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You can feel free to downvote this if you want, but I need to vent.

I went to the doctor on Thursday for my annual checkup. Everything went fine, and I went home without a problem. I knew that I had some colon problems recently, but I didn't think much about it. I got a phone call from the hospital last night, telling me some disturbing news.

I have an abscess in my colon, and it's cancerous!

Thankfully, the cancer is not serious, and the tumor is really small. It's at the end of my colon, and this specific kind of cancer can be easily treated. I have a scheduled surgery on March 16th to remove the tumorous abscess.

I am really scared about this surgery that I am getting in 10 days. I know that my cancer diagnosis won't affect my life that much, since I have a 91% chance survival rate, but the next few months are going to be Tartarus incarnate.

Ironically, I placed a down payment for a pony plush this week, before I found out about my diagnosis. Now, that plan is out the window, because Canadian medicare only covers SOME of the costs, not all of them.

The pain of my surgery will be really bad, and postop recovery is 6-9 weeks. It might be a bit much to ask, but I need a hoof of Friendship right now.

If anypony is feeling so inclined to pitch in, I would be touched.

Having a pony to cuddle while I writhe in pain from surgery recovery will make things a lot easier. I love you all.

Thanks, and be kind.

Proof of Diagnosis

Luckily you spot it early before it became worst, which I wish you luck on surviving those agonizing pain after the surgery. At least look at the bright side of having it gone and relief you don't have to worry worst agonizing pain if you kept it.

It's a good thing you spotted sooner than later! Here's to hope and luck that you'll recover from this! I'm rooting for you!

My mom said I dodged a bullet. I say no: I dodged an intercontinental ballistic missile!

At least you caught it early. My father died of the same thing almost two years ago, but he never knew he had it, even after it ruptured he thought it was just food poisoning. He died in less than 48 hours and I'm currently struggling to keep on to the last of his life insurance.

Things WILL get better. Things could be a WHOLE lot worse. And even if it's scary, it's INFINITELY better than the alternative.

Comment posted by Clockwork2003 deleted Mar 6th, 2022

Oh...oh shit.

It's a stage 0/1 abscess at the end of my colon, near the rectum. The tumor can be removed with a colonoscopy, and the surgery is outpatient. The recovery is worse than the surgery.

I was just lucky I had my annual on Thursday!

Trust me, I would rather have a sore ass for years (though it'll likely be a week or two at most) than to go through the torture he had to endure.

Get the surgery. Get one of those ring cushion things. And thank yourself for getting that checkup.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Do you think you can signalboost my blogpost or even chip into the post-surgery pony plush fund? The minimum payment for installments is $50USD.

Regardless of what you do, I appreciate the sympathy, and I gave you a follow!

fuck.... i hope you survive

According to Some early colon cancers (stage 0 and some early-stage I tumors) and most polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy. This is a procedure that uses a long flexible tube with a small video camera on the end that's put into the person’s rectum and eased into the colon. These surgeries can be done during a colonoscopy:

  • For a polypectomy, the cancer is removed as part of the polyp, which is cut at its base (the part that looks like the stem of a mushroom). This is usually done by passing a wire loop through the colonoscope to cut the polyp off the wall of the colon with an electric current

    My odds of survival are >91%! I am more worried about the pain.

Sorry for the delay, I don't get a good signal where I live and I don't have much of a following, but I can at least put up a blog post and link your post here.

Hoping for the best.

That is more than enough.


just worried, is all...

I wish you well on your operation and recovery.

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