All things cupcakes. 219 members · 87 stories
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That's actually the name of a story I wrote that is based (somewhat) off of the comic "The Six-Winged Serpent". It's 3 chapters long (originally 2), where Pinkie Pie is actually blackmailed into being Pinkamena. While the process of baking the sweets using a pony's innards isn't shown, what happens when a zombified pony eats them...

It's a sequel to my first ever fimfic, but I wouldn't suggest reading that, since y'all are "Cupcakes" fanatics. "Plague" is also a crossover, but I won't say what. It isn't Sweeny Todd, although there is going to be a parody of that later.

I only bring it out because I am curious as to whether y'all want to read it due to the um "Cupcakes" beginning and middle. This group description reads, "If it's anything to do with Cupcakes, we want it." Even if it has a happy ending?

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