The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Joanna took the pen, filling out Joan(na) on the form, just in case she became a male again, and gave the pen to Deacon.

Maria followed along happily, seeming unburdened by the heavy saddlebags as she trotted alongside.

Group Admin

1125892 Deacon smiled as she signed the name Deacon in surprisingly flowing script, pushing the piece of paper back to the stallion. He smiled warmly. "By the power vested in me by the Brood and the citizenry thereof, I now pronounce you wife and....uh, wife."

Free led the Banshee to a much larger house, and was let inside by a young stallion, who was currently holding a foal in one arm while several young ponies ran around the house

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Joanna squeed and pressed her lips to Deacon's, putting her arms around her new wife's shoulders. She could not have been happier than how she was right that instant.

Maria smiled and stayed by Free's side, pulling her hood up as they exited the first house.

Group Admin

1126239 Deacon returned the kiss passionately, closing her eyes as she threw her arms around Joanna

The stallion sat back in his chair, grinning. "Yes, take your time." He watched the two mares kissing with a growing grin

Free tilted her head as she walked. "If you don't mind me asking, sweetie, why is it you're always wearing that cloak?"

Group Admin

[Umm..... Is that genuine happiness, or creepy joy? Erm....]

Joanna heard the stallion's words and, still kissing, opened one eye and quickly looked around the room. She hoped he was just genuinely happy, but....

Maria smiled shyly from under the hood. "Oh, um.... Banshee cultural tradition. The eldest female in the family would wear a white cloak. The wrappings are for everyone to wear. My family's dead now, so..... yeah."

Group Admin

1126499 [He's happy for them, really. He's not being a pervert, but he's not going to complain about the two gorgeous mares making out in front of him, either.]

Deacon pressed her lips to Joanna's even more fervently, all her thoughts focused on the mare she was going to spend the rest of her life with

Free frowned, moving closer and nuzzling Maria comfortingly. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

Group Admin

[Ah, okay. Back in a few. Gotta kick some ass for a little bit.]

Group Admin

1126619 [Take all the time you want or need. Are you playing Arkham City?]

Group Admin

[I was earlier, then I went onto Splinter Cell: Conviction.]

Joanna, her thoughts settled, closed her eye and went back to kissing Deacon. She lifted her wife onto her back and trotted out the door, grinning from ear to ear.

"Where do you wanna go, lovely wife of mine?'

Maria nuzzled Free back, her eyes hidden by her hood. "It's okay, honey. I just wear the cloak a lot because it was my mother's. it's all I have left of her."

Group Admin

1127128 Deacon smiled happily, clinging to her lover as she let herself be carried. "You're the one with legs on the ground, baby. Wherever you want to go is where we go."

Free gave Maria a soft kiss. "I...I don't have my parents, either. dad died just a few years ago."

Group Admin

Joanna happily trotted out and headed towards the park, seeming giddy and excited like a foal on his birthday.

"Omigosh! We're married! I'm so happy!"

Maria happily returned the kiss, nuzzling Free's cheek. "Well, I promise I'll never leave you, honey. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Group Admin

1127410 Deacon was smiling jus as excitedly, clinging to Joanna as she rode along. "I love you so much, baby!"

Free blushed, walking closer to Maria. "You're the best thing that's happened to me, too......"

Group Admin

Joanna led them to a park bench, setting Deacon beside her and sitting down with a content sigh.

"I love you, baby..... Could you hold me?"

Maria lifted her cloak so it draped over Free's back, the saddlebags the only thing between them.

"Let's cuddle when we get home. I think we both need to relax."

Group Admin

1127586 Deacon nodded happily as she snuggled close to Joanna, nuzzling her beautiful face. "You're so amazing......"

Free nodded her agreement as she entered the second house, smiling at the young stallion. He gave a tired, polite smile back as he led the two mares to a quieter room nearby

Group Admin

Joanna snuggled into Deacon's embrace, smiling contently as she sat with her new wife. A few ponies passing by gave looks of approval and happiness, a few older ponies giving looks of annoyance, but Joanna didn't even notice. She was with Deacon. That's what mattered.

Maria pulled her hood back as they entered, sitting down and taking the saddlebags off so Free could access them.

Group Admin

1128772 Deacon cooed softly as she nuzzled Joanna, simply watching the beautiful scene of the park before them.

Free smiled as a large, boxy contraption floated up from the bags. "Here you go, Salt. Mark II auto-kitchen."

Salt smiled thankfully as he took the box in his hooves. "Thank you so much, Free. I feel like I'm in over my head with the kids a lot, these devices help."

Group Admin

Joanna seemed to be falling asleep under the affection, cooing and grinning happily.

"Mmmm..... Deacon....." She mumbled. Her new wife was the only thing occupying her idle mind.

Maria put the saddlebags back on and waited patiently for Free to finish. She was glad to be able to take the physical burden of the bags for her, which were steadily getting lighter.

Group Admin

1128922 Deacon smiled as she gave Joanna's cheek a gentle lick. "That's right, baby....just relax....."

The stallion hoofed Free two hundred stars, and Free floated them into the bags as she gave the stallion a polite smile. She led Maria out, smiling happily. "Just have to make a quick supply run, then we'll be back home and snuggling before you know it, okay?"

Group Admin

Joanna's breathing slowed as her fedora fell across her face, resting peacefully with her wife on the bench.

Maria nodded eagerly and kissed Free's cheek. As they walked, she saw a pair of mares resting on a bench, one with a fedora over her eyes. They were clearly a couple, and judging by the ring around the hoof of the second mare, also married. She secretly hoped that would be her and Free someday.

Group Admin

1129254 Deacon sighed happily as she leaned heavily on Joanna, beginning to drift off

Free gave the couple a happy smile as she walked, unconsciously snuggling closer to Maria as she walked toward the hardware store

Group Admin

[I'm shelving this.]

Juke slept sprawled out on the couch, a couple of empty blood packs on the coffee table as he gave a quiet murmur in his sleep.

Maria held the door to the hardware store open for Free, pulling her hood down as she stepped inside.

"What do we need, honey?"

Group Admin

1129636 [Shelf activated]

Black trotted inside, his job hunt finally over. Archer was in the kitchen, making some lunch for the three stallions

Free pulled out her list. "Just a few things. It won't take but a minute or two." [Skip to end of shopping?]

Group Admin

[Juke's lunch better be blood-based, or he's gonna be unable to eat it.]

Juke let out a cute yawn from the living room as he rolled over, his hooves reaching out for a hug in his sleep.


Group Admin

1130015 [Archer's making basically a blood-smoothie for him]

Black blushed as he moved over to his stallion, laying beside him and draping a hoof over the lithe form

Free opened up the door and held it for Maria, smiling happily back at her marefriend

Group Admin


Juke clung to Black with a soft smile, nuzzling Black's muscular chest. There was some dried blood on the corner of his lip, and his fangs were still out, but the lithe stallion seemed to accept his existence.

Maria set the saddlebags down in the living room and shed her cloak and wrappings. She gave Free a wink as she strutted upstairs, a wide swing in her hips.

Group Admin

1130273 Black held his small coltfriend lovingly, wrapping his arms around him as he stroked the stallion's mane

Free blushed hotly as she followed, beginning to smile

Group Admin

[Back in a bit. Gonna play Dead Space.]

Group Admin

1130738 [Has teh funz]

Group Admin

Juke slowly opened his eyes, smiling lovingly up at Black. "Hey, baby......" He said tiredly.

Maria laid down on the bed, posing seductively with her body splayed out and her genitals clearly visible.

"Oh honeeeey" she sing-songed.

Group Admin

1131794 Black smiled lovingly, giving Juke a gentle kiss on the lips

Free froze in the doorway, blushing hotly.

Group Admin

Juke folded his fangs back and kissed lovingly, moaning softly and wrapping his arms around Black's neck. He felt safe and loved in both Black and Archer's embraces, and hennever wanted to leave either of them.

Maria smiled lovingly and gave Free a half-lidded stare.

"Come on, my love. I want to be held."

Group Admin

1131956 Black kissed back with a happy smile. Archer strolled in from the kitchen, blushing with a smile as he saw his coltfriends

Free was blushing furiously as she stepped up onto the bed. The sight of her lover's slim, curvy body was making her folds begin to burn

Group Admin

Juke smiled up at Archer and held a hoof out to him. "Hey, honey. I could smell you cooking in the kitchen."

Maria saw Free's tension, and she looked the mare in the eye as her legs spread to reveal her stiffening member.

"Let me take care of you, baby."

Group Admin

1132165 Archer smiled as he snuggled close to his lovers. "I made us all some lunch."

Black swallowed nervously. "So, I, um.... found a job...."

Free bit her lip, nodding eagerly as she slowly stepped atop Maria.

Group Admin

[Going to bed.]

Group Admin
Group Admin

Juke's eyes lit up, and he snuggled into Black's chest. "Ooh, that's great, honey! What job?"

Maria lined up her erect member so it was pointing up at Free's marehood.

"Just let yourself go down on it, sweetie. Go at your pace. I'l be fine."

Group Admin

1134457 Black cleared his throat as Archer furrowed his brow at the stallion's nervousness. "It's, um.....a guard......for the trade caravans......."

Free slowly let her hips move down onto the erect member, a soft gasp of relief and pleasure escaping her

Group Admin

Juke let out a small whimper as his face fell. That meant Black would have to leave. And he might not come back.


Maria moaned happily, her hooves on Free's hips as she allowed her beautiful marefriend to move at her own pace.

Group Admin

1134991 Black rubbed his back lovingly. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'll be back whenever the caravan makes its circuit........One night....every two months...."

Free was moaning quietly as she began moving her hips slowly, a groan escaping her

Group Admin

Juke was on the verge of tears, clinging to Black tightly and burying his face in the stallion's chest fur. "No.... P-please don't go...... please....."

Maria laid back and let Free have her way, smiling and moaning softly as the mare bucked her hips.

Group Admin

1135296 Black sighed as he gave the stallion a loving hug. "I need a job, sweetie. There's nothing else here."

Free was panting heavily, face flushed and a smile on her face as she moved. ""

Group Admin

Juke looked him in the eyes as tears brimmed, threatening to fall.

"Y-you wrtie t-to us every d-day if you can, m-m-mister...... I g-gotta know y-you're okay....."

Maria smiled up at Free as her hooves drew circles on the mare's cutie marks, massaging her marefriend's flanks lovingly.

"Mmmm...... You feel good....."

Group Admin

1136033 Black gave a small nod before gently kissing Juke's forehead. Archer was simply holding the two of them tightly, giving Black a gentle muzzle

Free's fluids ran down Maria's member as she moved, feeling herself go closer by the second. "Ooooooh.....oh gods....."

Group Admin

Juke seemed to be calming down, though he was still visibly tense and nervous. He was scared for Black's life, and he didn't know if he would come back.

"Blackie? If another job opens up in town.... please take it. I just want to know that you'll come home."

Maria panted happily and stared up at Free, squeezing the unicorn's curvy rump in her hooves.

"Nnnn..... I'm c-close...."

Group Admin

1137089 Black gave him a reassuring hug. "It's okay, baby. We only travel through Brood territory. I promise I'll come back."

Free gave a weak nod, her heart pounding. "M-me.....t-too...."

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Juke looked up to him with a small smile, using a hoof to dry his tears.

"O-okay. Just write to us, please. And take some time off. I wanna spend time with you and Archie and treat you two to a nice night, just the three of us."

Maria gasped and moaned as her member spasmed, shooting her musky seed into Free's marehood with a shudder.

Group Admin

1137736 Black gave both Juke and Archer a reassuring kiss on the lips. "I start next week. We've got until then to spend time together, sweetie."

Free's curvy body was tense atop Maria as she squeezed her eyes shut, her heart pounding. "Ooohgodsyesyeyesyes......" Her marehood spasmed and released a flood of her juices over Maria as the mare went limp

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Juke squeed and clung to Black tightly, peppering his face with kisses. He then turned and began giving the same treatment to Archer.

"Then we gotta spend as much time as possible together! Oh, right. Archie, honey? You were making lunch?"

Maria panted and stared lovingly up at Free. "Nnnnn...... Feel better, sweetie?"

Group Admin

1138053 Arcturus nodded as he jumped off of the couch. "It'll be ready in a jiffy!"

Free nodded weakly, licking Maria's cheek

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