The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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'Why is it' Midnight thought. 'That the easiest to manipulate are also the one's I don't want to? Can't, for once, one of the wealthy, prissy bureaucrats be insecure and vulnerable.'
Midnight finished his food and turned to his host. "So, um, what movie did you want to see?"

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Clockwork shrugged, rolling his neck and finishing his glass of water. "Well, I was thinking of renting one of those old monster movies, the ones in black and white. Maybe a werewolf one, just for kicks." He gave a small smirk at the obvious irony, looking over to Midnight. "But I'm good with most anything. Got any preferences?"

Midnight shook his head. "I never watched many movies; my parent's didn't believe in fun."
He giggled at his memory. "So, I introduced them. Anyway, I'm good for anything you want. Just keep in PG; I'm far too innocent to have my eyes corrupted by copious amounts of gore and inappropriate behaviour." He said, giggling again.

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[I understand if you like Midnight being submissive like he was before, and I think that would still be fun, but perhaps exhibitionism isn't a good idea in this case.]

Clockwork chuckled and nodded, standing up and setting his glass in the sink. "Don't worry, the old films always played that stuff' off-screen since they didn't quite have the tech for proper special effects back then. Well, I'm gonna head off to the store to get some groceries and then grab the movie on the way back from that rental store a few blocks down. Wanna join me?"

1878207 {yeah, I kinda got that you weren't into that stuff after the last one}
"Sure" He said, hoping up. "So, I have a question; if you don't have to be a wolf all the time, what stops you from making friends when you're in pony form?"

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Clockwork sighed and closed his eyes, an air of sadness washing over him. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid ponies will find out like you did, and I'll be shunned and feared by everyone. I.... I'm just not sure who to trust with my secret. I'm just afraid...." The unicorn opened his eyes and grabbed an apple from the fridge with his magic, taking bites from it in an attempt to distract himself from his fears.

"Then don't tell them your secret. I'm sure it's possible for you to keep a secret from them if you only change at night, isn't it? After all, I have a few secrets too, and I'm pretty sure I've kept my biggest one from you as I have from everypony." He said, trying to sound both rational and sympathetic.

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Clockwork gave a soft smile. "And... If they're really my friends, then they'll accept me no matter what." He gave a warm smile at the pegasus. "Thank you, Midnight. It helps to have someone to talk to. Would you like to get going to the store now, or would you like to stay here? I'll be back soon, either way."

"I'll come with you." He said

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[I'm sorry, but I really don't like super short posts, especially after waiting an hour.]

Clockwork nodded, walking out the door with a large sac of bits going into a pair of otherwise empty saddlebags, then placing the bags on his back. "Off to the DVD rental store first, actually. We should get home as soon as we get the groceries so they don't spoil." He began walking down the street, heading to a small DVD rental store a few blocks down.

[Wanna skip to home, or should we actually play out the shopping day? And how do you wanna initiate da luvs? :heart:]

1879122 {I know you don't like short posts, but there's only so much I can do it that situation. As for the time, well I'm moving around a lot. And skipping ahead is fine with me. As for the love, well, at this point Midnight doesn't really feel a lot for clockwork at this point}

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[Alright, let's stop and talk. What should Clockwork say or do that Midnight would fall for? I can't do stuff that's out of character for him. He likes classical music. Just putting that out there if it helps. Maybe Clockwork does his nightly transformation during the movie, and Midnight finds he likes snuggling the big fluffy werewolf's soft black fur? :heart:]

1879203 {That's a good idea. But let's put it this way; so far, Clockwork has seemed like a sad, needy wolf. Midnight knows he feels lonely, but he hasn't felt Clockwork display any romantic interest. And the type of love he needs isn't Midnight's usual, which tends to start as manipulative one-shot love and then progresses. Basically speaking, at this point, Midnight feels like Clockwork wants a friend, not a lover.}

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[Well, Clockwork does want a lover, but he has absolutely no idea how to show it or what to say, since he has spent every night for the past 200 or so years alone, as a werewolf and not talking with anyone or telling anyone his secret. He finally has a friend who knows his secret, and he doesn't want to ruin it by asking Midnight on a date and being rejected.]

1879309 {Yeah, that's an issue that ppl IRL have a lot too. But I'll tell you; Midnight doesn't see clockwork as a potential love interest at the moment. That's why he's iffy about staying long. But my point is, he doesn't intend to initiate anything because Clockwork is, for all intents and purposes, "not his type". Like I said, Midnight is more of a one-shot lover that let's things develop afterwards, and Clockwork is an unstable pony who doesn't seem like he would enjoy a, pardon the term, "Chuck and fuck", at least to Midnight. I hope that makes sense?}

1879309 {Don't get me wrong; he likes love. However, being a half-demon succubus type, sex is a powerful part of his interest in a mate}

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[Well, no. As an immortal clockmaker, time is important to him, and he's learned not to take things for granted. He's not unstable, just depressed. He's spent 200 years mostly alone, so that's understandable. He wouldn't just have sex with Midnight and say good-bye to him.

Despite all the times I've seen you use Midnight, I feel like he's a different character each time. He acts one way in one thread, a second way in another, and a third way here. I'm sorry, but he just feels inconsistent. You never explained any of this about him during any of the RPs we've done.]

1879469 {I think I might have miss-phrased that; I mean more that he's attracted to the vibrant, the outgoing; ponies who like to have fun. Clockwork is the exact opposite. If you think about the times I've played him, you'll notice that when the partner starts getting dull, Midnight gets irritated or bored.}

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[Can you blame him for not being social and outgoing? It's not like he can be social when every night he feels a distracting urge to transform. If he didn't have that urge all the time, he would go out more and talk to other ponies. But he does, so he can't. He's not going to risk transforming inside of a restaurant or movie theater.

If that's the way Midnight feels, then he's going to get bored very quickly. Clockwork just doesn't do much. If that urge was never there, he would probably do more. But even then, he was a scholar before he became a werewolf. He's been a bookworm for 200 years. I can't change his whole personality and history just to fit a story.]

1879591 {I'm aware that you can't change it, but then you have to realise that I can't change Midnight either. So it would seem that these two characters can't become lovers, based on what I'm hearing. They could be friends, but Midnight won't stay with him very long unless he get's active, specifically sexually, but otherwise as well. He just needs an active, fun lifestyle. If Clockwork can adapt to fun, be it slow of fast, it would work out. Also I love wolves, and size difference, so sexually this is great for me}

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[He can be sexually active, but he needs to be drawn into having sex with Midnight first. Ease him into it, don't rush him. And even then, he might not want to if there's not a guarantee Midnight will stay after. If Midnight could remove that urge to transform using his demon blood or his powers, then Clockwork would be more open to going out and doing things.]

1879736 {Midnight's power doesn't work that way; it's destructive, not assistive. We can try and play it out, but I'll be playing Midnight as I usually do, so if they flop as a couple, it's just their personality types that don't work together. Also Midnight see's love close to FWB, except that there are emotions behind it. He's very sexually driven because of his demon blood. And Midnight would feel awkward initiating something sexual with clockwork because of his personality.}

1879736 {Think about it; you come up to this dude that's depressed, your type is typically the complete opposite. Would you really INITIATE love with him if you intended it to last?}

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[Well, to start, my character would initiate some sympathy love. Just some chaste cuddling to lift their spirits. When they see Clockwork when he isn't depressed, they would think "Hey, I think I really love this guy! I'm gonna stick around for a while." Clockwork could probably be a bit social, but since he's timed his schedule to transform at night, and he works during the day, I'm not sure when he'll have time to go out for parties.]

1882287 {So are we gonna play this or just talk about it?}

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[We are talking because I don't know what I need to do in order to make things happen. Would Midnight accept him if he worked up the courage to initiate love? Because if he won't, then I have no reason to make him.]

1884051 {Midnight if always open to love, but he won't initiate something with someone who's that far away from his type. If he ends up falling for Clockwork, then yay.}

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[Fine, let's do it during the movie. But if he leaves at any point because Clockwork is being who he really is, then I'm shit out of luck.]

As the sun went down, sinking completely into the horizon, Clockwork opened the door and led Midnight inside, his saddlebags full of groceries and an old werewolf movie. After putting away the groceries with his magic, then setting the movie in the DVD player and starting it up, Clockwork shed his saddlebags and drew all the blinds shut. He then transformed into his werewolf form and curled up on the couch in that way that dogs do, turning a whole circle before laying down in that tight ball. "Hey," he said with a smile as the movie started up, the house dark except for the glow of the TV. "You get a 4D movie experience. You get to watch a werewolf movie with a werewolf." He said with a chuckle, his voice retaining that wolfish growl that sounded with his normal voice.

1884483 {I might be busy for the weekend; got a lot of work and humans to see}

1884483 {Sorry for the wait}
Midnight smiled, grabbing a bag of chips from amongst the groceries.
"I'm decently sure that's not how the fourth dimension works, silly." He said as he took a spot on the couch. Midnight wasn't actually touching Clockwork, instead leaning on the other armrest, but he could feel the other pony/wolf's heat and warm fur. He's always been an animal guy, especially with big cats and dogs like tigers and wolves.
"What was the name of the movie again?"

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Clockwork chuckled and said "I know, I'm just being facetious. The movie's called Cry of the Wolf. Just something from fifty years ago, when films were still in black and white." The movie started up, depicting a pair of young adult stallions, one an earth pony and one a unicorn, sitting at a bar as the full moon rose outside. They were talking casually about the week's events, when an ominous howl sounded in the forest outside the small town. The unicorn seemed nervous, but his friend lightly slapped him on the back, claiming it was just one of the wolves in the forest. Nothing to worry about.

As the movie went on, Clockwork was watching intently, his red eyes shining with something they hadn't shone with in a while. Happiness. He had a friend and was enjoying his company with a movie. He glanced over to Midnight and gave a warm smile, one that almost seemed more than just friendly. With a light blush through his fluffy black fur, he turned his direction back to the movie. The werewolf would ask him tonight. If nothing else, Midnight could just say no, and they could still be friends.

1905971 {Sorry again}
Midnight giggled. The movie was predictable and clearly fake. It depicted the lyncans in a very steriotipical manner, and he couldn't help himself from laughing during the scary or gross scenes because of how obviously staged and predictable they were.
Midnight caught the look Clockwork gave and returned it. He liked the lyncan; Clockwork was nice, if un-confident. He brushed his tail against him playfully as the werewolf looked away and returned his attention to the film, shrieking because of a sudden change in music and a pair of teeth lunging at him that was unprepared for. He jumped sideways into Clockwork, before quickly drawing back and coughing.
"I mean, um, that kinda surprised me..."

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Clockwork's own long, fluffy tail brushed against Midnight's side as well, a blush and a smile on the werewolf's face. "I don't mind. Um.... Midnight? This is kinda odd to ask, but.... do you prefer stallions or mares?" While his true intentions of asking were kinda obvious, he figured he should ask before Clockwork asked his next question.

Midnight wasn't surprised at the question, but it was still an important question. As with any important information about himself, Midnight knew he could only give the answer away playfully.
In a very serious tone, he asked: "If I said stallions, would you be disgusted?"

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Clockwork firmly shook his head, smiling and unconsciously leaned a little bit closer. "Not at all. I... I'm attracted to you, Midnight. You've been wonderful to me, and I was hoping we could try being... more than friends? I'll understand if you say no, but I would very much like to try." The werewolf wagged his tail a little, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes searched the pegasus' face.

Midnight glanced away; he could be mean at this point: He could say that he wasn't interested in stallions after all, or he could just turn Clockwork down.
Instead, he looked back. "I have to warn you then; I've always been very flippant about relationships. I've never thought of settling down, and as of today that still stands. I don't want to give you false hope about a future that might not exist. That being said, you're really handsome, and I've always been a fan of wolves. So as long as you understand, I'm willing to give it a shot."

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Clockwork took a deep breath and nodded, smiling softly. "Just so long as you understand that I'm a very passionate pony- er, werewolf. Regardless of how seriously you take our relationship, I'm still going to try to do nice things for you." He gave a wide smile and nuzzled Midnight's cheek. "Maybe a few sappy romance things. Dinner, flowers, chocolates, you know."

Midnight smiled as well. "Alright then, just don't be upset if I miss little romantic cues, or if I don't do as much of that sappy stuff for you." He said, nudging Clockwork playfully. "Are we gonna finish the movie? It might not be the best, but you did still pay money to rent it."

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Clockwork nodded and turned back to the screen. The movie was at the part where the hero was out in the woods, running and looking for a place to hide as the full moon rose. The werewolf looked to Midnight with a hopeful smile, holding his fluffy-furred arm open. "You said you like wolves. Do you like snuggling, as well?" Clockwork smiled hopefully as he turned his gaze back to the movie, his strong furry arm open for Midnight to snuggle into his fluffy black fur.

1915073 {think you can find an image of the general idea behind clockwork's appearence, so I know?}
Midnight couldn't help but smile as he nuzzled his way into Clockworks body, lying on him and squirming around until he was comfortable, with his head resting on Clockworks chest and his body, which was dwarfed by that of the wolf {I think}, lying snuggled up to his side, under his arm.
"Mmmm" Midnight sighed happily. "You're warm and fluffy."

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[Like this, except with opposable digits on his front paws, black fur, and a smile.. And a horn, too, since he's a unicorn.]

Clockwork's body, easily twice the size of Midnight's, was like a fluffy and warm pillow, and the werewolf's arm wrapped itself snugly around the pegasus' body. Clockwork shifted and held Midnight in both arms, laying the pegasus' head on his fluffy chest. As the movie went on, the werewolf wondered what the pegasus in his arms would like to do for their new relationship, and also how fast he wanted to take things. He would love to have some fun with Midnight, but he was new to sexual experiences. That said, he would still do his best to make sure Midnight enjoyed it.

1915766 {hey, Clockwork initiated this, he has to lead ;)}
As the movie wore on, Midnight started getting sleepy. He was on a nice fluffy mattress, so it wasn't that surprising, but it didn't stop him from yawning and turning on his side. Midnight was always a side sleeper. He curled up on Clockwork and slowly began drifting off...

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Clockwork gave Midnight a gentle nudge as he used his magic to turn off the tv. "Wanna move this to the bed, sweetie?" He asked in a soft voice, gently scooping the pegasus up in his strong arms and balancing on his hindlegs. Midnight was positively adorable like this, curled up in his arms.

[He'll lead if they want to have some sexy fun, but Midnight just needs to mention it first. Just an off-hand comment or something.]

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Oct 9th, 2013

1918707 {what was that deleted post?}

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[Accidental double post.]

Midnight barely nodded. He was so far gone, all he heard was bed. Of course, being the sexual deviant that he is, and in an exhausted state of mind, only one thing could come from such a word.
"Bed me? Mmm, not tonight; I'm so tired. T-*yawn*-tomorrow maybe?" He whispered, loud enough to hear.

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Clockwork blushed furiously as he carried Midnight to bed, laying the pegasus down and snuggling up with him under the covers. Using his fluffy werewolf body to keep his coltfriend warm, Clockwork closed his eyes and quietly said "No, no, sweetie.... Just sleep tonight...." He wants to have sex with me.... I.... Wow.... I'll do my best to make sure he enjoys it... He promised himself, smiling as he held Midnight to his soft, fluffy chest.

[Skip to morning? It's Saturday tomorrow, so Clockwork is going to sleep in, since he doesn't work on weekends.]

1918865 {sounds good to me}
Midnight yawned, his eyes still closed. He felt wonderful; like he has slept for a whole night on the worlds most comfiest mattress. And indeed, he could still feel it beneath him; it was warm and furry and curved to form to his body. Midnight smiled as he turned to his belly; he always slept on his side, but in the mornings he liked to switch to his belly, because it felt more sensual. He humped his crotch against the mattress a bit, then settled back down, sighing happily.

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