The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Midnight took a moment to think. What did he want to do? His current goal in life varied from month to month, situation to situation. He could probably afford to stay with the werewolf for a undermined amount of time.
"Um, well." He glanced around. "What do you do for fun around here?"

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[Awww... Clocky's gonna want him to stay... :fluttershysad:]

Clockwork gave a soft snort, seeming a little amused by the question. "Eh. Reading, chess, tinkering, stuff like that. Solitary stuff that takes a long time to master. It's the only kind of thing that lasts for me, y'know?" The werewolf took another bite of his salad, unsure of what to say. "I dunno... I wish... I wish that I could just finally grow old sometime and pass away. I can't make many connections to other ponies.... If I do, I'll just end up outliving them..." With a sad sigh, Clockwork took another swig of his orange juice.

Midnight's ears folded. "Don't talk like that, it's not a good way to think." He himself was probably going to be immortal; he was almost forty, yet he still looked 20. But he couldn't tell Clockwork about that; it was a secret he guarded most jealously, ever since the last time he revealed it.
"I understand why you would feel that way, but there must be something worth living an immortal life for."

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Clockwork let out a sad, defeated sigh, resting his face in his hooves. "I want someone to live for. Someone that I can love and comfort and be loved by. Time can't touch me... but it takes away everyone I try to care about..." The stallion felt tears silently run down his cheeks, but he didn't start sobbing. He tried his best to be strong, to not let it hurt after it hurt so many, many times in the past. "I'm sorry..." He choked out, turning his head away. "I just... need a minute..." The stallion let out a quiet, dog-like whine of sadness, then stumbled out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. Once there, he looked into the mirror. He looked the same. Just like he always had. Not even a single white hair in his dark grey mane. No missing teeth. No wrinkles. Nothing out of place. He turned on the faucet and splashed some water in his face. When he loked back into the mirror again, he decided to splash a little more water into his face.

Midnight sat at the table uncomfortably. He had a few options at this point, none of which seemed particularly smart, safe and pleasant. He could, first off, just leave. But he had no intention of doing that, if for no other reason then because he wasn't a total jerk. He could continue things as they were; a budding friendship, that could lead in any direction.
His latter two options, however, were making him very uncomfortable. He could try and get something going between them, something serious, to please the werewolf. But Midnight was hesitant, uncertain, and of course, not one who broached real love easily.
He could also reveal his condition, and see what the werewolf would do in response, which scarred him even more.
He decided that right now, his friend needed a hoof. "Clock? You know, there IS a way to make the person you love immortal. You could just, you know, bite them. I mean, it's a big commitment, not to be made lightly, but I'm sure with the amount of time you have, you could find somepony, right?
{Hope it's not too long sweetie}

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[It's not. Just know that Clockwork is very loyal, even moreso because of his canine half. If Midnight tried being in love with him, Clockwork would be absolutely loyal. Being part wolf also makes him very affectionate, and he would love to have some fun if Midnight wanted to as well. He wouldn't try to be clingy, but he would work to make Midnight happy.]

Clockwork slowly walked back into the kitchen, took a seat, and slumped on the table. His red eyes were even moreso from crying, and he looked... tired. "Midnight, I... Thank you for being my friend. It means a lot to me. I haven"t ever offered to turn someone else before, because I don't want them to stay young while those they care about besides me fade away. It's a pain I don't want to wish upon anyone. I've thought about it, many times before with many different ponies. All of them had someone or something they cared about, and I couldn't bring myself to prevent them from dying and going with their loved ones. I had to watch my friends and my family fade away, and the only thing that never changed, was myself."

Midnight sighed sadly. "I guess so. I mean, I understand your point of view. I'm not sure what I would do in your situation, and as such I can't rightly judge your decision now can I?"
He slid around the table and rubbed a hoof over Clockwork's back. "I'm sure one day you'll find a pony who's the last in his or her family, and who would be willing to live wit you forever. Until then though, let's try not to dwell on it. Life is for enjoying, right?"
{Midnight see's it as a possibility, but he needs more time, to you know, get comfortable}

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[Of course. He can take time to get comfy. I just hope he knows that Clockwork will make a great lover if he chose to take him as one. :pinkiesmile:]

Clockwork gave a soft smile, and he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, letting Midnight rub his back. It was soothing, something he needed right now. "Thank you so much... I'm sorry if this is awkward for you." He said quietly as he wiped his cheek of stray tears. "I... I just don't have anyone to talk to about this, and it hurts to bottle it up inside all the time. I do hope to find someone, someday... I'm just not sure when that day will be, or who it will be..." The stallion kept still, wanting to relax under his friend's soothing touch. Midnight had made him feel much better about himself these past few days. He hoped Midnight chose to stick around at least a little longer.

"I'm sure you will, and I'm here. If you want to talk, well, I'm willing to listen."
Midnight took the dishes to the sink, leaving them there. "Come on, let's do something to get your mind off of it." He looked around. "Why don't we go for a walk?"

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Clockwork smiled widely and nodded, slowly standing up and stretching out his body like a dog would. He placed himself next to Midnight with a warm and playful smile, nuzzling his cheek. "There's a patch of forest on the outskirts of the city, just a few blocks east of here. It's beautiful during the spring like this." He quickly bounded his way out of the house, making sure to lock it behind him before trotting off in an eastern direction, grinning the whole time.

[He's part wolf. He's going to feel a small part of him telling him to fetch the frisbee. :rainbowlaugh: Among other things. Going for a walk makes him happy, as that's a universal canine trait. :rainbowwild:]

Midnight trotted beside Clockwork, amazed at the instantaneous change of pace. Who knew werewolves were so... powerfully related to dogs?
Never one to pass up an opportunity for some good natured fun, Midnight picked up a stick at they walked, trying hard to make sure Clockwork didn't see. He waited until a small clearing appeared in the forest.
"Hey, Clock." He said, brandishing the stick.

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[You son of a... :rainbowlaugh:]

Clockwork had been grinning the whole time, trotting along at a brisk pace and occasionally stopping to smell some flowers. Thoroughly. He just couldn't help it; over 300 years as a werewolf, and having to repress his canine instincts for most of that time. He had a moment to let them run loose, and by Celestia, he was going to take it. Upon hearing his name when they entered the clearing, he turned to see Midnight with a stick. He froze, and his eye twitched. "Um... Nice... stick you got there..." He said, his eyes flickering between Midnight's face and the stick. Of course he was tempted to play fetch! After looking around thoroughly and taking a whiff of the air to make sure there was nonpony anywhere nearby, and that they were far enough away from the city, he quickly transformed into his werewolf form and bent his knees, panting and waiting for Midnight to throw the stick.

[I take it you're enjoying this? :rainbowkiss:]

2525721 {How could I not? xD}
Midnight waved the stick back and forth a bit, teasingly. He wanted to see just how much he could get clockwork going. After a few seconds, he winded back and pitched it through the clearing, saying "Go get it!"

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Clockwork barked and turned quickly, bounding across the clearing with incredible speed. The werewolf leapt and caught the large stick out of the air, then ran back and placed it at Midnight's hooves, still panting happily. This felt good! Just being able to let his instincts do as they please for a little while without harm. He could certainly get used to this.

Midnight was giggling like crazy as the wolf ran out and back. "Good boy" He said, his voice still hinting at laughter as he reached down and patted clockwork's head a few times.
Midnight grabbed the stick, wound up, and threw it twice as hard. It sailed through the air, passing trees as it exited the clearing and landed somewhere beyond.

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[You have to reach up to pat Clockwork's head in his wolf form. He's huge as a werewolf.]

Clockwork had already began running after the stick anyway, and he barreled through the underbrush of the thick forest like it wasn't even there. He returned but a half minute later with the stick in his mouth, and he dropped it at Midnight's hooves once again and licked his large tongue across the pegasus' cheek.

2536638 {Ah, okay, gotcha. Pretend he did}
Midnight's eyes widened a bit at the trail of trampled underbrush and scraped trees that was left behind by the werewolf. "Right... Don't make him mad, if I can avoid it."
When he came back, Midnight was greeted with an unexpected attack on his face. He stood there for a moment, contemplating the event, before using a hoof to wipe off the spit that came with being licked by a tremendously large dog.
He glanced around, and, seeing nopony, said. "Okay, one more, but I don't think we should keep this up for long. We might be discovered, and either way I don't want the forest looking like a pack of bears tore through it."
He picked up the stick and heaved it towards the same spot as the last time.

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Clockwork ran to catch the stick and leapt high into the air, nabbing the stick in his mouth and returning to Midnight. He changed back into a stallion and gave a squee of joy. "Thank you so much! Can we come back and do that again sometime?" He asked with a playful smile as he bounced on his hooves. He was very happy that he befriended Midnight, and he hoped the pegasus enjoyed their friendship as well.

Midnight laughed and nodded. "Sure, although we better find a bigger clearing; I don't want to be charged for deforestation."
He took the stick, although why he wasn't sure, and made off in a random direction, trotting merrily. He was much more relaxed since the incident a few hours earlier, and was actually thoroughly enjoying himself.

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[Sorry, I thought I had responded. :twilightoops:]

Clockwork followed Midnight with an eager smile, occasionally licking the pegasus' cheek. "So... Did you wanna just head home now, or what? I don't have any plans. I gotta get back to the shop in a few days, but I'm not pressed for time." He nuzzled Midnight's cheek and gave a playful smile. He did genuinely love Midnight, and if he would allow, Clockwork would love to show a lot more affection to the pegasus than he was now.

Midnight nodded. "Alright, let's go."
He turned back towards the cottage, trotting his way back with a light spirit and eager smile. He was in a good mood today.
"What did you have in mind for when we got back to your cottage?" He asked playfully. "Gonna go grab the morning paper?" He asked with a laugh.

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Clockwork rolled his eyes and placed a soft kiss on Midnight's cheek. "Ah, can it, you. I don't do that. That's one of the few things I don't do. However... I did plan on cooking you a nice dinner and relaxing with a movie, if that sounds alright. Do you have a favorite genre of movie?"

Midnight tapped his chin. There was only really one type of movie he didn't do well with, and that was because...
"I'll try anything but horror." He said, shivering. "I hate scary things; they make me scared."
He never had been one for not sleeping at night and constantly looking around for demons and such, even though he was one; horror movies gave him the willies

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Jan 19th, 2014

2637996 {Was it horror? Woops. Okay, never mind then. Pretend he's good for everythiong}

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Clockwork nodded and kissed Midnight's cheek. He always liked doing that. "Well, anything you'd like for dinner? i can make homemade pizza, soup, stew, steak, whatever you want." He gave a big, playful smile, his eyes shining with joy. Midnight seemed to cheer him up just by talking to him.

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2730107 {Sorry; I have this opened in a tab, and somehow I keep managing to forget about it -.-'}
"Steak?" Midnight made a gagging face. "That's a bit too much... I don't think I can eat, you know, meat." (He hasn't done that yet, has he?)
"Vegetarian pizza does sound wonderful thought. Do you want me to help? I feel like a free loader; I haven't done a thing since I got here." Being used to being on the road, cooking his own meals and such, it was a pleasant change to be able to sit back and let somepony else do it for him. Still, Midnight felt obliged to help; he didn't want to appear useless.

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[Could have sworn they had some meat before.]

Clockwork giggled and nuzzled Midnight's cheek. "I'll order a cheese pizza, sweetie. And you've done plenty just by being here for me. I've been feeling soooooo much better with you around." The stallion opened the door to his home and closed it once they were inside, then went over to the phone and began calling the local pizza place.

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