The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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1121454 All of the monstrous creatures look back to the ashes, snarling as they give the pile several feet of space

1121489 The ashes slowly reform into Petra, though she now has bat wings with their leathery membrane tattered, red lightning crackled between her horns, which are now even bigger. her claws are six inches long now. "I am the daughter of the most powerful demon in existence, I will not lose to an inferior creature!" She leaps at, and slashes one with her claws, aiming at it's neck to decapitate it.

Group Admin

1121501 The creature ducks below the slashing claw as the entire group charges back in, attacking furiously

Group Admin

1121488 A few minutes later, Deacon trotted back downstairs. Her mane was brushed, for once, revealing it to be soft and delightfully silky. A fine black scarf was wrapped around her neck

Free nodded, stretching her slim, curvy body as she rose from the bed and began running a brush through her mane

1121516 Her body seemed to be made of steel now, she wasn't getting hurt and wasn't stopping her attacks. "You Strigoi are fast, but I am stronger than you. Speed cannot defeat something that cannot be hurt easily." She tries to grab one by the throat, that one just happened to be the one in white.

Group Admin

1121544 The creature easily dodged back from her attempted grab as the other began grabbing her arms and legs. With enough strength to bend steel girders, they began wrestling her to the ground

1121564 She struggled with insane strength. "She cannot harm anyone unless she is attacked first! Read through her mind! You will see that I speak the truth!"

Group Admin

1121573 One of the creatures pointed a hoof at Pearl. A vast, alien mind entered hers, rifling through her thoughts and memories with cold callousness

1121884 It finds that Petra spoke the truth, Pearl's only violent acts were in self defense.

Petra returns her form to normal, smiling smugly.

Ig looks confused.

Group Admin

1121908 The Strigoi begin simply leaping back out of the window, resuming their patrols as if nothing had happened. The white-garbed figure simply looked between Petra and Pearl before heading out the door

1122019 Petra sighs. "I'm going to hell." She leaves through a fiery portal.

Iggy tackles Pearl in a hug.

Group Admin

1122026 [Want me to bring in a character or two to pair off yours?]

Group Admin

1122052 [What's the sexuality of each?]

Group Admin

1122052 [What's the sexuality of each?]

1122106 [Iggy's bi, Pearl's straight]

Group Admin

Joanna looked up at Deacon lovingly, her eyes trailing over her mare's body.

"Wow..... You look great..... Um..... Are your male parts giving you any trouble? Just checking."

Maria took a brush and began running it through her own ghostly white mane, then through her tail. The mare's body was really just several different shades of white. Although, this made her sapphire blue eyes stand out more.

Group Admin

1122111 [Gotcha. How you wanna do this?]

Group Admin

1122116 Deacon shook her head. "I'm really getting used to them. Granted, it's a little awkward when I wake up with it....stiff.....but I kind of like having it."

Free stepped out of the room, heading for her workshop to ready the gadgets and doodads for transit

1122147 [Iggy and Niger go out around town later.]

Group Admin

1122174 [Sounds good. Skip to then?]

1122210 [:eeyup:]

Pearl and Igneus wander around town, looking for something to do.

Group Admin

1122219 A pair of gryphons trot along the road

1122238 Pearl smiles at them. "Hi."

Iggy smiles too. "Hi, could you two show us around town?"

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Joanna smiled seductively. "Oh, honey, if you need me to take care of you, just ask. You know I love making you happy."

Maria sat in the living room, casually dressing herself in the white cloak and white wrappings on her white coat with her white mane.

...... Maybe she should try some different colors on sometime.

Group Admin

1122259 They both smile. The female speaks, while the male looks away bashfully. "Hey, I'm Diana. This is my brother, Gerard."

Group Admin

1122271 Deacon blushed slightly as she smiled. "I-I'll remember that. For now, we should head to town hall."

Free headed back to the living room. "Honey, have you seen that robot?" She looked around for the grey pony, straining under the weight of her bulging saddlebags

1122275 "Niger Pearl."

"Igneus Fornax."

Group Admin

1122358 The female smiled warmly, and the male glanced back to them with a small, nervous nod. His eyes flitted to Pearl, and he looked away with a slight blush.

1122509 Pearl giggles.

"So, Diana, do you realize that you are named after the Romane Goddess of the Moon?" Igneus giggles.

Group Admin

1122705 Diana blushed slightly as she smiles. "Oh, I didn't. You're quite a nice mare, miss Igneus." Her eyes bore a glint

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Joanna eagerly got up and put on her coat and hat, holding the door open for Deacon.

"Ready, sweetie."

Maria immediately went to Free's side. "Let me carry some things, baby. I'm strong enough. And I think I saw the robot in the kitchen. He was staring at the toaster, for some reason."

Group Admin

1123426 Deacon smiled happily as she trotted out the door, looking around town with her new eyes as she trotted toward Town Hall

Free gratefully bent down to let Maria take the pack. "Thanks, sweetie. I'll have to fix that robot again. I think he's trying to work up the nerve to ask the toaster on a date."

1122763 "I used to be a Praetor, a co-leader of the Romane legion, I doubt I'm that nice." Fornax smiles.

Pearl moves towards Gerard. "Hello."

Group Admin

1123479 Diana smiles as she gestures over to a nearby tavern. "Are you in the mood for a drink?"

Gerard looks to Pearl nervously, giving a weak smile. "H-hey........."

1123487 "Yeah I am!" She smiles and scoots closer to Diana.

"Wanna join them?" Pearl asks the scared gryphon.

Group Admin

1123495 Diana smiles as she turns, leading her new friends toward the bar as Gerard follows. Diana speaks quietly to Pearl. "Sorry about Gerard, Pearl. He gets really, really nervous around pretty mares."

1123516 "Prank time." The sisters chorused quietly, then teleported on either side of Gerard, rubbing against him, cheeks touching his. "Hey there." They chorus.

Group Admin

Joanna was at Deacon's side, smiling happily and looking ahead to the town hall.

"Oh, I'm so excited! I can't wait!"

Maria giggled as she took the bags with much more ease than Free. "Aww, that's adorable."

Group Admin

1123524 Diana giggles as Gerard's cheeks flush hotly, the gryphon's beak opening as he stammers silently.

1123547 They giggle and kiss his cheeks, now trying to prank Diana with that.

Group Admin

1123553 Dian shoots her brother a wink. "Oh, Ger, you lucky dog." The male in question seemed ready to faint from embarrassment, his eyes darting around quickly

Group Admin

1123541 Deacon trotted into the large, old building, heading to the front desk to secure an appointment with the Justice of The Peace

Free shrugged. "I'd make a robot mare, but I don't think he's ready for robot foals yet. I can't see him changing a metal diaper."

1123574 They giggle, but Iggy teleports next to Diana, a hoof wrapped around the gryphon. "Hey sexy."

Group Admin

1123587 Diana takes it far more in stride, putting a wing around Iggy. "Hello to you, too."

1123610 Iggy and Pearl burst into laughter. Iggy doesn't move away from Diana and Pearl stays near Gerard.

Group Admin

1123624 Diana smirks slyly, her wing still around Iggy. "So how about that drink now?"

Gerard was casting occasional glances to Pearl, clearly flustered

1123681 "Let's go." Iggy smiles.

Pearl smiles. "Come on, Gerard, let's get a drink."

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Joanna sat by, smiling as she waited for Deacon to finish. She would soon be wed to the beautiful mare, and she would be the happiest pony in existence. In her opinion, at least.

Maria giggled and adjusted the saddlebags. "Ready to go when you are."

Group Admin

1123692 Deacon sat down beside Joanna to begin working on some paperwork. The excitement of the event made even doing paperwork seem bearable. "We have an appointment in fifteen minutes."

Free smiled as she headed out the door, holding it open for Maria

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