The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Clockwork slept softly as Midnight shifter atop him, his furry arms wrapped loosely around the pegasus like a warm, heavy blanket. The actual blankets were also over the two of them. The werewolf breathed softly, a soft smile on his lips as he held his coltfriend. He hadn't slept this well in a very long time, and he honestly didn't want to wake up for a while.

[How do you feel about a quest line that, along with their relationship, Clockwork and Midnight work to get Clockwork's lycanthropy accepted in the town? He wouldn't be loved by everyone to start, and a few ponies might still not like him in the end, but there would be a few kind ponies that would be understanding to start with.]

1919275 {Sounds fine to me}
Midnight finally "woke" up a few minutes later, opening his eyes. At first he was confused; why was his mattress all lumpy and full of hair. As his eyes scanned it over, he remembered the situation he was in. Never one to panic, Midnight managed to keep his cool, rationalising the situation. He must have fallen asleep and Clockwork had taken Midnight into his bed. Rather nice of the werewolf, but Midnight hadn't expected him to so... quick about the pair of them sleeping together.
Midnight decided it was time get up, and tried to gently squirm his way out of Clockwork's hold, without waking him. Midnight twisted and turned, trying to scoot himself backwards out of Clockworks hold as gently as he could. Being, however, held tight, all the motion was causing a lot of friction between the pair.

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Clockwork grumbled in his sleep, but his arms slipped away, going back go just holding the edges of the blankets. Midnight could get out of bed now, but it seemed the werewolf was a heavy sleeper. The calendar on his wall said today was a Saturday, so Clockwork wouldn't be working today.

Clockwork himself was dreaming of being held and loved. He couldn't see or hear, but he could just feel the sensation of being loved and held and kissed and snuggled with.

Midnight popped out, lading lightly on his hooves and stretching. He made his way outside, taking a quick walk to a short distance from the cottage. Once he was alone, he raised a trigger shield which would alert him if any creature should come within a hundred meters of his location. It would also keep him invisible to the world and contain his demonic energy.
Once he was set up, Midnight began meditating, purifying his body and mind and channelling his demon energy through himself, trying to get his body and the energy to acclimate to each other better.

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Clockwork slowly awoke a little while after, yawning widely and climbing out of bed. He figured Midnight would get up before him, so he just transformed back into a pony and stepped into the shower, sighing and slumping against the wall with a smile, letting the water run down his fur. Last night was the best night in a very long time for him.

After coming out of the shower, the stallion went into the kitchen, cooking them some eggs, toast, and haybacon for breakfast. He whistled a merry tune as he cooked, an air of joy about him.

Midnight finished, returning to his normal state of existence. He got up and swept his demon energy back into his body, leaving no trace of his presence. He slowly made his way back to the cottage when he spotted something odd. It was a red dot in the distance, but after sharpening his vision, Midnight realised who it was. He slid back into the trees, masking his aura as he stealthily slipped through the forest back towards the cottage.

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[What? i don't know who this figure is. Clockwork is just cooking breakfast and waiting for Midnight to get back, so I can't do much of anything at the moment.]

*knock* *knock* There was a knock at the door.
Meanwhile, Midnight was watching from the edge of the forest. His body was completely concealed, and completely taught as well.

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Clockwork had just finished setting the food onto a pair of plates when he heard the knock. Curious, he walked over to the door and opened it a crack, peeking out at the visitor. He was half-expecting to see Midnight, but he prepared himself for anything.

Outside stood a huge earth pony. He was easily as big as the princess, and most of his body was covered in a long, black coat with vivid curving red lines. His head was a mix of black, grey and a deeper red, and although most of him was covered, he exuded tremendous amounts of confidence and power.
He looked down at Clockwork, his shining yellow eyes unblinking. Slowly, he reached into his coat and pulled out a very large scroll. When unrolled, it showed two dozen faces, Midnight's amongst them. 4 were marked with black Xs.
"Have you seen any of these faces?" He asked. His voice was very deep, and had a strong aura of command to it. A weak willed un-supernatural pony would be hard pressed to lie convincingly to this stallion.

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Clockwork made sure his eyes didn't linger on Midnight's image as he looked over the list. With a casual shrug, he looked back up at the stallion and said "Sorry, I don't recognize any of these ponies. Who are they, if you don't mind me asking?" While he probably shouldn't ask, his curiosity won out, and he looked up at the stallion's face curiously.

The stallion grunted unhappily. "They're rogues, traitors to the country who've dabbled in various illegal activities. Murderers, torture, wanton destruction, black magic. If you see any of them, it is your duty to report it to your local guard immediately. One was sighted in the area, so keep your eyes peeled, but stay safe citizen."
He then proceeded to walk off, his steps large and powerful.

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Clockwork quietly shut the door and sat down on the couch, his magic heating up the plates of food in the kitchen so they would be warm later. He would ask Midnight about this, yes, but carefully, and he will pry as little as possible. He had no intention of reporting his coltfriend in, but he just wanted to understand why he was wanted in the first place. For now, he would simply wait until Midnight got back, so they could talk over breakfast.

Once the stallion was WAY outta sight, Midnight approached the door and knocked. He had, of course, heard the whole conversation, and he wasn't sure of his position right now. He had debated just leaving and never coming back, but he'd left his collar in the house.

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Clockwork opened the door, giving a soft smile at his coltfriend. "Hey. Breakfast is ready." After a minute, he frowned and flattened his ears. "So... how much of that did you hear? I'm not mad at you. I just would like to understand." He stepped aside so Midnight could enter. His collar sat on the coffee table, and the smell of hot, fresh scrambled eggs, toast and bacon floated from the kitchen around the corner.

Group Admin

[We still doing this?]

{Yeah sorry, got a ton of stuff that needs doing right now; school, exams, thanks giving. It might take me a little before I reply again}

"I heard all of it." He stated, deciding that the best way to proceed would likely be to keep things simple and allow Clockwork to lead. He stepped inside and took his collar with his wing, intent on keeping it close in case he needed to leave quickly. "What do you make of it? What he said I mean."

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Clockwork sighed and gently placed a hoof on Midnight's shoulder, looking into his eyes with a soft smile and a gentle gaze. "I think that you have your secrets, and I would like to respect them, but I need to know why he was after you." He gently led Midnight to the couch, sat down, and smiled at him reassuringly. "Only tell me what you're comfortable with, sweetie."

2007709 {Sorry I'm gone so much. I've been a bit busy lately, and I'm pretty stressed out by school and stuff. I promise I'll get back to this when I'm feeling better.}

Group Admin

[How ya feeling?]

2214653 {oh shoot, I totally forgot about this. Sorry about that}

Group Admin

[It's alright. Ready to continue?]

"Well, if you only want what I'm 'comfortable' with telling you, you'll get a whole lot of nothing. I'm not... at ease sharing the information with, well anypony right now. It's very... well, it's just something I like to keep to myself." Midnight sighed. "I guess that's not really what you'd wanna hear."

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Clockwork's hoof rubbed Midnight's back, and he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the feminine pegasus' cheek. "I guess not. But at least give me an idea. Just a little something so I know enough to keep you safe if something like that happens again." He smiled hopefully at his coltfriend, hoping that the pegasus would share just a little. He just wanted to have a sense of why he was being chased as a fugitive.

"I cant! That's the issue! It's either I tell you, or I don't. There isn't any 'hint'! There's no half way point! It's either you trust somepony with you secret and hope they don't stab you in the back, or you don't and hope they don't accuse you of cheating, lying and being a total jerk!"
Midnight was, for lack of a better word, emotional. He had stomped to his hooves and was sporting a very ugly frown.

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Clockwork held his hooves up placatingly, reaching out a softly rubbing the pegasus' back. "Whoa, whoa. Please calm down, Midnight. I'm not going to hurt you. Whether or not you decide to tell me is your decision and yours alone, and I'm not going to force you to tell me. Though, I am going to guess and say it has something to do with that collar your brought into my shop to get fixed? If there's some kind of darkness or something similar inside you, that's fine with me. It does not bother me in the slightest."

Midnight didn't answer, instead huffing and flopping down on the sofa. "Why would you think something like that? It wasn't even on the list, and it's not my issue." He said, flicking his tail agitatedly. There was nothing dark in him, just the demons. Demons weren't all evil, but nopony else ever seemed to believe him when he said it. "You can't judge something you've never experienced, so you shouldn't be so quick to accept it, even though that's not it."

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Clockwork just crossed his hooves and sat back himself, looking at Midnight calmly. "Midnight, please relax. You are not in any danger, and whether or not you tell me, I will not hate you. So please, just calm down and think about what you want to do. You are being very sensitive about this, and if it bothers you that much, then you don't have to tell me." Clockwork was mustering all the patience he could, hoping Midnight would calm down and set his emotions aside to make a rational answer.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." He said, laying his head down defeatedly and sighing. "Too many bad experiences. That pony out there? He was the result of one of them."
Midnight rolled off the couch. "I can leave, if you want me to."

2216322 {what'd you think of it? The primier}

Group Admin


Clockwork pulled Midnight into a gentle hug, placing a soft kiss on the pegasus' cheek. "I never said that. I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable or threatened. You may tell me if you ever feel like it, but for now, I would just like you to tell me what to do in case something like this happens again. Is there something you would prefer I say or do if someone tries to come looking for you again?"

[Not sure what to do here.... :applecry:]

Midnight shook his head, batting angrily at his eyes to clear them from the tiny amount of moisture building up.
"No, what you said was great. Do you think we could, um, not talk about it?" He managed to keep his voice from cracking into it's female, high-pitched counterpart.
{I think you're doing fine. It IS an RP; just do what you want, and I'll try and and do what I can}

Group Admin

Clockwork giggled at his coltfriend's female voice, finding it cute. "Sure, sweetheart." His magic locked the door and drew the blinds shut, and he lifted the pegasus up in the air. The unicorn laid on his back on the couch, then transformed into his big, soft, furry werewolf form. He set Midnight down on his fluffy tummy, then wrapped the pegasus snugly in his strong arms. "Fluffy snuggles for you." He said in his deep voice with a soft giggle. He hoped he could put this form to good use by helping Midnight to take his mind off what just happened.

[Attempt at a cute moment...]

Midnight sighed and snuggled up to the big fluffy wolf. He smiled despite the situation, nuzzling and flipping around until he was comfortable.
"How did you sleep?" He asked off handedly, trying to dispel the unpleasant atmosphere that had arisen during his tantrum

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Clockwork smiled and closed his eyes, rubbing Midnight's back with a paw. "Mmm... I slept very well, thank you... It's almost sundown. You know. Did you want anything special for dinner, cutie?" He said with a small mischievous glint in his eyes and a happy grin on his lips, his paw just barely brushing close to Midnight's feminine rump. The adorable feminine pegasus, along with his wolfish instincts, was bringing out a playful side from the werewolf, and he wanted to do something to make his coltfriend happy, and perhaps a little flustered.

Midnight shook his head. "I'm fine with whatever. You pick." He was still a bit annoyed with the appearance of the hunter, and so he missed the subtle hint.
"Why, did you have something special in mind?" He asked, moving subconsciously to look at Clockwork, which caused his paw to move off his rump.

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Clockwork gave a quiet, dog-like whine, placing a kiss on Midnight's lips as his paw slid down onto the pegasus' rump again. "I was thinking some chicken noodle soup..." He tilted his head at his coltfriend and stroked his thumb across Midnight's feminine rump. "Are you okay if I touch you here? Sorry, you just bring out this... this playful side of me, and I don't think being part wolf is helping." He licked his lover's cheek and panted softly like a playful puppy, his eyes holding both the higher intelligence of a pony and the playful glint of a dog.

2250706 {Sorry, crazy day; I'll get back to this tomorrow or the day after k?}

2250706 {sorry, school is ending and finals approaching}
Midnight shook his head. "No, it's fine." He said. "You can touch if you want, just be careful not to go too much further. I'm not that kind of stallion~" He said with an over-dramatized gasp of shock.
Midnight wiggled his way free, hopping over to the middle of room. "And I certainly will not let you groap me any more before the first date good sir! We live in a civilized world, unlike our barbaric predecessors, and I shall not have my right to a first date compromised!" He spoke with a great sense of purpose and a clearly faked noble accent. His eyes gleamed with playful energy as he turned back to Clockwork.

Group Admin

[No worries.]

Clockwork chuckled and smiled at the pegasus, standing up and stretching his large wolf body. "Then let's enjoy a nice dinner together. What would you like? Soup? Salad? I can cook whatever you want. I'm not going to rob you of a first date." The werewolf gave a playful smile, then rolled onto the floor onto his back, staring upside down at Midnight with a playful grin. "But I still would like to snuggle some more after dinner, if you're up to it."

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2461854 {sorry. I was in exam period for the longest time, and it ended three days before Christmas, which have been hectic as all hell. I haven't been on my computer much recently. I didn;t touch it at all over the last three days}
Midnight tilted his head to the side. What did he feel like? He didn't know for sure what Clockwork had the ability, and ingredients, to make, so he decided to ask for his favorite.
"Can you make a cream de fromage salade a la ment et aux epinard?" He asked, grinning slightly.

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The werewolf gave a grin and bent down, then placed a soft lick on Midnight's cheek. "Bien sûr, mon amour. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez boire?" He asked as he transformed back into a stallion. The unicorn went into the kitchen, pulling out several ingredients while he used his hooves to fish a large bowl out from a cabinet. As he did so, he shot a grin back at his coltfriend. "Did I forget to mention how old I actually am? Let's just say... Nothing today compares to a live Beethoofen performance." He said with a chuckle.

Midnight faked a gag. "Ewww! You're like a super cougar! Or maybe even a pedophile!" He giggled, then put on a serious face.
"I'm sorry sir, but we simply cannot allow a pony of your age to date one as young, handsome and energetic as this one. It would simply be a huge letdown for all the young folk of this generation." As he spoke, Midnight strutted around the room. He burst out laughing at the end of his little monologue, managing to squeak out "Surprise me" Between chuckles.

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Clockwork's face fell a bit as he heard the teasing about being a pedophile. He knew Midnight was probably teasing, but it still hurt a bit. It wasn't his fault he no longer aged physically. He gave a soft smile as the pegasus laughed, then began going about making the salad. As he tossed together the ingredients, he also poured out a pair of glasses of orange juice and set them on the table. Nothing fancy. Once the salad was finished, he served two bowls and set them at the table as well, then sat down at the table. "Food's ready!" He called out, then waited for Midnight to arrive before he started to eat.

Midnight trotted over, his earlier reservations gone, and sat down at the table. He inhaled deeply. "Mmmm, smells good. Thank you for the meal." He said. It was, after all, his favorite meal, and he began eating post haste.
"So, how long have you been alive, exactly?" He asked between bites.

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Clockwork let out a soft sigh as he ate, feeling memories rush back to him. "My 337th birthday will be on the fifteenth of next month. Physically, I'm stuck at 32 years old. So... Yeah...." He didn't know what else to say; he had never actually ask him about his history, mostly because he had outlived anyone who knew and/or cared. He looked up and giggled at Midnight's appetite. "There's more in thst big bowl on the counter there, if you wanted more."

Midnight blinked, freezing for a few moments. "Wow..."
He could only think about how being over three hundred years old could do to somepony's sanity. "So... why 32? Is it like, preset, or is there something else?" He asked, trying to hedge the conversation in more comfortable ground.

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Clockwork gave a soft smile as he took another bite of salad. "That's when I was bitten. Lycanthropy freezes your body's aging process at the age of when you were bitten. If you're bitten at 23, you'll stay 23 forever. That's how it goes." His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "So... Anything you'd like to do after dinner? I have no plans."

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