The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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[I can tell you really enjoyed this. What about a nice long spade tail, though? And horns? Then again, Maria is gonna have to get used to having a sex demon for a lover. What happened to her beautiful angel, she'll think.]

Maria was fast asleep, cuddled up quietly with Midnight and sleeping softly as her giant testes churned. They seemed to be compacting a bit, as if getting used to holding all the seed inside them. They went down to a bit bigger than volleyballs, thought they were much denser now. The little mare breathed softly with Lucy curled up in her hooves, resting after such an intense session with her lover. She dreamed of Midnight, of her loving smile. Her beautiful wings that made her look like a being from the heavens. Her comforting touch. Her soothing voice. Everything she thought was perfect about her lover.

[Also, considering what happened to Maria in the past, it's going to take some convincing ti get Maria to be comfortable with pleasuring Midnight's male bits.]

Group Admin

2778227 (She can always change her wings back to their original form. Now that I think about it, I really do like her "dark angel" look better.)

Midnight snuggled a little closer to Maria, and buried her muzzle in her lover's mane. Maria's scent made her mumble something in her sleep, and her smile widened slightly. She was dreaming of having a romantic dinner with her lover, with dim lighting, a bottle of wine, fancy food, and both of them were in fancy gowns. She couldn't help but admire Maria's divine appearance, which Midnight felt reflected her pure heart and gentle demeanor. She wrapped an arm around Maria's shoulder, and then pulled her close. "So cute..." She mumbled.

(Perhaps Midnight could convince her to try anal first to get used to a similar feeling. She could go at a very slow, gentle pace, and she would be showering Maria with affection all the while. Like a divine being who's there to mend her wounds.)

Group Admin

[What if she had two sets of wings? So Maria could see them both and snuggle the feathery ones, and eventually grow comfy with snuggling the bat wings. She could see all of her lover and Midnight wouldn't have to choose, and she could keep her body shape.]

When Maria woke up, the sun setting outside, she smiled and yawned softly, still snuggling Lucy in her arms and feeling her lover's soft, fluffy fur against her body. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her lover, but upon seeing the erotic changes, she let out an 'eep' and moved backwards a bit, holding her kitty in her arms and looking over her lover's new form, or what she thought was her lover. Where were those soft, angelic wings that she adored about her marefriend? She reached a hoof out and timidly shook Midnight's shoulder. "H-honey? I-is that you?"

[I like this idea. She shall be given the most cuddly, d'awww inducing anal session ever written by human hands. :heart:]

Group Admin

2778292 (Sorry I wasn't around. I ended up sleeping for 17 hours, and I don't know why. Supposedly I have a sleep disorder. Anyway, I'd rather she just switch back, because four wings would make flying difficult.)

Midnight mumbled something unintelligible as her eyes fluttered open, and she gave Maria a warm smile. However, when her vision cleared up enough for her to see the look on her lover's face, it changed into a concerned frown. "It's me. Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked softly. She began tiredly looked over her new body, and the situation finally hit her. She then looked to her lover's face with a slightly disappointed frown. "You don't like them?" She said quietly.

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Maria felt tears well up as she grew more fearful, but not because of the wings anymore. If she had upset her angel, and she didn't want her around... "I.... I'm s-sorry.... I...." She trembled as she wrapped herself tightly in her cloak, whimpering as tears began to form and drip down her cheeks. "I j-just loved y-your s-soft feather w-wings.... th-they m-made me feel s-s-safe... P-please don't be m-mad....." The little mare was shaking where she sat, and she took to holding Lucy to her chest as she trembled, her eyes looking away out of fear for the fate of herself and her kitty, and out of shame. Midnight clearly liked her new wings, and Maria didn't want to take them away from her.

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Midnight suddenly felt pain in her heart as she saw Maria break down into tears. She quickly crawled over to her with a warm smile, and then wrapped her arms around Maria's shoulders. "I'm not mad, sweetie. I can never be mad at you. I'm just a little surprised, that's all." She said in a soft, loving tone. "I can change back to my normal wings, I actually like them a little better. I just thought that bat wings would make me sexier."

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Maria hiccuped and bit back any more tears, and she gave a soft, thankful smile as she rested her head down on Midnight's chest. "Mmm.... Thank you..." Her hoof slowly reached out and traced down Midnight's beautiful new curves. "This does makes you sexier.... but I love you for who you are..." Her little hooves went up and cradled the vampiress' cheeks as she leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on her lips. My angel. My beautiful, beautiful angel.

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Midnight's heart soared at Maria's words, and she almost felt like crying tears of joy. When the kiss broke, she looked into Maria's eyes with a loving smile. "I'm still the Midnight that you love, Maria. I just wanted to improve my image a little." She looked away with a soft sigh and a distant look. "There always was a few things that I wished I could change about myself, or just accent a little more. When I got the chance, I took it." She then looked back to her lover's angelic face with a faint smile. "But I didn't want to go overboard. I just wanted to make sure that you would find me attractive."

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Maria snuggled into Midnight's chest, closing her eyes and holding her angel around the waist. "You're perfect to me, my love. You always have been from the moment I laid eyes on you." She looked up to Midnight's wings, still bat wings. "May I have my angel's soft wings wrapped around me, please?" She asked softly. She was eager to see the leathery wings back to their normal, feathery form, and she wanted to feel their incredible softness around her body, caressing her and keeping her warm and close to her angel.

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Midnight softly kissed Maria on the cheek. "Mhmm. It'll only take a moment to change them back." She gently pulled away from Maria, and then crawled around to the edge of the bed and stepped down onto the floor. She then turned to her spellbook, which she had forgotten about and left on the bed, and then open its old pages. She turned to the spell which turned her into a goo pony, and then flared her wings. She spoke the ancient words of the spell, and she disappeared in a blue light like last time, and then reappeared in her gooey form. She then quickly transformed her bat wings back to their normal forms, which was difficult because she had to do it from memory. The entire process took about a minute to make sure that they were exactly as they should be. She flared her wings again and spoke the incantation once more, and then disappeared and reappeared in the familiar blue light. She now had her beautiful, feathery wings at her sides, which made her look like an angel of the night. She hastily closed the book and put it back on the shelf, and then walked back over to the bed and climbed back onto it. She then snuggled up to Maria with a small grin, and she wrapped one of her great wings around the little mare's body. "I love you."

Comment posted by Ironmonger deleted Feb 6th, 2014
Group Admin

Maria let out a squee and snuggled back into Midnight's chest, rubbing her little hooves over Midnight's unnatural curves and huge, plush rump. "Nnnnn.... You feel so good..." The little mare let out a soft "yay" and placed soft kisses on her angel's fluffy chest. She let out a squeak, however, when she finally laid eyes on Midnight's male endowments. "Oh.... I didn't see those earlier..." The little mare blushed and shifted herself awkwardly so her volleyball-sized testes didn't squish against Midnight's own scrotum. She was nervous about pleasing Midnight's new endowments, due to many bad moments with stallions in her past, but she did so want to pleasure her angel...

[I was hoping I could bring in my assassin character soon, and perhaps we could work with the guy-humpness. I can R63 my assassin character if need be, or something else, if it'll be more comfortable for you.]

Group Admin

Midnight giggled mischievously as she looked towards her male parts. "I figured we could have some fun with that. It's been one of my biggest fantasies to know what a stallion feels like when things get naughty." She purred. She looked up to Maria's face, still grinning, but then she frowned with concern as she saw her lover's expression. "Wait...Why are you nervous?" She asked cautiously. She had a small idea of why; she was either nervous because it would be her first time experiencing sex in that way, or something far worse.

(I'd rather you R63 him. I'm slightly bisexual, but it's not provoked by much. I lean much more towards females.)

Group Admin

Maria whimpered as she closed her eyes and snuggled up with her lover, trembling a little bit. "I... I've had b-bad experiences w-with stallions..." She said softly. "M-my hymen is s-still intact... b-but barely...." She remembered times when stallions had shoved their things in her mouth, and her anus, and one time, they tried for her marehood, but she managed to stop them before they touched her hymen. Still, she felt contaminated and used like a toy. True love, like Midnight's love, was all the more healing and special to the little mare.

[Alright... I just asked because I can rarely find people who want to do M/M stuff with me...]

Walking silently through the castle's basement halls was a unicorn mare, her faded scarlet hooves clopping against the stone floor. Her long dark grey mane was done up in a bun, as was her tail. A classic leather trench coat covered her body, while her grey eyes and face were concealed behind darkened sunglasses, which were made of one-way glass, in actuality, so she could see fine. She also wore a tan fedora and a kevlar-lined black plastic mask over her muzzle, fitted with a gas mask with flat, internal filters. She had entered through a storm drain, and was making her way up to the main halls. She had been hired by another lord on the western side of Germaneigh for a very generous sum, and her job was simple: the Black Lord's life be terminated.

[DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNN! :pinkiecrazy: Anyways, perhaps a certain Jaeger stops her, contains her, and eventually, they get to da luvs.]

Group Admin

2786853 (Do you mind if I pair someone else up with your assassin? I don't have anything thought up for Soot's background, which makes it hard to use him, and thinking on stuff is quite taxing for me most of the time.)

Midnight felt her heart break for her lover as she pulled Maria's face into her chest. "No one's ever going to hurt you again, Maria. I'll make them pay dearly if they even try." She looked down to her lover's face with a small, hopeful smile. "What if we tried doing some slow, gentle anal? I'd hug you, hold you, and remind you that everything is alright. I'll shower you with love. I want to heal your wounds. Sex shouldn't be a form of torture, it should be for love and pleasure."

Group Admin

[Not at all. But I would like it to be someone big and snuggly. Maybe Ember or Cast? Heck, maybe even the Black Lord himself. Whoever you're most comfy with.]

Maria sniffed and looked up to her lover, and she gave a soft, nervous nod. "O-okay... Just... p-please stay super s-slow..." The little mare slowly moved onto her stomach and raised her rump, exposing her volleyball-sized testes, her marehood, and her tight, puckered anus. She closed her eyes and waited nervously for her lover to penetrate her.

Group Admin

2787617 (Let's try Cast. He needs to be more fleshed out anyway. I already have stuff written for him, so it'll be easier.)

Midnight rolled onto her stomach and got up, then positioned herself behind Maria and raised up on her hind legs. She gently wrapped her arms around her lover just in front of the hips, and then did her best to wrap her wings around Maria. Unfortunately, due to how they were positioned, the most that she could do was cradle her lover's rump in her wings, but it would do for now. She still got to hold Maria. With a soft sigh of nervousness, Midnight reached down and lined up her shaft with her lover's anus, and then gently and slowly thrust forward. She felt her shaft throb madly as she felt the heat of her lover's flesh against her flared tip, and she gasped softly as she felt Maria's entrance slowly wrap around her ridge. She could feel the tight flesh slowly envelop her member, and it felt so amazing that it was almost beyond words. It made her body tingle, and it sent shivers down her spine. She began to pant lightly as she pressed forward at a gradual pace, and she soon had thrust an eight of her shaft into her lover. "I love you, Maria. No one will ever hurt you again."

In the halls of the basement, one could hear the occasional clanking and stomping of wandering ironclads, long forgotten by the castle's occupants. Though, that was not the only thing that one could hear. The steady, prominent cadence of metal hooves could be heard on the stone floors. They were too heavy to be a mare's, and they didn't have the telltale click-clack of a Jager's claws. The only reasonable answer was that it was a stallion. A big, heavily built stallion judging by how forceful the steps were, and the hoofsteps didn't sound far off. Suddenly, the cherry-red light of a unicorn's magic shined around the far-off corner, and then directly at the mare.

(I have to say that a scarlet mare with grey hair sounds really freaking sexy.)

Group Admin

Maria gasped and whimpered, and when she felt it begin to slide in, she cried out "S-stop!" The little mare slowly pulled herself off of Midnight's shaft and took a few deep breaths, then looked to her lover with shame. "I'm sorry.... It just..." She laid down on her back, lifting her legs a bit. "M-maybe it'll help if I c-can see your face...." The little mare wanted to get over her fears, but it was hard, even with Midnight helping her.

[Not to cut you off, but my character still gots to be sneaky.]

As soon as the light came on, the mare ducked away from it into the shadows, observing the source of the light silently. She lit her magic and pulled from her coat a large, submachine gun-looking weapon, and flipped up the red dot sight and extended the collapsable stock. She then screwed on the weapon's suppressor. The weapon itself looked like any other SMG, but the rounds in the clip were much larger, meant for semi-auto fire and dropping any target in a flash. She made sure to keep quietly circling around the giant stallion, as she did not want to fire if she didn't have to. It was then that her hoof scuffed the ground on accident. It was faint and probably nothin, but if one was paranoid enough, they might actually turn to look.

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Midnight immediately pulled out, and then laid down on her back. She reached out and gently pulled Maria on top of her so that they could see each other's faces, and she offered her a loving smile. "I'm here for you, sweetie. I'm here to make the pain of those memories go away." She wrapped her arms around Maria's shoulders, and then cradled her lover's sides with her wings. She then slowly raised up and reached a hoof down to her shaft, and she lined it up with her lover's anus. She then hugged Maria tightly, and she began kissing lightly at her neck. "I love you, Maria. It's just me." She cooed softly as she gently pushed inside her lover's plot.

The stallion immediately quickened his pace upon hearing the strange sound. Anything out of the ordinary was something to worry about down here, as even the Black Lord had forgotten what horrors lie in the depths of the castle. When he neared the source, he swung his head in the direction of the sound with his light still shining brightly, obscuring his form from view.

Group Admin

[Wouldn't she need to be atop Maria in order to push into her? Otherwise, Maria is the one who needs to move. :derpytongue2:]

The mare was caught in the red light, and she raised her weapon and began firing precise, consistent shots from her weapon at the giant's face. The suppressor, as powerful as it was, was still unable to completely suppress the sound of the large rounds, but was able to hide the flash. The gunshots were akin to small firecrackers in noise level as she kept backing up, keeping a tight grouping of shots on her target.

Group Admin

2793509 (What movement of her hips that she has should take care of that. Besides, laying on her side is going to be a little uncomfortable.)

The sound of the gunshots echoed softly through the stone halls as the shots bounced off of the stallion's thick, black armor. He quickly flared his horn and wrapped himself in a form-fitting shield of magic, and he lashed out with his telekenesis. His magic rammed into the mare's chest just below the neck, hitting with force like a sledge hammer. He possibly had enough magical power to put down anything in these halls.

Group Admin

[Not laying on her side, silly filly. If she stands above Maria while Maria is on her back, she can thrust into her. All Maria has to do is raise her legs up a bit, which can rest against Midnight's shoulders. NSFW EXAMPLE]

The mare coughed as she stumbled backwards and clutched a hoof to her chest. She turned and began running, and as she turned, her magic pulled something else from her coat. She threw the object towards the giant, which then released a blinding flash of light and a deafening pop sound. The mare ran down the dark hallways with fervor, coughing a little bit from the pain in her chest as she looked for a place to hide.

Group Admin

[Just picture that position, but with Maria's legs spread to the sides. Midnight can lay down on top of Maria, then, and snuggle her lots.]

Group Admin

Midnight immediately pulled out, and then gently laid herself down on top of Maria. "I'm here for you, sweetie. I'm here to make the pain of those memories go away." She wrapped her arms around Maria's shoulders, and then cradled her lover's sides with her wings. She then slowly reached back and lined her shaft up with her lover's anus. She then hugged Maria tightly, and she began kissing lightly at her neck. "I love you, Maria. It's just me." She cooed softly as she gently pushed inside her lover's plot.

The basement as a whole was filled with everything from shipping crates to old bookshelves, which provided ample places to hide. Whether or not the environment would help was another matter entirely.

The giant stallion grit his teeth as searing pain went through his ears and eyes, and he stumbled into the wall. The disorientation had caused his head to spin a little, and it made his stomach churned sickly. After his senses were at least somewhat clear, he began running down the hallway after the mare, using his hearing to pick up and errant sounds.

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Maria whimpered softly and clung tightly to her lover, breathing deeply and feeling the gentle affections of her lover slowly push back the flood of horrid memories. Her member twitched and her marehood began getting hotter as she felt both her prostate and her g-spot stimulated, her huge balls pressed against her lover's abdomen, churning with seed. "Ohhh.... M-Midnight.... ahhhn.... R-rub my b-back... please...."

The mare hid behind a stack of crates, and after she put away her SMG weapon, she pulled a gun stock from her coat, which held several parts inside it, including a scope, barrel, and mechanism, which she put together, assembling a large-caliber, bolt-action rifle from the parts. The ability to conceal the weapon was offset by the detriment of a reduced clip size and barrel length, but at this range, it mattered little. The mare loaded a small three-shot clip of full-metal jacket rounds, meant to pierce armor. She rested the weapon atop a crate and aimed at where she was hearing the footsteps in the darkness, waiting for the stallion to turn his light back on....

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Midnight panted lightly, and moaned softly as she gently wrapped her arms around Maria's back. She began to slowly rub at her lover's back as she continued to thrust forward at a slow pace, and then she looked down at Maria's face. "I love you, Maria. I'm never leaving you. I'll always be here to hold you."

The giant stallion lit his horn and wrapped himself with another shield as he entered the room with the mare. Now that he knew what he was up against, he could adjust his abilities to suit the situation. If more pistol rounds hit him, they would simply bounce off. However, if that pony had brought a rifle with her, then the shield would at least mitigate the damage.

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Maria moaned and cooed softly as she held onto Midnight, feeling her loins thighten and secrete more fluids. She was feeling loved like nothing else before, and she didn't want it to end. She wanted to feel her body showered with affection from her angel, and she wanted to fall asleep with Midnight's hooves around her each and every night. "Nnn.... Honey....."

The mare cursed under her breath as she saw the shield go up, and she moved back behind the crates, and she checked her coat again. Plenty more flash bangs and other devious devices. The mare closed her coat and began quietly moving around the giant armored stallion, making sure not to scuff her hooves this time. She kept circling for the door again, and she made sure to make every step as quiet as possible. She could see the stairwell up ahead of her in the darkness. Almost there....

[Feel free to have him spot her and initiate epic chase sequence.]

Group Admin

Midnight groaned lowly, and she began to breathe a little heavier as she began to passionate kiss at her lover's neck. "I love you, baby...Nnngh...You feel so good..." She moaned out. She let out a soft gasp as she felt Maria's anus wrap around her medial ring, which caused her lust to increase tenfold. Her member was incredibly hard, it throbbed, and it was nearly streaming hot precum into her lover's tight plot. She had to wonder if this was the same type of desire that stallions felt. The sensation of Maria's small, angelic body pressed up against her own form greatly appealed to her carnal desires. However, she would not increase her pace unless Maria asked her to. This was her moment, her healing. She would gladly sew shut the wounds that those cruel stallions had given her.

The stallion immediately spun around towards the door as he saw one of the shadows change ever so slightly. If this intruder was this capable of outmaneuvering him, then he had to take this encounter more seriously. This was definitely no ordinary pony. He dropped his shield and lit his horn, then used his magic to pull his 10 mm pistol from its holster. At this combat range, these rounds would definitely kill, but they were also armor-piercing. He would cripple this intruder if he had to in order to stop them.

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Maria breathed softly and moaned into her lover's mouth with every thrust, feeling loved and relaxed. Her little hooves were wrapped around Midnight's neck, and her slim body was limp beneath her angel's beautiful form. "You... too..." She whispered, her eyes shut and her breathing slow. She felt like she was being purged of all those awful memories, all the pain and agony and abuse and shame she felt, washing away with every thrust of her lover's hips.

The mare was standing in the light, eerily still, with her rifle aimed at Cast's face. She pulled the trigger and then turned and ran through the door and up the stairs, not bothering to see if she hit her mark. She hoped that there would be a place to hide at the top of the stairs, lest the giant stallion catch her and end her. As she ran up the stairs, she took a quick glance back to see if her pursuer was on her tail.

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Midnight's shaft soon bottomed out inside Maria's plot, and she grunted and moaned lowly as she took a moment to savor the experience. Just the idea of having her lover's small, slim body on her massive shaft made her excited, but the actual act made her lust increase tenfold. She could hardly believe how great this felt. Maria's body was like an oven around her member, and the tightness of her plot was deeply satisfying. On top of it all, her marehood was red and swollen with arousal. Midnight would definitely show Maria a world of carnal pleasure to mend her wounds if she would allow it. With a low moan, she began pulling her shaft back out at a pace similar to before, and then she pressed her lips firmly to Maria's. Her long, serpentine tongue, which she had kept from her transformation, gradually snaked past her lover's lips, and it began to play with Maria's tongue.

The stallion was nowhere to be seen behind the mare, which was probably more horrifying than actually being chased by him. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of familiar red light at the top of the stairs, and the stallion appeared at the landing, and he was facing the mare. He aimed his pistol at the mare's shoulder, and then fired three consecutive shots.

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Maria moaned softly into Midnight's mouth as she felt her insides no longer invaded, but pleasured and tended to by her beautiful marefriend. After a minute or two, the little mare broke the kiss and buried her muzzle in her lover's mane, breathing in her scent. "Mmm... Tell me you love me.... please...." She mumbled, her eyes still closed and her hooves still holding Midnight around her neck. It was all she could do not to just lay limp and bliss out from such a tender, sensual experience.

The mare put up a shield as best she could, but even with that and the padding of her coat, one bullet passed through her shoulder with a spurt of blood. The mare leaned against the wall and shakily aimed her rifle once more, firing straight at the stallion's chest. She limped back down the stairs, breathing deeply and making sure not to put pressure on her bad leg. This stallion was good. She made sure as little blood dripped as possible as she sat down behind some crates and pulled a small roll of bandages from her coat pocket, as well as a compacted needle of adrenaline. She felt lightheaded, and she needed to be awake to survive this. She wrapped her shoulder up with a wince and a sharp intake through her teeth, then shot the small amount of adrenaline into her upper foreleg and pocketed the empty needle. With her heart beating faster, she aimed her rifle towards the stairway, making sure to be ready to turn and fire should he teleport again.

Group Admin

2800739 (What if we found a way for Midnight and Maria to have every one of their sensitive bits pleasured at once? Imagine the scream from that.)

Midnight whimpered quietly as she felt Maria's rim be dragged across her medial ring, further increasing the grip of her lover's already tight plot on her shaft. "I love heart is yours..." Her panting became much heavier as she slowly thrust into Maria's anus again. "'re so sexy...Nnngh...I'm gonna come...gonna...come hard..." She moaned out. She didn't have the stamina to make love for very long with her stallion parts.

The stallion cursed himself as he felt the bullet pass through his armor, he should have immediately shielded himself the moment he reappeared. He could nearly hear his drill instructor chewing him out for such a blunder. However, he was in an advantageous position; anyone going into the upper levels of the castle from the basement had to go through this stairway hub. He could effectively wait the intruder out. With a sigh of relief, he leaned against the wall and pulled out a first aid kit, and he began quickly treating his wound. If he didn't finish this scenario quickly, he could very well die.

Group Admin

[I'll get the lab boys started on it immediately. Actually, that's what's happening to Maria right now. :pinkiecrazy:]

Maria whimpered as she felt her marehood and member twitch from the stimulation, and she whispered "F-fill me.... S-stuff me w-with y-your s-seed...." The little mare then squealed as her member spasmed and drenched her upper body with her own essence, and her marehood sprayed her juices onto her lover's thighs and the bedsheets, leaving her a moaning, panting mess below Midnight.

The mare moved forward silently and slowly towards the stairwell, then up it, aiming her rifle around the corner. She pulled another flashbang from her coat, as well a flare. She liked to use this technique to surprise and take potshots at enemies. After loading a fresh clip, she threw the flashbang up the stairwell, and a second before it went off, she threw the flare up as well and turned the corner, firing her rifle at the stallion, if she saw him.

[This is fun. But, alas, it must end soon if we want da luvs. Go ahead and auto-knock her out with something, but it's gonna have to be a lucky KO by Cast. It's more exciting that way. :rainbowkiss:]

Group Admin

2800897 (*Drools*)

Midnight lightly grit her teeth as she buried her shaft in Maria's plot, and then she rocked her hips back and forth. She panted rapidly and grunted lowly as she felt the pressure in her male bits rush to the base of her member, and then she moaned as she hit her peak. Her member throbbed madly as it pumped Maria's plot full of her hot seed, and Midnight grinned with satisfaction. She found it kinky that she now knew everything that a stallion felt during sex. With a soft whimper, Midnight pulled out of Maria's plot with a string of seed trailing from the tip of her member to her lover's anus, and then she laid down beside Maria. She suddenly felt intoxicated as she took in the scent of the hot, fresh seed on her lover's chest. She lightly traced a hoof down Maria's chest, and then whispered into her ear. "Did I do that? Such a mess..." She moved over to her lover's chest, and then slowly licked from Maria's neck down to her stomach, moaning softly at the musky taste of fresh seed.

(Maria should try Midnight's plot at some point. We both know that she will absolutely love that.)

The stallion was suddenly beside the pony in a flash of red light, and then he slapped the back of their head with his massive hoof, knocking the intruder unconscious. He then leaned against the wall with a deep sigh, and his large chest heaved as he caught his breath. Though he was in good shape, he hadn't been pushed to his limits in quite a while.

(I can just picture that mare with her mane done up fancily, and her wearing sexy lingerie. Regardless, Cast will probably find her to be drop-dead sexy.)

Group Admin

["Maria, sweetie? You can stop, if you'd like. We've been at it for seven hours straight...."]

Maria moaned and cooed as she felt her lover's tongue part her seed-matted fur, and she laid still so Midnight could do as she pleased. "Nnnn..... Honey...." The little mare rubbed her tummy with a hoof, feeling her insides packed full with her angel's hot, musky essence. It made her feel good to be so filled with Midnight's seed, to have received such a wonderful gift from her angel. "I love you...."

The mare's rifle clattered to the ground, and her body went limp on the stairway. Her fedora fell off, revealing her mane that was done up in a bun. A mare had given the giant stallion a run for his money. Her coat probably held a menagerie of weapons and devices for getting the upper hand on even the most well-equipped and trained opponent.

[Wanna skip to when she wakes up? What's Cast gonna do with her?]

Group Admin

2801027 (Sex fiend Maria? Sex fiend Maria. Midnight will be grinning from ear to ear.)

Midnight traced her tongue back up Maria's chest, and then licked up her neck, and then her chin, and then finally to her lips. "I love you." She said quickly before pressing her lips to Maria's. She snaked her tongue inside of her lover's mouth, and then licked at her gums, sharing with her the fresh seed that she had licked off of Maria's chest. After a minute, she broke the kiss, and then gave her a sultry grin. "Do you wanna try my plot now? I know you want to feel my big, plump rear press up against your groin..." She purred. As she tried to excite her marefriend, she was getting excited by her own words. She was eager to learn what sort of lust her new body could inspire in the little mare.

The mare had been taken to one of the holding cells in the upper levels, and her gear was relocated to the jagers' armory. The cell that she was currently in was of an ancient style; a steel slab with a viewing window for a door, a series of narrow ventilation shafts in the ceiling, and a wooden bench with a hole for a toilet.

The stallion from before was currently lying on a bench outside of the cell, anxiously waiting to see if the mare would soon stir. His wound had been properly treated by the castle's doctors, and it now had a bandage over it. He sighed softly as the minutes began to seem like hours. He hoped that he hadn't killed her. He didn't actually want her dead.

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Maria panted and gasped for air as she came down from her intense double climax. "Later.... honey.... gah.... wow...." The little mare smiled as she stared up at the ceiling. "That was.... wow....." Lucy took the opportunity to curl up atop Maria's tummy, and the little mare giggled and lazily petted her kitty. "So cute...." She mumbled as she closed her eyes.

[The mare has stuff in her coat. A lot of stuff. To the point of people going "How the fuck does she fit all if this in a coat!?"]

The sound of a soft groan came from inside the cell, along with a gasp as the mare noticed she was stripped of everything she had. Her hat, mask, her glasses, and her coat. She felt naked and exposed without her gear on. She looked around the cell for anything useful, though she suspected someone would be coming for her. She considered escaping through the toilet, but only as an absolutely last resort. She didn't want to have to do such a thing a third time in her career.

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Midnight cooed softly as she snuggled up to Maria, and she wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I love you, Maria. I always will." She said before closing her eyes. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, she was so wonderfully exhausted. Even better was that she could be more erotic for her lover now that she knew exactly how the male bits worked.

Suddenly, a loud knock was heard from the cell door, followed by a voice. "Good, you're awake. For a while I thought that I had accidentally killed you." The voice was deep and booming, with a noticeable growl, but it was also smooth. The slit at the top of the door abruptly slid open, and a pair of bright gold eyes peaked inside through the tiny bars. "How are you feeling?" He asked in a surprisingly gentle voice.

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When the moon rose, Maria was still sleeping and cuddled up with Midnight, laying atop her lover's fluffy chest as she usually did. The little mare was content to rest atop the larger mare for a while longer, and she was thoroughly relaxed from such a wonderful session earlier that day.

The mare's voice was smooth and strong, though incredibly seductive by itself. "Like you punched me in the back of the head." She said flatly. She undid the bun of her mane and tail, letting the long, grey hair fall free in a flowing manner. She moved her mane so it all draped over her left shoulder, then sat down on the bed. Her cutie mark was that of a black spider with thin legs and a red hourglass on its abdomen. It made sense now why there were poison vials found in her coat.

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Midnight smiled happily as she slept with Maria. Her arms were wrapped around her lover's shoulders, and her wings were draped around her back. She felt so much better that she had been able to heal Maria of her wounds, if at least somewhat. The most important thing to her now was her lover's happiness.

The stallion snorted and rolled his eyes. The mare's voice alone caused some impure thoughts to manifest in his mind, and he had to fight to keep his gaze on her face. "I'm sorry that I had to do that. Anyway, the lord will eventually be down to speak with you personally." He said before moving away from the door. He then sat back down on the bench outside, and laid his head between his hooves. Curiously, there was the distinct his of air, and the whirring of machinery as he moved.

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Maria was awakened by the sound of Lucy meowing and the feeling of the cat gently pawing at her cheek. The little mare opened her eyes and smiled softly as she slowly got up from bed, stretched out, then went over to Midnight's cooler and pulled out a jar of milk. She poured some into a bowl, then set it on the ground. Lucy meowed happily and began lapping at her breakfast, and Maria smiled and sat down next to her kitty on the floor, stroking her back affectionately.

The mare sat down and leaned back against the wall, making sure not to put any pressure on the lump on the back of her head. After a minute or two or silence, her voice sounded from her cell. "So.... I'm surprised you didn't kill me. Am I really so unknown in this country that I'm not even wanted dead on sight?" She said as she smiled to herself, remembering her times in Equestria.

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Midnight groaned softly as she slowly awoke, and her eyes fluttered open as she raised up. She slowly turned to Maria and Lucy, and then she smiled lazily at her lover. "Did you sleep well? You sure wore me out." She said playfully. She briefly glanced at the bricked-up windows, as if looking out at the moonlight. She was in the mood to be romantic with Maria. A nice dinner sounded good.

The stallion raised his head up as he heard the mare's voice, and then he looked to her cell. "I know who you are, m'am." He said casually. "Quite frankly, Germaneigh's problems and abilities are far beyond that of Equestria's. We have three different wars going on with three different countries, and a border dispute with the boars. An assassin in a fringe province is the least of our concerns, no matter how well known she is." He let out a groan as he stretched his neck this way and that, and then laid his head back down between his hooves. "My name is Cast Iron, by the way."

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Maria smiled up at her lover from the floor, scratching Lucy behind the ears. "Mmm-hmm. Thank you for that, sweetheart. I feel a lot better than I did before." She seemed currently enthralled with her kitty, rubbing Lucy's back. "Mmmm..... so cute... Wanna pet Lucy, my love? She loves attention."

The mare chuckled and bowed. "Black Widow, at your service. And..." She lifted her head with a devilish grin. "If I'm none of your concern, and you know who I am, then tell me, why do you think I'm here?" The scarlet mare sauntered towards the door, smiling in a way that seemed both menacing and alluring. "Really, now. You almost get your rump handed to you by a mare with a few guns and a few toys, and you think I'm none of your concern. Interesting."

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Midnight smiled happily as she stepped down from the bed, and then she slowly and sensually stretched her body. After she had rid her muscles of the their stiffness, she walked over to Maria and Lucy, and then sat down. "She's such a cute little cat." She said as she reached out and gently scratched Lucy between the ears.

"Least of our concern." Cast corrected as he glanced towards the steel door. "An assassin is the least of our concern relative to our other problems. Your presence here is still a worrying issue." He then turned his head towards the door with a sly grin. "I will add that you got yourself knocked out, crippled, and then detained by one stallion, all while sneaking into a fortification that's been outdated for over one hundred years." He slowly got up from his bench, and then walked over to the cell door and peaked through the slit. "Tell me, how did a mare such as yourself even get into a profession so underhanded? You don't look like an assassin."

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Lucy purred in approval and nuzzled Midnight's hoof, rubbing her cheek on the vampiress' foreleg affectionately before going back to lapping at her milk. Maria squeed and laid down on her tummy, watching her cute kitty with a look of love and affection. She was focused on adorable little Lucy for the time being, though the idea of dinner was making itself more and more appealing as time went on.

[Insulting Widow's skill is crossing the line for her. Call her fat, ugly, etc. all you like, but say she can't do her job well, and her next job will be you. And if she can't kill you, she will be very mean.]

Scarlet's tone of voice changed like someone threw a switch. There was no hint of joy in it anymore. "One stallion the size of three. At least, I can only assume you're a stallion. By your size, I don't know what you are. I can't even call you a stallion by what's between your legs, and judging by the way you treat a mare, I can't say any mare could vouch for you, or would even want to." Her voice was dripping with the searing venom that gave Widow her name. She just insulted his masculinity, species, and sex life in four sentences, without ever actually calling him a name.

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Midnight laid down next to Maria, and wrapped a wing around her back. She then looked to Lucy with a warm smile. "I've never had a pet before. This is...This is actually rather nice." In Midnight's opinion, it felt nice to have another living thing in the house. It made it feel more homely.

Cast looked Widow dead in the eye with a sincere look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to prod at personal subject." He then turned around and went back to his bench, and laid down. He wasn't offended, but he was a little worried for her well-being. As far as he was concerned, it was just playful ribbing.

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Maria smiled, and she sniffled and held back a tear as memories flooded into her mind. "I can never tell you how grateful I am... There were nights out on the road.... Lucy would paw at me in the middle of the night, wanting food...." Tears began streaming down her cheeks as she watched her kitty. "And I could only give her scraps.... Sometimes not even that.... But she was always positive.... She was trying to stay happy for me, and.... that's what really broke my heart...." The little mare broke down in quiet sobs, holding onto her angel and whispering "thank you" over and over.

Widow sighed and slumped against the wall, her eyss closed. "I'm sorry. I just get touchy about my skills. I've worked incredibly hard to earn my reputation and the wealth I have, and I can't stand it if somepony makes fun of my skill. If I wasn't as good as I was, I would be dead or on the streets, because I wouldn't be able to earn the money I need and stay out of the law's reach." She looked down to her cutie mark. "I'm already supposed to be the stallion-killer, the one who tempts unlucky souls and then ends them."

[Black Lord when ready, cap'n.]

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Midnight rolled over onto her side, and then wrapped both of her arms around Maria's shoulders. "I love you, Maria." She whispered as she pulled her close. She lightly nuzzled her lover's cheek, and then kissed it. She was content to just lay here and hold Maria for the time being, she seemed like she needed to vent a little.

A moment later, the doors to the prison opened, and in walked none other than the Black Lord, along with two jagers. He walked over to the cell door, and then peaked through the slit. "Miss Widow, I would like to know who hired you and why. You will be freed after my curiosity is satisfied."

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Maria let her tears soak into Midnight's chest fur, holding her tightly and breathing in her scent. Lucy meowed when she heard her mommy in distress, and she quickly walked up to Maria and nuzzled her cheek, purring in her ear. The little mare lifted her head with a smile, and she reached over and grabbed Lucy's bowl of milk, setting it back down in front of the kitty. "Drink up, sweetheart..." She said softly. "Go ahead.... Have all you'd like..." Lucy bent down and kept lapping at her milk, and Maria just laid down and smiled as she watched her kitty, feeling her heart flutter with joy.

Widow rolled her eyes and put her hooves behind her head, giving a flat stare at the slit in the door. "Confidentiality of clients, Mister Penumbra. One hundred percent guaranteed to all my customers. And I don't plan on losing the sum I've been offered by my current client." She stared back at the slit with her grey eyes, not with hate or malice, but a look of a professional. Calm, collected, and even a bit cold.

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Midnight lovingly kissed Maria on the cheek, and then released her and rolled herself over to lay on her stomach. She felt so happy as she sat there with her lover, watching the cat. She now had a family with whom to spend time. A family who cared about her and wanted to be around her. That was one of the things that she had wanted for so long.

(When this interaction had started, I forgot that Cast had an implant that was carried over from his first character sheet. He heals over time, and the bullet wound would have been sealed within seconds. :twilightsheepish:)

"That's where you are wrong." The Black Lord said evenly. "You entered a military facility without authorization, while carrying an illegal substance, poison, with the intent of murdering a political figure. Then, you fired upon and injured one of my soldiers. As far as Germaneigh's laws are concerned, you and whoever sent you have no rights, and are an enemy of the Empire. If I felt like it, I could have you beheaded." The green eyes behind the door narrowed slightly. "Simply put, it would be wise if you give us the information we want, or you will rot in here."

(This will go much more smoothly if she complies.)

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