Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
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Greeting, Everypony.
My first analyst video is now up.

OMG Starlight Glimmer was Sweetie Belle the whole time. I knew it.

Not everything is what it looks like, in all fairness Sombra was theoretically already dead. The Sombra that we saw was like a magical construct Horocrux or Wu, so that particular Sombra was more like a silicon or holographic based poltergeist shadow vampire thing. Something like Superman's Brainiac IMO. I don't think they can actually kill villains off in cartoons. As for sunburst being a changeling's about as plausible as him being the pony equivalent of American Ultra...

That's right Kylo Ren is a lot like American Ultra, ALpha, or any of the other members in the dollhouse.

So... Sunburst is actually responsible for Sombra if not Sombra himself is a better reveal.

Ooh! what if Starburst is actually a human Starburst that went through the same portal that Sunset used to travel to earth. There are actually two starburst's in equestria and the other one is off doing alicorn things.

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