Fighting is Friendship 139 members · 165 stories
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A message from the The father of time (Timefather64)...

When making a story the best thing to do is have fun. It's your story so do what you want with it. Sure there will be people there to judge your stories good or bad. But, as long as you're having fun it won't affect you. Like me and EpicAeromancer33. We became aware of the sueishness Hear the Voices? Of Samuel has not to long ago but, we really don't care much about it. I'm doing this for fun and we wish to share it with the readers who find this story fun to read. So pretty much what this message to this group is to have fun in what you do.:pinkiehappy:

So to the members of this group big group or small group or just a group made out of cotton candy disguise as Chuck Testas have fun.:twilightsmile: Now if you excuse me the father of time must march in the Black Parade and soon get back to work in watching over time.:moustache: So thank you for reading this message and have a nice day.

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