The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Maria snuggled up into Midnight's side, resting her head on her angel's shoulder and watching Lucy with a soft smile. "Mmm.... We should get some food for ourselves soon, shouldn't we?" The little mare kissed Midnight's cheek, wanting to relax and enjoy the vampiress' company. It made her feel better to know that Midnight had both sets of genitals like she did, and understood what she felt.

[She's escaped from worse, come back, and finished the job anyway. Intimidation will get Penumbra nowhere, nor will threats or torture.]

Widow narrowed her eyes and stared straight back at the giant stallion through the slit. She wasn't intimidated or scared in the slightest. "One. Hundred. Percent. Guaranteed. You're nothing to me but another head that needs to roll." Her magic lit up and slammed the slit on the door shut, and the mare quickly glanced over the wooden bench for a toilet. She could easily remove such an old piece of wood, but she likely couldn't fit into the sewage tunnels. It always helped to study the blueprints of places she went into, especially the old ones. Assuming none of them were stupid enough to open the door to try and actually grab her, she could wait until nightfall and escape then. She thought about going to collect her gear, but she could afford to perform the failsafe and destroy it, though she very much didn't want to. It was her favorite coat. Thankfully, she made sure not to ever carry any evidence of her client.

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"Mhmm..." Midnight stood up and walked over to one of the cabinets, and then opened it and pulled out a light-grey cloak. She had to wear this when going into areas of the castle besides the library. Her work-space fortunately didn't have any windows. She quickly put the cloak over her body, and then closed the doors of the cabinet. She then walked back over to Maria, and sat down. "I'm ready whenever you are."

The Black Lord sighed as he turned away from the door and walked away. "Prisoners are all the same." He muttered.

When the lord left, Cast briefly glanced at the door, and then quickly pulled out a slip of paper and began writing something down. Once he was done, he used his magic to pull open the slit of the door, and then he floated the paper into Widow's cell. The note was written with surprising neatness for a guard:

I can help you leave this place. Something about you makes me want to help you Tonight, I can sneak you out when the rest of the guards change shifts.

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Maria smiled and put her own cloak on, then set Lucy on her back and walked out the door. "We'll get our food and come back to our room, okay?" She said with a soft smile, and she leaned over and nuzzled her lover's cheek. As they walked along, she let Midnight lead the way, making sure to stay close to her angel. She let Lucy hop onto Midnight's back and nuzzled the back of Midnight's head, purring softly and pleasantly in her ear.

Widow picked up the note in her magic and read it over, and she sighed as she turned it over and used her magic to scrawl a new message on the back.

If I'm going to leave peacefully, I will need my gear, and the Germane equivalent of twenty thousand bits. I was to be paid the equivalent of eighty thousand. If that is not satisfactory, then I can show myself out with my gear when I choose anyway.

She slipped the note back through the slit and let out a sigh, thinking about where in the castle they would have taken her equipment.

[Widow is in a tough spot right now. She as an assassin has a near-perfect reputation that she needs to keep, lest she lose her job, and she very much wants the amount she's been offered, and she needs at least a good fraction of what she has been offered. It would allow her to not have to take as many jobs for a while. Unless she is offered a new job, she still needs to complete her mission and have Penumbra kick the bucket.]

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Midnight giggled at Lucy's antics as they left the room, and she briefly glanced back at the adorable cat. "Hello, there." She said playfully. After a few minutes, they reached the mess hall. Midnight gathered herself up two plates of food, and then waited for her lover to get her meal before she led the way out. Once they were back in their room, she walked over to the table and sat her plates on its top, and then sat down.

Cast quickly took the note, and then carefully read it. With a quiet sigh, he pulled out another piece of paper, and then hurried wrote something on one side.

You'll break out only to be turned into a jager's chew toy, if one of the ironclads doesn't get to you first. I'm not even trying to press your buttons this time. I have 20,000 Marks that I don't need, you're free to have them. That should be more than enough to cover your payment in bits. Your gear is in the jagers' armory, I will take you there.

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Maria set her plate down on the table, then set aside a big cut of steak for Lucy on a smaller plate. The kitty pounced on her dinner and began taking bites out of it, while Maria sat in her chair and began taking bites of her mashed potatoes. "Mmmm..... So, how have you been, sweetie? Did you want to do something after dinner?"

Widow read the note and slipped it back after scrawling her own.

I don't go into a place blind, genius. My client kept me very well informed of what was in this castle, and I prepared appropriately. Though, I think I'll take your offer. It sounds preferable, if only because I'm getting my pay.

[So, what's going to make her stay? Unless Cast decides to go with her.]

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Midnight stared down at the table uncertainly, and then turned to Maria with a frown. "Are you okay with staying in and reading? I'm used to being by myself, so I don't know what to do for fun, and I'm afraid to get out running around during the day." It had been so long since she had any real contact with anyone, that she had forgotten much about how to spend time with others.

(Cast will go with her, but she needs to start being nicer if she wants to keep him around.)

Cast groaned as he read over the note, and he then burned the paper with a flicker of his horn before putting his head between his hooves. After a moment, he glanced over at the cell door. "You know, you're not the only one here who takes a great amount of pride in their job. I went as far as dying for mine. They brought me back as something else." He was hoping to make a little conversation to pass the time.

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Maria smiled and nodded as she leaned over and nuzzled Midnight's cheek. "That sounds wonderful, sweetie pie." The little mare blushed and twiddled her hooves, looking up at her lover with a bashful smile. "Maybe... you could read me a bedtime story? My mommy used to do it every night...." The little mare let out a sad sigh, her eyes closed as she thought about those wonderful nights with her mommy snuggled up with her in bed, reading her a fantasy novel and holding her close....

[Once she finds a reason to want to keep him around, she will.]

Widow gave a small snort, though it wasn't an insult, so that was an improvement. "I was pretty much forced into mine. Feels like it, anyway. Black Widow isn't even my real name. I just took it up after this stupid mark on my flank appeared. Seducing ponies and stabbing them in the back was something I've always been good at, metaphorically anyway, but my cutie mark didn't appear until my college years. I was back with my mom, visiting for the weekend." The scarlet mare felt a weight being lifted from her chest as she talked about her life, and she couldn't help but talk more. "My mom, depressed and lonely. let a drunk bastard of a stallion marry her a couple months before I arrived to visit, and one night, he tries to have sex with her after too many beers. She's not in the mood, but he keeps pushing, and eventually, he tries to start choking her. So, I did what I do best. I walk in and flash a smile, show off a little flank, and mention something about "younger mares". He hops off the bed and tries to get between my legs like the horn-dog he was, but he didn't see that my magic was active, or the knife I was holding in it." She let out a sigh and stared up at the ceiling. "It was then my mark appeared, and after the police came and cleaned up the mess, and my mother was asleep, I went back into bed and cried. I just... cried.... until I was asleep myself..."

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Midnight wrapped a wing around Maria's back as she noticed her lover's distant look. "I'd love to, sweetie. Anything to make you happy." She said with a warm smile. She glanced off to the side, and then looked back to Maria with a faint blush. "I was hoping we could have a romantic dinner at some point. Wine, candles, fancy dresses...and passionate love."

Cast turned his head towards the door, with a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'm sorry that you had to have such a tragic experience." He said in a sincere tone. "I was never supposed to be a soldier. I was supposed to take my father's place as a lord, but I chose the military over politics. I outdid everyone in everything, even my superiors, and I probably had more discipline than anyone else in the barracks." He let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes. He could hardly believe that he was telling his life story to a stranger, but he felt comfortable around her even after what happened. "A few months after initial training, we got sent to deal with a Trottomane rebellion in the North. My squad was escorting a tank through the streets of one of their towns, when an artillery shell came down right on top of us. I didn't even know what happened, everything just went black. When I woke up, all I could make out was that there was fire everywhere, the tank was destroyed, my squadmates were laying down around me, and I couldn't feel my legs. I blacked out again, and when I woke up I was in a hospital. I had died before the operation that saved me, because I had a heart attack from the trauma. They somehow revived me, and then spent several hours operating on me. When they were done and I was awake, I had four mechanical legs, and my entire skeleton had been replaced with titanium." He let out a long, sad sigh, and then glanced at one of his hooves. "I'm more machine than stallion..."

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Maria squeed and nodded vigorously at the idea of a romantic night with her beautiful angel. "Oh, yes please!" She quickly calmed down again, and she took to petting Lucy's back as the kitty ate her dinner, before going back to eating her own meal. "Mmmm.... Good food." She mumbled with her cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk's. "So, do you have any favorite books?"

The mare looked at the faded scarlet fur on her hoof, then let out a sigh. "It seems we both have lives we wish we didn't...." She turned her head and looked at the door. "I'm sorry for insulting you earlier. No hard feelings?" She asked, smiling hopefully as her eyes flicked up to the door slit.

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Midnight took a bite of her food, and then turned to Maria with a smile. "I like to read about the sciences, and the occasional fiction novel is nice." She chirped. She then looked off to the side with a slightly distant gaze. "I've probably read every book in the library at least once, or close to it..."

Cast looked up at the slit, smiling hopefully. "No hard feelings." He glanced back at the entrance to the prison, and then looked to the cell door. "No one else will be down here for several hours. I could teleport in there and keep you company until its time to go. I mean...if you want..." He said bashfully.

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Maria giggled and smooched Midnight's cheek, then blushed again. "So, um... C-could you read me a fantasy story? Please?" The little mare seemed to have turned back into a cute little filly, curled up with her cloak like a blanket and letting Lucy snuggle into her chest, the little kitty having finished eating.

Widow's eyes widened, and she stammered silently for a moment before speaking. She could hear the tone of his voice. "Em... I haven't had the best experience with stallions. No offense. I've just... No stallion that's been even remotely interested in me has actually been sincere and kind with me. They've just wanted me to have sex with them." She looked to the door again after another long pause. "You're welcome to keep me company, so long as you don't try to hit me over the head again." She didn't know why she was confessing so much to this stallion, but she felt calm around him, like he could be trusted.

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"Sure." Midnight quickly finished her food, and then got up from her chair. She went over to the bookshelf, and then pulled a small fantasy novel from her collection. She walked over to the bed and climbed on top of it, and then looked to Maria with a loving smile. She patted the spot next to her with a hoof, silently asking her lover to lay with her as they read.

Cast flared his horn and disappeared in a flash of light, and then reappeared in the cell, laying against the wall across from Widow. "I haven't had the best experience with people in general, mares especially. Before my incident, I intimidated people with my size. Now, the ones who know of me, but don't know me personally, are terrified of me. They see me as an abomination." He laid his head between his hooves, and then looked at the ground. "One of the main reasons people are afraid of me, is that one of the first people I hugged after I got my augments was sent to the emergency room. That was before I learned my own strength."

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Maria hopped off the chair and scampered over to the bed, climbing under and snuggling Lucy in her hooves like a teddy bear. She looked so timid and innocent like this, just laying in bed and looking up to Midnight with her big, soulful blue eyes. She said nothing, just snuggling up next to her angel and laying her head on her chest, just like she used to do with her mother. "I love you..." She whispered.

Widow looked up at Cast with a look of sympathy, her ears flat to her head. "Going through college, nopony wanted to be my friend. They thought they were going to get swindled or backstabbed like with that stallion. They took one look at my cutie mark and turned away. Any stallion trying to get to know me was only doing it because someone decided to bet them to do it or something. I don't know the details on that one." She felt a tear or two fall from her cheek. "There was even a fucking fraternity group in the college, and to get in, they had to have touched my rump!" She said a bit louder, feeling tears fall. "So... I did what I do best... Paid a few ponies and seduced others...And those fraternity jerks all ended up with itching powder in their bedsheets and pillows. One of them had an allergic reaction and broke out in hives." She sniffled and wiped some tears away. "And no one ever knew it was me who set it all up. Gods, why can't I just let things go...." She mumbled as she put her face in her hooves, starting to sob a little bit.

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Midnight leaned over and kissed Maria on the cheek, and then wrapped her wing around her back. "I love you, too." She whispered back. She turned to the book and opened it up, and then began reading. The story was about a group of heroes who set out to take an ancient and evil artifact to be destroyed by a volcano. Midnight's voice was motherly as she read to her lover, and she seemed to be smiling excitedly.

Cast stood up and walked over to Widow, and then sat down next to her. He gave her a sympathetic look as he gently put one of his massive hooves on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her. "Once, I owed a debt to a stallion who I thought was a decent pony. I had borrowed some money from him in hopes of getting a house more suited to someone of my size. When the time came to pay him back, I asked for a little more time, even going as far as putting my honor as a soldier on the line. You know what he told me?" His vision started to blur as he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks. "He told me that my word didn't mean anything. When I asked him why, he said that I wasn't a pony, and that I couldn't be trusted. It turned into a heated argument, and he eventually said that I was just a soulless machine." He looked off to the side. "Suddenly, I realized why everyone hated me."

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Maria was curled up and staring up at Midnight's face with the look of innocence and curiosity and awe that only foals could bear, and she was quiet as a mouse as she held Lucy in her arms. She felt like she was home again, if only for a little bit. She had her angel to read to her and love her and keep her warm and safe, and nothing could harm her now. They were in their own world together, joining the heroes on their adventure and taking the artifact to the volcano alongside them.

Widow was crying into Cast's chest, as if his stories had broken down the walls around her heart. She felt her tears mat his chest fur, and she looked up to him with an expression of sadness. "No.... No, you are not... You are a s-stallion, and you deserve to be accepted for w-who you are..." She said shakily, and she looked to his metal hooves. "These... These don't change who you are, or... o-or even what you are..." The more she talked about Cast, the more she felt as if those words could be turned back on herself. Her cutie mark defined what she was good at, yes, but she didn't need to let it dictate who she wanted to be inside, and how she wanted to treat others.

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A few hours later, Midnight reached the end of the chapter, and she gently closed the book. "That's all for now." She turned to Maria with a loving smile. "What did you think, sweetie?" This was the first time that she had ever read to anyone, and she admittedly found it fun.

Cast sniffled as he gently pulled Widow into a hug with his massive arms, and he held her almost lovingly. "Th-thank you...s-so much..." He whispered. He slowly turned his head to look down at Widow's face, and then quietly cleared his throat. "I know that I just met you, and I don't know you that well, but based on what I've heard...I think that you're a beautiful pony on the inside. Don't let anyone say otherwise."

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Maria had fallen fast asleep, curled up with her muzzle buried in Lucy's fur. She was at the peak of adorableness at the moment, seeming to be like a little foal. She felt safe and loved again, in a way that she had been missing for over twenty years. Lucy purred softly as she slept with Maria, soothing the little mare as they slept and keeping her warm with her fur.

Widow smiled shakily and felt tears of joy roll down her cheeks. "Thank you.... I j-just... If I was good at anything else, I wouldn't be in this career...." The mare closed her eyes and rested her head on Cast's chest. "I d-don't know what else I could do... I'd take a-any job I c-could do well..." The mare closed her eyes and tried to block out the world around her, save for this wonderful stallion who, for the first time in her life, empathized with her. It meant the world to her, and she didn't want her only friend to go away.

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Midnight smiled warmly at the sight as she scooted the book to the side, and then she leaned down and kissed Maria on the forehead. "I love you." She whispered. She then snuggled up to her lover, and then closed her eyes. It didn't take long for Midnight to fall asleep, and she dreamed of basking in the moonlight with Maria.

(Wanna do the cupcake thing when they wake up? :pinkiecrazy:)

Cast closed his eyes, and he lightly rested his chin on Widow's shoulder as he gently stroked her mane with a hoof. "We could find something else for you to do...Germaneigh doesn't have anything for me anymore." He opened his eyes, and then raised his head up to look down at her face. "I'd gladly help you find something that makes you happy."

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A few hours later, Maria yawned cutely and slowly opened her eyes, still cuddling Lucy to her chest. The little mare looked around for Midnight with bleary eyes, but was feeling rested nonetheless, and she slowly sat up in bed, cuddling her kitty as she waited for her vision to clear up.

[Fire when ready, cap'n.]

Widow smiled and sniffled, looking away with a soft blush of embarrassment. "I... Well... I-I've always wanted t-to run a p-pet shop... I was never sure if I w-would be good at it... Um... a-are there a lot of stray animals in this c-country? I could set up a rescue shelter...." The mare wanted so badly to do something that interested her, not just some criminal life of murder that her cutie mark pulled her into.

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Midnight was laying a few feet away from Maria, with her back turned to her lover. She was moaning erotically as she licked at something, and she turned to Maria when she heard her awake. Midnight was licking at a grey and pink cupcake with white frosting, and it had a flared top like something greatly familiar. She was giving Maria bedroom eyes as she slowly licked at the cupcake, and her wings were erect at her sides.

Cast looked off to the side with a thoughtful expression. "I'd think so, Germaneigh is rather large, and it has many cities." He looked down to Widow's face with a serious expression. "If I'm to remain in this country with you, you will have to find your own way out. We can meet up later, and I can give you your money."

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[*throb throb throb*]

Maria whimpered as her meter-long, six inch wide member sprung up from between her legs, twitching and practically spurting out pre. The little mare watched Midnight's tongue move across the tip, the way it slid around the edge oft he flare.... licking up that sweet white substance....

Before she could stop herself, the little mare sprung up and mounted Midnight's head, shoving her member deep down Midnight's throat. She whimpered as she began thrusting in and out, moving at a moderate pace and pulling back far enough so Midnight could take breaths. "Nnnn.... l-lick me.... please..." The little mare's libido felt as if it had skyrocketed with all the changes to their bodies, and the mare had liters worth of seed to spew out into her lover's stomach.

Widow sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "If... If we did go back to Equestria, we might be okay. The name Black Widow is only known by the most wealthy of potential clients, and they can't contact me unless I want them to. The police and even the Princesses haven't heard the name. I don't ever leave a signature or evidence. If we stayed here, I could still just use some of that money to start a pet shop. Either way, I think we'd be pretty okay." She turned and smiled up at Cast. "Which one would you like to do?"

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Midnight moaned deeply as she licked at Maria's ridge with her long, thread-like tongue, and she looked up to her lover's face with her sapphire blue eyes. Her wings were throbbing at her sides with intense arousal, and her marehood felt like it was on fire. She made powerful tugging motions with her lips whenever Maria's tip came close to the front of her mouth. Eventually, she wrapped her tongue all the way around Maria's shaft, and then convulsed the muscle around her length. She used the tip of her tongue to prod at Maria's member, and she stared straight into her eyes as if asking for permission.

Cast facehooved lightly, and he swore under his breath. "I just realized something. Even if you get out of here, they're still going to be looking for you. The lord knows what you look like, and so do a few of the jagers who saw me bring you in. All it would take to have the Imperial Guard make our lives hell is for someone to send a message to the capitol." He slowly looked to Widow's face with a wry smile. "Looks like we're going to Equestria after all. We'll be far safer there than here."

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Maria panted as she sat back on her haunches, her member still inside Midnight's mouth. When she felt her lover's tongue prodding at her urethra, she nodded eagerly. "P-please.... nnn..." The little mare's dense, volleyball-sized testes swelled up a bit, churning with hot, delicious seed, soon to be offered to Midnight. "I love you..." Maria whispered as she propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch her lover.

Widow smiled and nodded. "So, when are we leaving? And should I show myself out, or are you going to lead me out? And I still need my gear." The mare was eager to get away from not only this castle, but her life as a killer. She would still hold onto her weapons, but only for self-defense. Despite how well she had kept her career out of the public eye, there still might be ponies coming after her.

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Midnight grinned mischievously as she uncoiled her tongue from around Maria's shaft, and then she slowly threaded it into her urethra with a soft moan. She remembered how wonderful this felt during her brief time as a goo pony, and she knew that it probably would have felt even better were she flesh and blood at the time. The mental image of Maria's tongue snaking down her urethra made her member spring out from its sheathe, and it leaked precum onto the bed. With a shuddering moan, she pushed her tongue through Maria's shaft and all the way to the base, and then it pushed even further until she reached her prostate.

Cast glanced over at the door with a thoughtful expression. "We can leave now, if you wish. I can teleport us into the armory, and then once you have everything you need we can teleport straight out of the castle walls." He slowly stood up, careful to not accidentally step on Widow in the process. "Just tell me when you're ready. An unexpected teleportation can be...unpleasant."

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Maria squealed as she felt her testes and prostate churn. Her prostate convulsed around Midnight's tongue, washing her seed across the vampiress' taste buds over and over. "Nnnn.... Honey...." The little mare began stroking her lover's mane, sitting up a bit as she panted. Her climax was coming soon, and it would be quite intense.

Widow nodded and stood up, readying herself. "Okay. Let's be quick. I don't like the way Penumbra was looking at me, and I'd rather keep my head." The mare smiled up at Cast and nodded for him to teleport them.

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Midnight seemed to have been driven into a frenzy as the taste of fresh, hot seed washed over her tongue. She began thrusting her tongue in and out of Maria's prostate hard and fast, and she sucked powerfully on the tip. She wanted to have an intense session with her lover. Maria's massive shaft made her horny just thinking about it, and she thought about it a lot. She couldn't help but moan lewdly at the idea of them going at it like animals when her estrus happened, which would be soon.

Cast closed his eyes as he flared his horn, and he concentrated on where he wanted to teleport them. He was capable of short range teleportation, and he could do so often, but it was tiring both mentally and physically. Cast and Widdow disappeared in a flash of red light, and they reappeared in the jagers' armory. Thankfully, there was no one else in the room when they appeared. The walls of the large room were covered with various firearms, and a few suits of armor rested on tables in the middle of the room, except one. On that table was all of Widow's gear.

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Maria grunted and moaned as her climax began coming faster, and she began gyrating her hips to move her member around inside Midnight's warm, wet mouth. After a minute or two, she mounted her lover's head and pushed her length down her throat to the hilt, grunting and moaning loudly and biting her lip as she pumped her lover's stomach full of seed. She kept pumping for a good fifteen more seconds before falling backwards onto the bed, her testes down to grapefruits in size and a wide smile on her face. "Nnnnn.... Wow....."

Widow wasted no time throwing on her coat and hat, pocketing her mask and sunglasses as well as her weapons and gadgets. She looked at the SMG she had used on Cast at first as she compacted it and put it away. "12.7mm Hauer Premium Showstopper civic defense pistol rounds. I'm impressed that your armor withstood it." She walked back over to Cast and nodded to him. "Let's get to a train or zeppelin station as soon as we can."

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Midnight was made so intensely aroused by being filled with seed, that her scent began to waft through the air. She quickly crawled over to Maria, and she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. She began licking and kissing at her neck and chest, moaning all the while. "Please, baby...Tell me you're good for one more..." She moved her mane out of her face, and then moved up to her lover's ear. "I need you." She whispered.

Cast flared his horn and teleported them out of the castle as soon as Widow had finished talking, and they were now directly outside of its walls. He flared his horn one more time, and then teleported them to the outskirts of town. Cast looked to Widow with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. I made two flashes instead of one because the spell becomes dangerous to use after a certain distance." He knelt down on the ground, and then nodded towards his back. "If you don't mind, you could ride on my back. I can move much faster than a normal pony."

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Maria slowly sat up and moaned, looking over at the cabinets. "Nnnn.... Is there any food or something...?" She looked down at her testes and rubbed them with a hoof. "I wanna fill you up, baby... I wanna make you pregnant...." The little mare cooed and moaned as she fondled her scrotum, feeling lust flood her system.

Widow nodded clambered onto his back, and she giggled as she saw how high off the ground she was. The mare wrapped her forelegs around Cast's neck and said "To the train station, my trusty steed!" She broke out into a fit of giggles after, her eyes closed and a big grin on her lips. She was feeling happier today than she had in a very long time.

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Midnight immediately sprung off the bed, and then went over to the cabinet. She hurriedly opened the doors, and then quickly pulled out two entire plates of food, which she balanced on her wings. She closed the doors, and then carefully walked over to the bed and sat the plates on the table. "Eat up." She said as she climbed onto the bed. She moved herself so that she was laying next to Maria. "I'll be going into heat within a few days, then you can really make me pregnant." She purred in a seductive, yet sincere manner. Even though they hadn't known each other very long, Midnight was ready to have a foal with Maria. They both had motherly instincts, and she knew that they could take care of a family together.

Cast grinned as he reared up on his hind legs and whinnied, and he kicked his front legs in the air. He brought himself back down on all fours, and then took off like lightning. His massive hooves hit the ground with a thunderous cadance, and his legs moved with the constant whir of machinery.

(Skip to Equestria?)

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Maria moaned as her member began sucking down sll the food, and her testes swelled up bigger and bigger, until they were a bit bigger than volleyballs. The little mare stood up and panted a she made her member four feet long and eight inches wide, all for her lover. "G-get comfy, sweetie... I'll take care of you..."

Widow felt like a little foal again, letting out a giggle as she held onto Cast. "Weeee!" The mare hadn't been able to have fun like this as a child. She was a recluse as a child, only because she had to stay home after school and clean the house so her parents could keep working at their jobs to support the family. When her dad passed away from leukemia, things only got harder for her and her mother.

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Midnight laid her head down between her hooves, and then spread her legs behind herself. She looked to Maria with her most seductive grin, one that would make many stallions and mares blush to their ears. "Make love to me, Maria..." She breathed, adding a shake of her rump for emphasis.

They arrived at the nearest train station a few hours later. Cast had made a quick trip to the bank and withdrew everything that he had, and he afterwards got tickets for both of them. When it was time to board the train, Cast showed Widow to their room. He had paid for a deluxe room, one that was fit for someone of his great size. It was very spartan, as was expected of a train car, but it did have a king-sized bed. Cast ducked through the door, and then walked over to the bed and laid down on top of it with a sigh.

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Maria whimpered and quickly mounted Midnight, squeezing and groping her lover's huge rump as she pushed her giant shaft inside and began quickly thrusting. She didn't want this incredibly pleasure and sense of freedom to end. She wanted to keep making love to her angel for as long as she possibly could, just pushing her thick, throbbing shaft into her womb over and over again.

Widow took off her coat and hat and set them aside on a chair, then sat down on the edge of the bed. "Thanks for doing this, Cast. And... sorry for being such a jerk earlier..." The mare leaned over and gave the giant stallion a soft kiss on the cheek. "Because you've earned it." She said with a sly smile.

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Midnight lightly grit her teeth and squealed loudly as she closed her eyes, and her hooves tightly gripped the bed sheets. Pleasure in an amount that she had never felt before flooded her system with every thrust, and she felt so full that she thought that she would burst. "H-harder...Please, r-rut me..."

Cast went rigid as he felt Widow's lips on his cheek, and he was blushing furiously like a nervous colt on his first date. He used his magic to carefully remove his armor piece by piece, and he sat it all in a corner of the room. The lack of his armor revealed that his fur was even blacker than his armor, and his mane and tail were snow white. His body was bulging with powerful muscles that only a stallion of his size could have.

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Maria moaned and squealed as she began thrusting faster and harder, using her hooves to squeeze her lover's huge rump cheeks around her shaft as it slid in and out, and she threw her head back and moaned loudly, her eyes shut tight. "H-honey.... Ahhnnn...." The little mare hoped her lover liked this, being rutted senseless after a lovely dinner.

[Say, uh... I have a bit of an unbirthing fetish... if you don't mind Midnight or Maria getting the power to let entire ponies into their wombs with ease... I'd like to try it...]

Widow smiled sensually and made a soft purring noise at the sight of Cast's muscled body. "Well, then..." The mare got up and went to the personal bathroom of the cabin. "I'll be out in a few." She winked and smiled slyly before closing the door. The sound of the shower could be heard, and as Widow washed herself up, she thought about what to do with Cast. She thought about asking him on a date, and she was pretty certain he was interested in her as well, but she wasn't quite sure yet.

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Midnight's squeals immediately rose in pitch once Maria started thrusting harder, and they soon turned into powerful shouts. She lightly and reflexively pounded her hoof on the bed, and she was lightly bucking her hips into every thrust. "Yes! Maria...I love you!..." She cried out. She could barely think straight at the moment. Her thoughts were filled with lust, passion, and love, and she could feel the most powerful orgasm of her life build in her loins.

(I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable with that. :ajsleepy:)

Cast's eyes were glued to Widow's rump as she walked into the bathroom, and once she was gone, he shuddered and sighed. "Where has she been all of my life..." He said as he laid his head between his hooves. In his eyes, Widow was perfect. She was sweet, playful, beautiful, and powerful. He wasn't sure if he could muster the courage to ask her out on a date. He had personally fought in a war, and even that seemed less intimidating than trying to court her.

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[That's okay. That's why I asked first. I know we have a lot of kinks, many different, and I want to make sure we're both comfrotable.]

Maria squealed and shouted as her hips began to move even faster, her eyes shut tight as she bit her lip. She panted heavily as she thrust as fast and hard as she could, determined to please her lover to her fullest ability. "M-Midnight! Ahhhh! I l-love you!" The little mare began thrusting even faster, screaming at the top of her lungs as the sounds of her hips slapping against Midnight's groin began to blur into one another.

After around ten minutes or so, Widow came out of the shower, having dried off and brushed her mane and tail. She had her mane all draped over her left shoulder neatly, with the bangs parted, and her tail was let down loose, neatly groomed. The mare got up onto the bed and laid on her side, accentuating her deep, toned curves. "So... I can see it in your eyes. I take it you were thinking of asking me out." She raised her eyebrow to silently ask if she was correct.

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Midnight whimpered as she held back her cries of pleasure, and she quickly buried her muzzle in the sheets. She screamed into the bed as the greatest pleasure that she had ever known pounded her nerves. She raised her head up, and then squealed loudly. "M-maria...It's so big..."

Cast's blush deepened, and he nodded to her in response. He slowly raised his head from between his hooves, and then looked her in the eyes. "Black Widow, I would love to court a mare as beautiful as you." He said quickly. He then buried his face between his hooves, and his cheeks turned even more red.

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After a minute more, Maria thrust one last time and squealed as her mind went white hot with pleasure. Her balls contracted as she pumped out liters of seed into Midnight's womb, and she kept spewing out her essence like a hose before falling back onto the bed once more, drooling with her mouth open as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Murrrrrr....."

Widow giggled and snuggled up to Cast. "D'awww, you're just a big sweetheart. Hugs and back rubs and sappy romance stuff makes me happy." She gave a sensual smile as she looked down at his hooves. "Mm... With strength like that, you could give really good massages..." The seductive mare placed another soft kiss on Cast's cheek, hoping to get him to relax a little.

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Midnight had buried her face in the sheets, and then screamed ecstatically and at the top of her lungs as the most wonderful feeling in the world filled her loins. Her juices had gushed out onto her's and Maria's groins, and onto the bed, staining them with her marely scent. Midnight cooed and mewled as her entire body tingled with euphoria, and her chest heaved with heavy breathing. She just knew that she was going to love being in heat.

An almost goofy grin crept across Cast's face as Widow kissed him, and he let out a content sigh. "Guh..." He looked over to her with a sheepish smile, and a softer blush. "My hooves are quite sensitive to touch, actually. Would...Would you like a massage?" He asked timidly.

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Maria slowly crawled over to her marefriend and laid down on top of her, breathing deeply and relaxing under the softness of her fur, her warmth, her scent. "Mmmmm...... I luh yo...." She mumbled, her speech slurred by pleasure. The little mare rubbed her lover's sides with her hooves, and Lucy crawled onto Maria's back and snuggled into her, creating a tower of snuggles.

Widow laid down on her stomach and spread her legs a bit, enough to reveal her marehood if her tail wasn't teasingly blocking the view. She gave her very large, toned rump a small shake, smiling sensually back at Cast with half-lidded eyes. "I would very much like a massage, baby...."

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Midnight weakly wrapped her arms and wings around Maria's back, and the nuzzled her cheek. "Luh yo..too..." She mumbled back. All she could do was grin and moan softly as she rode out the last of her orgasm, but she soon fell asleep for a quick nap. She smiled in her sleep, feeling better than she had in a long time.

(Midnight being in heat will trigger an all-out seduction attack. :pinkiecrazy:)

Cast's body visibly jumped as he felt something massive twitch between his legs, which had been aroused by Widow's seductive nature. His blushed deepened further, and then he crawled over to her. He then sat up, and he placed his massive hooves gently on Widow's shoulders. As he began to lightly rub her tense muscles, he cleared his throat as he decided to be a little more adventurous. "Your voice is like beautiful music. I thought this from the first time I heard you speak. So smooth, powerful...and feminine..."

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[*throb throb throb*]

Maria slowly awoke as the moon rose once again, and she got up and slowly stretched out, then placed a soft kiss on Midnight's cheek, then Lucy's cheek. The little mare hopped off the bed and took a leg of mutton from the cupboard, taking bites out of it, then sucking the bone down her urethra to be digested into semen in her testes. She walked into the bathroom and got into the shower, relaxing and washing herself, paying special attention to her testes and her marehood to make sure they were nice and clean.

[Okay... um.... Do you mind Widow becoming a living sleeve for Cast's member? With how big he is, as long as they cast the right spells, his member might be big enough to safely go in her anus and out the other end, or vice versa. Again, we don't have to if you're not comfortable with it. But she will definitely need a little help taking in his shaft.]

Widow gave a soft, sensual moan and closed her eyes, crossing her forelegs under her chin as she laid her head down. "Mmm.... Thanks... It's what helps me do what I do best..." The mare giggled as she thought about all the times she had disguised herself with an alias and used her looks and seductive voice to charm others. She had wrapped stallions around her hoof with ease to get into guarded areas or get information out of them.

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A few minutes later, Midnight awoke with a soft groan due to Maria's absence. Her eyes fluttered open as she rolled onto her stomach, and then she slowly and carefully stepped off of the bed. She walked over to the pantry and opened it up, and then pulled out some leftover steak from breakfast, along with a quarter of a loaf of bread. She brought her food over to the table and then sat down, and she quickly ate her meal. After she was done, she hopped out of her chair and then walked into the bathroom. She smiled seductively as she sauntered over to the shower. "Oh, Maria...mind if I join you?" She asked in a sensual, sing-song voice.

(I don't mind. I remember that for Cast/Baker we adjusted their sizes, so that they could have sex normally without hurting each other. I had shortened Cast's height by a foot, I think.)

Cast stopped for a brief moment and then shuddered as he heard Widow's moan, and the twitching between his legs returned. He wasn't sure how long he was going to be able to keep that part of his body from revealing itself, but he would try his best. He moved his hooves a little lower to the middle of her back, and then resumed his massage.

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Maria squeed and said "Come in, baby." The little mare was washing her chest right now, leaning back against the wall and relaxing in the hot water. She smiled as she thought of pleasing her lover more. She had grown a bit more comfortable with her angel's male endowments, and she found that she really liked gentle anal fun. Perhaps Midnight would be up for that again.

[Yay! :pinkiehappy: I think it would be fun if they stayed at their current sizes, so Widow could become a living sleeve on his member, and she could move herself back and forth, or Cast could move her with his hooves, or he could walk around with her speared on his shaft.... I should probably stop before I start drooling... :twilightsheepish: Anyway, perhaps she could have her anatomy changed a bit by some spells. Perhaps an extra tube riding along her spine that directly connects her throat and anus?]

Widow moaned again, putting a bit more lewdness into her moan this time and smiling sensually back at Cast. "You really know how to make a mare comfortable..." She said with a breathy tone. While her loins were still for the moment, she was glad to flirt with Cast and hopefully make him a bit more comfortable. She herself was, amazingly, still a virgin, but she was sure Cast could make her first time, and what she assumed would also be his first time, special.

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Midnight pulled open the curtain, and then carefully stepped inside before pulling the curtain closed. She snuggled up to Maria, and then kissed her on the cheek. "Hey, sexy." She purred quietly. "So, I was wondering...maybe you'd like to have some fun with my plot..." She said casually. She gently nibbled on Maria's ear, and then kissed her on the cheek. "We've still yet to do that, and I saw how much you loved it when I tried it with you."

(That'd work. She could also add some extra room in another place so that they could have fun normally. :rainbowwild:)

Cast shuddered again, and then adjusted himself so that he was pointing slightly away from Widow. If he were to suddenly become unable to control his arousal, he didn't want her to see it. He looked back to Widow with a more relaxed, yet still slightly nervous smile. "Germane soldiers are taught equine anatomy. Funny how that applies to other things." He said with a chuckle.

Comment posted by Craterfist deleted Feb 12th, 2014
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Maria blushed and smiled. "Well... I was hoping you could put it in my plot again... But I don't mind trying it with you...." The little mare wanted to feel her lover caress her inside and out, but she wouldn't mind returning the favor to her lover after. She just wanted to feel warmed by her angel's hot, musky seed inside her body. She raised her slim rump into the air, looking back with a hopeful smile.

[Indeed. Let's get kinky! :pinkiecrazy:]

Widow hummed quietly to herself and laid her head down. "Mmm.... You can apply your hooves anywhere you want on me, baby..." She flicked her tail for emphasis and to draw attention to her very large, firm rump and thick thighs, and she even waggled her eyebrows a little bit. The mare trusted Cast to still be gentlecoltly with her, and she enjoyed every minute of his gentle affections.

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Midnight grinned as she moved behind Maria and carefully mounted her, and then she lined up her member with her lover's anus. She slowly pushed inside with a deep moan, and she panted lightly as her excitement grew. She gave her lover a sensual grin as she placed her hooves on Maria's hips. "I love doing this...You feel good..."

Cast allowed himself to grin as he gently moved his hooves down Widow's body. His hooves seemed to dance down her back, rubbing at her body with circular motions before moving a little lower. When he reached her rear, he gently pressed his hooves to her flanks and massaged them the same way as he had before. Her thighs felt so firm and powerful, and her flesh and fur was so soft. Cast's eyes widened as he felt something move between his legs, and before he could do anything his colossal member sprang out and jabbed Widow's flank. He blushed furiously as he let out a small, nervous squeal, and then he moved back and turned away from her. He was so embarrassed that felt like he could die.

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Maira cooed and moaned as she slowly ground her hips back into her lover's groin, feeling her marehood and member leak juices onto the shower floor. "Nnn.... Yeah.... That's so gooood...." The little mare smiled blissfully and closed her eyes, letting her angel have her way with her. "I love you, sweetie....." She mumbled.

Widow giggled and stood up, and she walked across the bed and kissed Cast softly on the lips. "It's okay, cutie. I had a feeling thag would happen, with you feeling up a mare's body." She nuzzled his cheek and said "Later tonight, okay? I probably won't be able to take you inside me, but I would be happy to treat you to a nice night." She gave a sensual grin and winked before hopping off the bed. "Come on, let's see if we can have some food delivered to our room. I'm starving."

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