The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Connor knocked on the door to Sam's house, looked back to Thresh, then knocked again. "Sam?" He called, tiliting his hips. "You in there? Thresh is here! We're ready to go when you are!" He made sure to check his watch, seeing that it was almost two in the afternoon.

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The door flew open soon after Connor had announced his presence, and Sam appeared in front of them. He looked up at Thresh's face with wide eyes and a broad smile. "Oh, well, hello there! This is pretty fucking freaky!" He said cheerily.

Thresh looked back down at him, and he seemed to smile. "Surprise." He replied in an even tone.

Sam pointed at the beasts's face. "Stop that." He said comically. He lowered his hand and looked between Connor and his mate. "I got everything we need for the trip. It's going to be a little tricky, so prepare yourself." With that he walked around the two an began leading them down the road which would take them into Cincinnati.

(Skip to the city?)

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After over a day's travel through ravaged woods and farmland, the trio finally arrived at the edge of The City of Seven Hills. Massive towers loomed over the ancient skyline, their windows blown out from the force of the bombs, and their surfaces marred by the harsh weather and the ravages of time. Various buildings were strewn about the area, ranging from mammoth factory complexes and office buildings to apartments and hotels.

Sam's face was one of awe as his eyes slowly scanned over the ruins of the city, seemingly overwhelmed by the sheer sight of such a massive place. To think that this was all man-made was astonishing.

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Connor stared out at the sight, his eyes wide behind his visor. He lifted up the scope of his rifle, looking out at the city and scouting out any sort of dangers or useful things he could. "Wow... This city was alive and well back in my time. It's quite something to see it like this now. Where do you wanna go from here? i see factories, car lots, stores. Your choice, bruh."

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Sam shouldered his brush gun and peered through the scope, scanning the area for any signs of movement. "I once heard that there were boats powered by steam engines around here before the bombs fell. There's the off chance that one of them might still be around." He lowered his rifle and looked over to Connor. "So, the river." He said finally. He glanced off to the side. "Unless those things somehow fly...Fucking maritime assholes..." He muttered.

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Connor nodded and kept looking around, eyeing the buildings and streets and making sure his air rifle was fully pumped. "We can reach the river in a few hours, easy. Perhaps there's still a steamboat somewhere around. If there is, we can fix it up easy." Connor looked to Sam, then went back to scoping out a path to the steamboat. Perhaps they could find an easy way to get to the river.

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Sam tilted his head when he saw part of skyline that seemed a little off, and he raised his rifle and peered down the scope. "I think...I see part of a river bank. It should be closer than we thought." He reached up and scratched the side of his head. "Though, that still takes us just barely into all those ruins. We better watch our backs."

Group Admin

[When should the baking gal with the giant bum make an appearance? :heart:]

Connor nodded and gave his air rifle another pump, then looked to Samuel. "Alright, you lead, and we'll follow. I'll keep an eye on the buildings. There might be something or someone in the upper floors." Connor looked back to Thresh and gave a loving smile through his visor, then went back to scoping out the area.

Group Admin

2359603 (Perhaps she's living in a reclaimed apartment complex near the steam boat?)

Samuel lowered his rifle and marched down the hill and through the street ahead of them,and Thresh followed close behind. The man hugged the sides of the buildings as he went, and he turned to his companions with a serious face. "If you hear anything besides us, get behind cover." He whispered to them.

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Connor was scanning the buildings above silently through his scope, walking steadily forward and looking for any sort of movement or anything out of place. He made naught a sound, intently focused on his duty.

Meanwhile, from a small building beside the trio, a library to be exact, a head ducked down, pulling the curly white hair down with it. There was a woman inside, and she was scared of these humans. She had seen dark-skinned humans in the street moving about with things called... What were they called? Ah, yes. Guns. She had holed up with only a butcher knife as protection, which felt clumsy in her hands. She had long since gotten used to her new appendages over the last couple weeks, but they still felt out of place.

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Sam's attention immediately snapped to the library as he saw the movement out of the corner of his eye. He raised his rifle as he turned to face the building, his eyes wide with surprise. "I saw that! You can't tell me I didn't!" He called towards the building. The noise level didn't matter much at the moment; he knew that they were spotted, and anyone who would have heard him shout would have probably been on their way sooner or later anyway. He gestured his head towards the ruined library and began quickly walking towards it. "We don't want any trouble, just identify yourself." He said a little more quietly. He stopped about ten feet from the library, his rifle still raised.

Thresh followed close behind, and he sniffed the air. He could smell that she was a female human.

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A small whimper was heard from the window, and a pair of hands raised up, and the woman attached to them slowly stood up as well. She was quite tall and plump, and she had pale skin, long curly white hair, and caramel brown eyes. She was wearing some jeans and a sweater with a leather jacket. And by God, her lower body was glorious. Her globe-spanning hips seemed to span at least a foot, probably two feet wide past each shoulder, and her thighs and giant bum looked as if their weight alone could crush someone beneath. Her thighs were nearly as thick as her curvy abdomen, maybe even more, and she had a pair of large, pillowy breasts as well. She stared at Sam with a pleading expression, desperately not wanting to be killed. "Don't hurt me...." She whimpered.

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Despite himself, Sam instantly felt something bulge in his pants at the sight, but thankfully his coat was covering it. It was only a slight bulge due to that. His eye twitched at the sudden and conflicting feelings, and he lowered the barrel of his gun towards the ground. "You ain't a raider? That's a change." He remarked. He held up his left hand as a symbol of peace, and he slowly walked towards the woman. "We're not going to hurt you, miss. We thought you were gonna hurt us." He said calmly.He stopped about ten feet from the window, and gave her a warm smile. "If you don't mind, we'd like to come inside. We won't hurt you, we just need to make sure that you don't have any fellows in there that's gonna get us when we aren't looking."

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The woman smiled and nodded hurriedly, climbing over the windowsill and being careful to avoid the broken glass. "I'll come out. I have a knife. I've been defending myself with it." She held her hands up as she slowly walked forward, her knife in her right hand. Connor had long since lowered his rifle, smiling through his visor. While his hips and rear were impressively large in their own right, they were nothing compared to this woman's godly proportions. "I'm... I'm Baker, by the way..." She said, seeming a bit embarrassed. Connor shrugged and smiled at Baker. "Baker it is, then. We don't judge, miss." He nodded to Thresh. "He's my mate, there." Baker raised an eyebrow at the scary creature, but didn't seem to question it otherwise. Connor spoke up again. "We're heading to the river, to see if we could find a boat." Baker's eyes lit up. "Oh! Yes! There is a boat! The... Queen, something! It's a steam boat. And there seems to be a gash in the hull." Baker lowered her arms and put the knife in her belt loop, feeling a bit safer around this odd trio.

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Sam smiled warmly at the Baker and then gestured towards the river with his head. "Since you aren't going to get far with that knife, you may as well come with us. My name's Sam, by the way." He winked at the woman before gesturing to his friend with the air rifle. "This is Connor, and you've already met Thresh." He glanced at the library curiously, and then he looked back to her. "If you have anything personal in building you wanna grab before we go, we'll wait."

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Connor gave a smile and a wave, and Baker smiled back warmly. "I'll come with you. Thank you for your generosity and kindness." Baker walked over next to Sam, standing near him as they walked along. She blushed a bit as she looked Sam over. He was admittedly attractive. He had been kind to her so far, and his protection would be invaluable. She missed her home, her life. If she could, she would try to head back, but for now, she would keep her origin a secret. They probably wouldn't believe her anyway.

[Wanna skip to the river, or are some raiders going to see the pair of big backsides and try to get a piece?]

Group Admin

2367389 (The raiders won't come since Thresh is with the group. Also, I just got Fallout 1,2, and Tactics for free. :pinkiehappy:)

Sam's pants-tent shifted slightly as he realized that the eyes which he felt on his body were Baker's, and he stumbled out of nervousness. He continued on in silence, trying to figure out how to talk to their newest group member. Normally he wasn't this nervous around women, but she was unbelievably beautiful. After about twenty minutes of walking through an eerily quiet city, the foursome arrived at the banks of the Ohio River. The still water was disgustingly murky, and would likely have deadly effects on one's health if they drank it.

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As soon as they reached the river, Connor motioned for everyone to duck down behind a wrecked truck. Baker squatted down as well, letting those with actual guns do the looking. Coming down the river was a large steamboat, the Delta Queen, though it seemed to have been turned into a warship. The boat's railings had barbed wire across the outside of it, and the occasional machine gun was mounted on several parts around the railings. There was also armored plating covering several of the sides of the ship, some pieces attached to the railings and acting as armor for those using the turrets. Raiders were moving all across the boat, swarming about and looking for signs of danger. Sitting at the top was a raider in a captain's hat and metal armor, a cutlass in one hand and a beer in the other.

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Sam's lighthearted and carefree nature dissipated as his trained eyes scanned over the moving fortress. He knew what to do about each and every obstacle as he looked over them. "Well, if we want to do anything about that metal whale, we need to needle at it instead of bull-rushing it." He said quietly. "We need to get rid of those machine guns and then somehow coax the crew out into the streets. They'll be vulnerable out in the open."

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Connor nodded, speaking quietly to the group. "My air rifle is silent with no muzzle flash. I can snipe from one of the taller buildings, and they'll have to come onto land to find me. You and Thresh could ambush them once they're off the boat." Connor looked to Baker, who was cowering nervously. "Baker. Hey." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to fight this time. We'll teach you how later. Just find someplace to hide, and we'll get you when the coast is clear." Baker nodded and slowly got up, scrambling away into an alley. She opened up a thankfully empty dumpster and hid inside, grateful it didn't smell like the trash it usually held. Connor nodded to each of his partners and made his way to one of the taller buildings. Despite his speed, it took him a few minutes to get into a good position, but he was soon peering out the window over the river, with the boat in sight. He pumped his air tank a few more times, aimed at the captain, and pulled the trigger.

The captain's cranium promptly became a bowl of smashed red jello with bone pieces, and the crew scrambled and began moving about the boat. One of them grabbed a sniper rifle and began searching the buildings, but he couldn't find who was shooting at them, and there were no muzzle flashes or sounds, even as the raider's heads began popping open and splattering red onto the walls of the boat. The sniper, a clear second in command, shouted "Search the buildings! Flush him out!" Several raiders armed themselves with weapons as the boat got near the shore, and the group set onto the shore, searching the streets and looking for any sort of movement. Connor had taken to moving back away from the window, his rifle slung onto his shoulder and his pistol in his hands, just in case.

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Thresh had ducked into an alley while Sam had went into a small apartment complex overlooking the river, and was kneeling down in front of one of the windows and peering down his scope. He centered one of the machine guns in his crosshairs and pulled the trigger. The weapon emplacement sparked as one of the heavy .45 bullets struck the receiver, rendering it inoperable. He worked the lever on his rifle, ejecting the spent brass and loading a new round into the chamber, and then aimed and fired at another gun.

When a small detachment of the raiders had passed the alley which concealed Thresh, he leaped out at them and sliced one of them cleanly in half, and then hacked the rest to pieces before they could fire. He turned to the rest of the raiders in the street and ran towards them, his claws out and ready.

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The sniper cursed and tried to take aim at Sam's head, and nearly took a shot when his own head suddenly exploded in gore, causing his body to drop limp onto the boat's deck. Connor lowered his rifle and gave a thumbs up to Sam across the street, then went back away from the window again, watching in case he was needed.

The raiders let out surprisingly girly screams as they tried to run in terror, none of them able to outrun the ferocious deathclaw. However, one of the raiders on the boat went to one of the working machine guns and began aiming at Thresh, planning to shred the beast to pieces. Connor's eyes widened in anger. No one was going to hurt his mate. He took aim again at the raider, but the metal armor around the turret made it hard to get a shot. He hung onto the side of the building with his arm wrapped around one of the supports between the two windows, then let himself dangle out the side of the window, with his air rifle in one hand. He took aim from his new angle and fired a shot at the raider's chest, grateful the weapon had a tiny amount of recoil. The raider was knocked onto his ass and died on the floor without ever taking a shot. Connor pulled himself inside and let out a deep breath or relief.

The rest of the raiders exited the boat, leaving it unnoccupied. They took up positions and began firing at Thresh with whatever weapons they had, trying to keep the desthclaw away from their position. Connor began sniping them from his perch, feeling anger rising in his chest at the sight of his lover being attacked.

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Thresh growled as he dashed towards the shooting raiders, seething as anger tried to take over. He wanted to bellow at the rounds digging into his thick hide, but he knew that if he opened his mouth that he could end up eating one. He still had a mate to love. Once he was close, he leaped into a concentration of three raiders and began slicing them to ribbons. He dragged his claws across one raider's stomach, disemboweling him and leaving him to bleed on the ground. He turned to the raider behind him and took his head clean off with one swipe, then turned to the last one and impaled him through the chest.

A heavy bullet tore through a car door and hit the raider hiding behind it like a hammer, tearing out part of his entrails and knocking him to the ground. Sam worked the lever on his gun and aimed for another raider from his place at another window in his building. "You think you're safe but you ain't!" He yelled to the enemy just before firing another round. He reloaded and took aim at another foe. "You think you can run but you can't!" He said in a slightly louder voice as he fired again. "You think you're alive but you ain't!" He shouted as he took another shot. He reloaded and looked around at where he had been firing, and he couldn't help but grin like a madman at his work.

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Several of the remaining raiders had backed up to keep a defensive line against the deathclaw, while others had taken up positions behind other wrecked cars, shooting at Sam in an attempt to suppress him. However, this let Connor take silent potshots at the raiders with his rifle without hinderance, since none of them were focused on him. He loaded in a fresh clip, pumped the handle a few times, then aimed and kept firing, the heavy BBs tearing holes in heads and puncturing vital organs in the raiders. Soon, all the raiders were dead, and Connor let out a sigh as he went down to the first floor, exiting the building. He smiled at Thresh and Sam, then went over to the dumpster Baker was hiding in, thankfully untouched. "Baker?" He called, knocking quietly on the side. "It's safe now.." The lid slowly opened, and a nervous-looking Baker slid out of the dumpster, brushing herself off. She had to bend backwards in order to just barely reach and brush all the dirt off her earth-shaking bum, held by her strained and stretched jeans. "Okay... Can we get that boat cleaned and-" the woman lifted her head and beheld the sight of all the gore, and immediately bent over and vomited onto the concrete. "S-sorry..." She said as she wiped her mouth. "Still not used to that..." Connor looked to Sam as he let himself lean on Thresh, silently asking him to give his comfort to the woman. She was in need of someone to reassure her in this gruesome world.

Group Admin

2375328 (I might be going to see The Hobbit 2 with Frost and Grimm in a bit.)

Sam slowly walked over and put his hand on Baker's shoulder. "Hey, there's no need to apologize. It certainly ain't a pretty sight, no one blames you for being queasy." He said softly, offering her a warm smile. He looked back to Connor and Thresh, and then to Baker. He leaned towards her just a little bit and lowered his voice. "If you ever need someone to talk to about how you feel about all of this, I'm here for ya. I can imagine that all this is pretty stressful and whatnot." He righted himself and then waited for her reaction.

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Baker gave a soft smile, making sure to keep her eyes away from the viscera and on Sam's face. The tall woman stood up anf gave him a soft hug, then released it. "Thank you. I needed that." Baker looked between the three males, then to the boat. "So... Guess it's time to get the boat cleaned up. I'll find a mop of some kind..." She said as she began walking to the steamboat, careful not to step her shoes in any of the blood.

[Wanna skip to when they finish cleaning and repairing the boat? It has a crap ton of good weapons, ammo, and food and clean water inside.]

Group Admin

2375877 (Skip.)

A sharp clang of metal against metal pierced the air in the boat's workshop as Sam's hammer struck the last dent out of the last machine gun receiver. He got up off of his workbench chair with the tool in his hand, and used his other hand to wipe the sweat off of his forehead as he looked down at his work. He used his free hand to point at the receiver. "You're a pain in the ass to work with, you know that?" He remarked to it. He sat back down and laid the hammer on the bench, then began working assembling the machine gun.

Thresh merely grunted at Sam as he rest against a nearby wall.

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Baker and Connor had finished cleaning the whole boat after a few hours, and it seemed a whole lot cleaner than when the raiders had it. If they're going to have a bad-ass warship, it's going to be a clean one, damnit. The two of them came into the workshop, with Connor carrying a crate of food and Baker holding several bottles of clean, purified water. Connor fished out several steaks and gave them to Thresh with a loving smile, while Baker distributed bottles of water and began opening one herself. She seemed a little uncomfortable with her fingers on the bottle, but she did get ti open and began to drink a little. "Oh, sweet Cele-" Baker blushed and gave a nervous smile. "It's good to finally have something clean to drink." Connor nodded in agreement. He noticed her slip-up, but he wanted to respect her privacy. "So." He asked aloud to everyone. "What say we go exploring a bit, eh? We have food, water, and ammo to last an army for years down below deck, and it's just the four of us. We have our own warship, too, and the Ohio River runs across a lot of the country. We can go wherever the ding-dong-damn we want."

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Sam glanced back at his friends as he continued working on assembling one of their machine guns. "I've I'm all for it. The farther we get away from Ohio, the safer we are." He said in a serious tone. He put down his work and spun around on his stool to face them. "Now's a good of a time as any to get out of here. Before summer I mean. The weather here will kill you just as bad if not worse than the residents here. Summer brings high winds, thunderstorms, cyclones, floods, and enough humidity to ruin any vulnerable piece of equipment. Winter brings blizzards, hail, and enough ice to make things more slippery than trying to catch a pig rolled in butter." He grimaced comically and gestured behind himself with his thumb. "We gotta get."

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Connor grinned and bent down to the crate, then pulled out a set of rolled-up maps. One was of the world, while others were of several countries, including the USA. "So, where to first?" He said as he rolled out the US map, looking it over with Sam. Baker had taken to sitting in a stool, the top of which was completely engulfed and hidden by the cheeks of her god-tier rear. She sipped her water, staring at the floor and occasionally glancing at Samuel. She blushed as she looked at him, some strange part of her new human brain finding him attractive. With a sigh, she looked away, letting the two men decide where they would head first.

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Sam glanced back at Baker as he once again felt eyes on him, and he couldn't help but linger on her bum for a bit. He blushed lightly when he realized that he was staring, and he quickly turned to the map. "S-so, uh, how about New Orleans? It's a little humid down there, but it ought to be an interesting place." He replied with a slightly nervous smile. That tent in his pants had returned just because he looked at her, and he was trying to hide it.

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Connor nodded and smiled, while Baker just nodded in agreement and kept sipping her water. She had never been to this New Orleans, but it sounded like New Boarleans from back home, so perhaps it was similar in style and structure as well. "Alright." Connor said. "I'll go up and get the ship heading south down the river. In the meantime, everyone get comfy and find one of the rooms. Several are still intact with actual beds." Connor stood up and walked out of the room, heading up to the bridge and working the controls. Baker just stood up and sheepishly made her way out of the room, heading through the halls and peeking inside rooms to see if any were intact. She smiled when she came upon an untpuched room in the third room she looked in. The woman stepped inside and sat herself on the bed, which creaked a bit under the weight of her earth-shaking backside and tremendously thick thighs.

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Sam waited until Thresh and everyone else had found their preferred rooms, and he let out a guttural groan at the memory of watching Baker's massive hips walk away. "Sheesh, I never thought something like that would mess with me so much." He remarked to himself. He shook his head and then quickly walked out of the workshop, intent on finding a relatively-clean room. Eventually he accidentally found Baker's room, and he decided to check on her. He still had some issues in his pants from Baker's allure, but he had his coat covering it. He walked up to the doorway and knocked twice on the outside of the door-frame. "Y'all decent? I just wanted to check up on ya and see how you're holding up." He said warmly, not looking inside the room.

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Baker opened the door with a smile, still fully clothed barring her bare feet on the carpet. "Oh, hello, Samuel." The tall woman blushed softly and said "I'm doing alright. Just a little tired. I haven't had a real bed to sleep in for a while." She turned and walked back over to her bed, sitting down on the edge. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about? We have a while to talk." Baker was still looking over Sam, wondering what he was thinking. She herself was just relieved to be in the company of Sam and Connor, and Thresh as well. She felt safe and fortunate to be on this boat with them.

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Sam slowly and sheepishly walked into the room, and then sat down next to Baker, blushing and smiling nervously. He scratched the side of his head as he turned to meet her gaze, and he felt himself become instantly enraptured with her caramel eyes. "Uh..." He mumbled as he glanced away quickly. His blush had intensified somewhat as he looked away. "I just kinda, well, I wanted to get to know you a little better." He said with an uncertain tone. He looked back to her face with a shy, but warm smile.

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Baker blushed and gave a soft smile, folding her hands in her lap. "S-so... What would you like to know? I would talk about home, but you wouldn't believe me...." She mumbled, giving a sad sigh. "But I would like to be a better friend to you. You've been very nice to me, and you've kept me safe. I can't thank you enough." After a few minutes, the busty woman gave a sheepish smile and held open her arms. "C-could I have a hug? I haven't been hugged in a while, and I think hugs make pon- people feel better..."

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Most of Sam's blood seemed to have rushed to his cheeks, and he began to sweat a little. "Sure, why not." He said happily. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around Baker's shoulders, and he laid his head in the crook of her neck. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're probably the most huggable person that I've ever met."

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Baker smiled and wrapped Samuel in her strong arms, holding him to her plump, snuggly body. "I've been told that a lot back home." She said quietly, keeping the hug going. She was like a living plushie with how soft her plumpness made her. After a minute or so, she released the hug, a blush on her cheeks and a smile on her lips. "Thank you. I needed that." Baker looked down to her feet nervously, then back to Sam. "So... What now? Is there anything you wanted to do, or....?"

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Sam pulled back, and he blushed furiously as the idea of kissing her came to mind, but he smiled warmly despite his nervousness. "Well, I'd still like to know a little bit about you. Like..." He gestured into the air with his upturned hand, as if he was uncertain. "What did you do before you met us? You certainly don't seem to be the mercenary sort."

(I'd like to see them actually get to know each other, it would make the radio thing all that more awkward. :pinkiecrazy:)

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Baker blushed a bit more and thought about what he was going to say. ”Um... Well, I ran my own bakery, and it was really popular. It was fun to see all the children smile when I gave them cookies..." She stared down at her feet, remembering all the smiling faces and happy laughter of those that came into her store. All the children and their parents, those with bad days, others getting a gift for a loved one. She got to make all of them smile with her delicious treats. Baker had a sort of thousand yard stare aimed at the ground, unable to shake herself from her memories.

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Sam slowly leaned over to Baker and gently wrapped his arms back around her, trying to keep from startling her from the abrupt change. "You know..." He started softly. "From what little I've seen and heard of you, I can tell that you're a kind and sweet lady." He said fondly, staring up a her caramel eyes. She's beautiful... He thought.

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Baker blinked a few times, then smiled and looked back up to Samuel. "Thank you..." The plump woman gently rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Can we just... sit like this for a little while? I haven't felt anyone hold me for a while... Normally my mother and I share some time whenever I visit her, but.... I'm not sure if I'll ever get back home..." Tears formed in her eyes, though she didn't sob or choke. She just sat there, letting her tears streak down her cheeks.

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Sam senses the sadness in Baker's voice, and he tightened the hug in hopes of making her feel better. "I'll hold you for as long as you like." He said in a soft, shy manner. It was clear that despite his flippant and laid-back demeanor, Sam had a soft spot for this woman. He felt for her. "You know, I kinda understand. I haven't seen my folks in a long time. I don't know what's going on with them, but I'm optimistic." He said softly. He took a deep breath and lightly rubbed her back affectionately. "I'm here for you if you need me, Baker."

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Baker seemed to relax when he back was rubbed, resting in Samuel's arms and breathing softly. "Just... stay with me for a while..." She mumbled. "Please..." The plush woman relaxed into Sam's arms and rested her her on his chest, needing to be held. To be told she would be okay. Whether or not Sam liked her as a friend, or something more, his companionship was a blessing to Baker.

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Sam smiled lovingly those words, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. "You'll be alright so long as you got me around. Connor and Thresh won't let anything happen to you, either." He said softly. In his opinion, being held by such a beautiful woman was heavenly. He would stay here as long as it took to make her feel better.

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Baker closed her eyes and rested for a little while, her breathing coming out softly and her whole body relaxed. The woman eventually opened her eyes a little while later, smiling up at Sam. "Thank you. I... Sam? I was wondering... What do you think of me?" She seemed a bit embarrassed for asking, her cheeks red and her caramel eyes darting away. "I... I think you're really sweet and kind... You've been wonderful to me..."

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Sam looked into Baker's eyes for a moment, and he felt as if his heart had stopped from their beauty. "Baker, I think you're sweet, kind, so shy that you're cute as a button, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. And-"

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The radio sitting on the nightstand soarked to life, with a song playing. "I like big butts, and I cannot lie! You other brothas can't deny!" Baker jumped at the sudden noise, looking at the radio with both nervousness and confusion. The song kept playing nonetheless.

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Sam's eyes widened as frustration and embarrassment built within his heart, and he blushed furiously. He grimaced as he slowly turned to the radio, and he dramatically pointed at it. "You shut your mouth, mister radio!" He said with a bit of indignation. He released Baker and got up, then walked over to the radio and began fiddling with the knobs. "This'll just take a second..."

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The radio made a few static noises, then changed songs. "Can't touch this." The music became very upbeat, similar to the last one, but more smooth. "Can't touch this." Baker was unsure what this radio was doing, but it seemed to be taunting Sam. She was still blushing from the first song that was playing, though.

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