. Once it's starting to raise, no reason to stand there while all of those things come to inspect the noise."

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Sam slipped the knife between his belt and the back of his pants, and then sat the machete to the side. "I'm ready whenever you are." He said softly to Baker. He sighed and gripped his brush gun tightly, he silently hoped that nothing would happen to Baker and himself.

Thresh had silently made his way into the room with the others, and had overheard Sam's explanation to Baker.

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Connor nodded and began walking back out to the captain's bridge, giving Thresh a wink and blowing him a kiss as he went by. He went up to the bridge and sat down in his chair, his rifle leaning on the console next to him. The 180 degree windows around him made steering and shooting much easier, especially since all of them could open. He quietly steered the boat up along the side, beside an empty house on the docks. Baker lowered the ramp and stepped off, then used her foot to slide it back onto the boat once they were across. She armed her rifle and aimed it forward, letting Samuel lead the way. Connor opened up the windows and let the boat float forward towards the bridge, while he kept an eye out for any of these ghouls.

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Sam led the way off the boat, keeping the butt of his gun near his shoulder in case he had to aim quickly. He already felt a malevolent presence all around his friend and himself, and it unnerved him to no end. He never felt like this when fighting raiders. He led the group past the first set of barricades, and they were now in the city. The hellish, pre-war city that Sam felt would haunt his nightmares.

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Connor kept the boat floating slowly down the canal, and as he did, he aimed his air rifle out a window. There, through his scope, he saw it. A thing that looked anorexic, like a walking corpse, with dried skin and seemingly rotted flesh walking around. And this one was about to walk around a corner and spot his friends. With no time to waste, Connor pumped up his air tank and, not having to account for any bullet drop at this relatively short distance, lined the crosshairs up with the things head and pulled the trigger. The steel ball flew out and pierced the ghoul's head, shattering the skull plate and dropping it to the ground.

Beside them, on a small table outside a house, were four walkie talkies and a CB radio. And when the group walked by, something came from the speaker of the radio. Nothing loud enough to attract attention, but it was familiar. "Can't touch this." The familiar bout of funky music played. "Can't touch this." Baker's head snapped to the radio, her eye twitching a bit. "Uhh... Sam?" She whispered.

Group Admin

2478198 (The first decent gun I got in Borderlands was called Lady Finger of all fucking things. That was just too fitting.)

Sam was consumed with burning hatred the moment he heard the music, and he instantly spun around to the radio. "Motherfucker..." He mumbled through grit teeth. He promptly walked over to the radio and turned the nob to off, and then looked back to Baker. "Let's keep going." He whispered in a much calmer voice. He turned away and began leading the group deeper into the city.

Group Admin

[Call me, bruh.]

The radio turned back on with a different song. "Baby, come back!" After which it switched to many different songs rapidly, playing specific words to create sentences. "I'm sorry. I don't want to be alone here anymore. I want to come with you." Baker looked back with a hint of sympathy in her eyes. The radio, or whatever mischievous thing was inside it, was asking for help. "Sam? I... Should we let it come with us? it's apologizing. That's got to count for something." She looked to the radio with a soft smile. "And I forgive you." The radio played a cheerful tune for a few seconds in response.

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Sam turned and stared suspiciously at the radio for a few seconds, and then shivered violently, feeling as if they were being watched. "Okay, fine. It can come." He whispered with a sigh. He walked over to the radio and then put it and the walkie-talkies into the bag on his back. He readjusted his grip on his brush gun, and then began leading them further down the road and into the city.

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Baker smiled and kept moving forward, keeping her rifle raised and peering around each corner they passed. Occasionally, a ghoul would drop with part of its head missing, courtesy of Connor's rifle. The bridge control room was just ahead, a small brick building next to the bridge itself. Connor stopped the boat in front of the bridge, then went down to the lower deck and quietly put the ramp across. Once the bridge starts to raise, they'll have to get on the boat as fast as possible. The bridge will make a lot of noise.

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Sam picked up his pace and broke into a quiet sprint, making sure to be aware of his footing as he moved. If he tripped and fell, they would probably all die, or at least be seriously injured. He raced to the building, and then stopped as he reached the door, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Thresh stayed by Baker to make sure that she was okay. He was around Sam long enough to gauge his abilities to an extent, but his knowledge of what Baker could do was much more limited. He didn't want a situation where one of them had to fight for themselves.

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Connor had stepped back up to the captain's bridge, ready to move the boat as soon as the bridge was clear. He also had his air rifle at the ready, in case any ghouls spotted them prematurely. He waited patiently, keeping an eye out for anything that could give them away. Baker was standing close to Thresh with her weapon raised, ready to run for the boat and cover her boyfriend once he started to raise the bridge.

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Once Sam had caught his breath, he quietly opened the door of the control room, cringing as it creaked slightly. At this time, noise was death. He took a deep breath and raised his rifle, then slowly walked into the room. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was clear, and then he went over to the bridge controls. After taking a minute to figure out what did what, he set the controls to raise the bridge. Crazed screams and cries from ghouls across the city erupted as the bridge groaned to life, and he could have sworn that he heard a cry of "Yeeeeeehaw!" He bolted out of the room and glanced back to Baker and Thresh. "Run!" He said.

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Baker wasted no time running across the ramp and onto the boat, and once Thresh and Sam had got on, she pulled it inside. Several dozen ghouls were running towards the river, and though they lacked the dexterity to swim properly, they still tried to fling themselves at the boat. Baker took up a machine gun turret and began mowing them down, keeping them at bay while Connor moved the boat forward. The steamboat picked up more and more speed as it raced down the canal. Within a few minutes, the ghouls couldn't keep up, and Baker let out a sigh of relief and slumped against the wall behind her. A few minutes more, and the boat entered the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Connor turned down the speed and let out a sigh, then went down to the other three. "Great job, guys. So, where to next?" The CB radio played a quiet beep to make itself known.

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Sam's eyes widened as he realized that he still had the radio. "Oh yea, uh, Connor? We found something along the way." He took off his bag and then reached into it, and eventually pulled out the CB radio. "We found a smart radio. It actually asked to come with us." He said, feeling somewhat silly after saying that. "As for where to go, I really don't know. I haven't been out of Cincinnati."

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Connor took the radio, which played a happy tune. "Huh. I'll set this up in the captain's bridge. You guys get comfortable. I'm gonna take us down towards Mexico. Should be able to find more supplies to help restock, not that we don't have enough right now, but if we're going to travel, we need lots of supplies." Connor went up to the captain's bridge and set the radio down, making sure the antenna was up correctly and it was plugged into the console. The radio played an old captain's voice. "And where in the seven seas are we heading, sonny?" Connor gave a chuckle and began steering the boat. "Alright, what do I call you?" The radio gave another chirp and played "Call me... Argus!" It said out of broken song pieces. Connor smiled at the name of the cyclops from Greek myth. "Argus it is. Anything happening in the world?" Argus tuned to a frequency, and what came out was an emergency broadcast, playing the usual sound of a buzzer going off every now and again. However, the eerie part came next, when the radio played the voice of someone speaking in Russian, and then, it began counting off numbers in Russian afterwards. After a few minutes, it switched back to the emergency buzzer sound. "Damn." Connor said, his eyes wide. "We're checking out Russia, then."

Baker smiled and placed a kiss on Sam's cheek. "Let's relax a bit, honey. It's only around three, and I wanna get some downtime in before we have to go back into danger." The woman began walking off, purposely putting some extra swing in her massive hips to tease her lover. She didn't put too much swing though, as any more would cause her to bash the walls of the hallway.

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Thresh sat down against one of the walls on the outer deck, and Sam took off after Baker, unable to peel his eyes away from his lover's rump. The man kept a close distance behind Baker, and gave her a small grin. "I can make you feel good, if you want. You seemed to have liked it last time." He said softly.

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Baker turned and gave a sensual smile, giving her giant, mountainous bum a small shake, her jeans straining to contain her earth-shaking backside. Her shirt fared no better, stretching out under the woman's huge, perky, soft bosom. "I'd love to have a little fun, sweetheart." She said as she stepped into their bedroom, stripping herself of her clothes. "It'll help us relax." The large naked woman laid down under the covers and held then open to invite her lover inside.

Connor let the boat drift in the direction they were heading, then went down to where Thresh was. He promptly sat himself down in his lover's lap and leaned back into it, nuzzling the deathclaw's sternum. "Mmm... You know, for being a fifteen foot tall creature that looks like the Grim Reaper's pet, you sure are good for snuggling."

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Sam closed the door behind them, and then began quickly stripping off his clothes. He threw them all to the floor before walking over to the bed and sliding underneath the covers with Baker. He wrapped his arms around his lover's waist, and then moved his hands down to her rump and began to gently massage her plum backside. "Goodness, Baker, your body is simply amazing. You look like a goddess."

Thresh purred softly in response, and then leaned down and gently nuzzled Connor's cheek. He wrapped his arms around his mate's body and held him close, wanting to just relax with him a bit. He didn't like seeing the ghouls in the city, he didn't know what they were, but they looked wrong.

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Baker blushed and giggled as she felt her lover's hands massage her giant bum, and she shifted her globe-spanning hips so Sam could more easily reach around. "You think so? Thank you... You're so sweet..." The woman wrapped her arms around Samuel's back, holding him close and gently burying his face into her deep cleavage. After a few minutes, she blushed and asked "Honey? Could... could you... use your mouth on me?" She gave a tentative smile, unsure if her lover's response.

Connor gave a soft, content sigh in his lover's strong and protective embrace. "You're wonderful, baby... Thresh?" He looked up at his lover's face, blushing a bit. "I've been wondering, are you... have you been thinking about going back to a pack at all, or finding your old pack? I mean, I'm fine if you want to, I'm just not sure how they'll react to... us. And I know that packs are important to deathclaws in general." He let out a sigh and forced himself to stop rambling. "I just want you to be alright, sweetheart. You're so important to me, and I want you to be happy." He said quietly to finish, then nuzzled and kissed his mate's chest.

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Sam's member immediately stood erect at the feeling of Baker's massive bust against his face, and the mention of licking her out made it even harder. He gave a wide grin at her, then kissed her on the cheek. "For you, anything." He said lovingly. He repositioned himself so that his head was by her womanhood, and then he gave it a few small licks to get her used to the feeling. After a few seconds he dove his tongue into her folds, and he began to lick gently.

Thresh gently nuzzled Connor's cheek again, and purred softly. "Have pack. Boat home." He growled out. He was content to be where he was. As far as he was concerned, he had his pack, and they treated him better than any deathclaw ever could or would.

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Baker let out a soft moan and gently squished her massive, soft thighs on each side of Samuel's head, pulling him closer to her womanhood. "Oh, honey.... That's... nice... Ohhh...." Baker laid her head back on the pillows, closing her eyes and letting her lover pleasure her. "Mmmm.... Ohhh... Just like that...."

Connor let out a squee and nuzzled Thresh's cheek. "Oh, you sweetheart... I love you..." He looked up and placed a kiss on Thresh's fangs, where his lips would be if he had any. "Mmm... Is there anything you'd like to do?" He asked as he rested back into the deathclaw's chest.

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Sam moaned softly as he licked deeper into Baker's folds, and his member throbbed inches from her face. Baker's plump flesh and enticing curves turned him on like nothing else could. He couldn't help but imagine his member sandwiched between her massive breasts, their plump, warm flesh wrapping around his shaft like a warm glove and jiggling in a mesmerizing manner as they pleasured him,

"You." Thresh replied immediately in his usual calm tone. He seemed to be giving Connor what could pass for the deathclaw equivalent of a playful look. A night with his mate in bed with him sounded wonderful at the moment.

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Baker moaned and leaned forward a little, then took the throbbing tip of her lover's member into her mouth, sucking on it while her hand gently massaged Samuel's testes. She would definitely find some ways to make her lover happy. She had an idea in mind after this that she was sure he would like. For now, her womanhood grew hotter and leaked more juices, ready to hit a gentle climax soon.

Connor blushed and smiled, then slowly stood up, shifting his wide hips and turning so his very large, plush bum faced his lover. "Well then, let's get somewhere more comfortable, yeah?" He strutted off down the hall to their bedroom, making sure to swing his hips enticingly for his mate's pleasure. When they reached their room, Connor shed his clothes, then laid down on the bed, smiling sensually at the deathclaw.

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Sam moaned loudly at the wonderful feeling of Baker's soft lips on his member, which was leaking pre from arousal. He eagerly dove his tongue in further into her hot folds and swirled it around rapidly, hoping to give his lover a climax that would satisfy her. Though his past thoughts mostly revolved around what he could do for fun, they now included making this goddess of a woman as happy as possible.

Thresh quickly and quietly ducked into their room, and then carefully closed the door behind himself before walking over to the bed and laying himself down beside his lover. He carefully wrapped his hands around Connor and then slowly picked him up, then gently sat him down on top of his powerful body. He purred loudly, eager for some fun with his mate.

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Baker shuddered and used her hands to gently pulled Sam's hips a little closer, letting more of his member slide into her mouth. The plump woman licked and swirled her tongue around the tip of her lover's member, while her hands gently held her lover's waist and stroked it with her thumbs. This was wonderful, and she hoped Sam was as relaxed as she was. She herself felt like a metaphorical puddle.

Connor leaned forward and placed soft kisses and licks on Thresh's muzzle. "Mmm... Kiss me, sweetheart... Just push that tongue of yours into my mouth..." His hands wrapped around the deathclaw's neck for balance. "And you can touch me... Anywhere you want..." He breathed out between kisses in a lustful fervor.

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Sam gasped at the sudden and intense rush of pleasure, and then he pulled his tongue out and began sucking on her clit. He lightly nibbled on the fleshy nub, and teased at it with his tongue, enjoying the taste of her juices. He felt so lucky to have such a wonderful woman to call his girlfriend.

Thresh gently placed his hands on Connor's bum, careful to not cut him, and then pressed his muzzle to his mate's mouth. He slipped his tongue inside and began eagerly exploring Connor's mouth, licking at his lover's gums and teeth. All the while, he purred like a giant kitten.

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Baker let out a loud gasp and began sucking a little harder and bobbing her head a little, wanting to give as much pleasure as she was receiving. Her giant thighs kept Samuel's head embraced in in the pillow-like softness of her flesh, while his abdomen squished into her huge, motherly bosom. "Mmm...." The taste of her lover's pre was quite pleasant, and she hoped her own feminie juices were just as so.

Connor moaned and held Thresh's shoulders for balance, then eagerly began licking at the large tongue inside his mouth. He could feel the power of it moving around inside his mouth, and the taste of his lover's saliva was strong, almost like the kick from alcohol. It made him feel quite relaxed. "Mmmm.... Mmmm...."

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