Stories About Clouds 11 members · 18 stories
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Fluttershy laid back on a cloud.

She had never found clouds very comfortable, they were lumpy and a little damp, and she would rather lay in her bed, usually. But recently she had met some very interesting earth ponies who caused her to give clouds another try, and she found they weren't as bad as she remembered.

She still didn't quite understand why Rainbow Dash enjoyed them more than any other resting spot. If pressed, she would have said it was because Rainbow liked being in the air so much. She never would have said that it was because it made it much harder for ponies to find Rainbow and ask her to help with work. Though she thought that was more likely.

Still, there was a certain appeal to a cloud. The blue sky above seemed endless, unmarred by anything invading her peripheral vision. Just blue, as if the world was nothing but a blank, endless sea. That might have been worrying, but for the distant sounds of the world below, foals playing, birds singing, the occasional pony calling out a greeting. It was comforting. Even more comforting because Fluttershy wasn't a part of it.

The world was there, but she wasn't in it. There were no expectations that she should call back to another pony, or not call back to them if they were talking to somepony else and she thought they were talking to her. There was little likelihood of a foal crashing into her. And even the birds left her alone up here. Not that she ever minded helping bird, or other ponies, but sometimes it was nice to just be.

And that was what was nice about a cloud. She just. . . was. She wasn't anything in particular, at least for a little while. She wasn't a caretaker, or a friend, or pegasus, or even a pony. She was just some thoughts, suspended on nothing in a world of blue, just on the edge of what other ponies thought of as real.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy heard Applejack shout, just before an apple came flying through the cloud, nearly hitting her. Fluttershy squeaked, then cowered, and finally carefully peeked over the edge of the cloud.

“Oh, sorry Fluttershy! Just lookin' for Dash!”

“I'm sorry. She's not up here.” Fluttershy said.

“I'll check the trees in that case. . . Sorry to bother ya', it just ain't usually you nappin' on clouds.”

Fluttershy smiled, and Applejack walked away towards the park.

“It isn't me up here,” Fluttershy whispered, then she returned to laying on the cloud to finish that thought.

- a short story by bookplayer

So let's get more into this whole stories about clouds thing.

Stories about clouds are exactly what the example I just gave is. They are normally slice of life stories, but really they can be about anything. They are simple, they make you think, and they're just an easy read. So, please go off of the example given when adding to the group. The stories added here should be about things like that, and is the reason why I didn't add categories like dark or adventure here (though there may be some exceptions for adventure).

So, cloud lovers, let's read some stories, no?

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