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Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

Recently, I've been trying to rework the first chapter of my A New World, A New Way side-story. Problem is, I can't focus on it because I'm fickle and keep wanting to use different characters. Last night, I came up with an idea where Kris gets turned into a Pokémon and sent to Equestria with her Totodile, based on her characterisation in Pokémon Masters. In particular, my first idea for a scene was her seeing a pony and reaching for her PokéDex.

Sounds like the Newverse, right? Thing is... the first setting that came to mind was Ponyville, which is where most of A New World, a New Way takes place. I feel like none of my ideas suit the Peaks of Peril, where my Newverse fanfic was set. Then, I got the idea to set it later in the show's timeline, which would make it non-canon to the Newverse. Then, I came up with more ideas involving the Pokémon multiverse.

I've tried doing A New World, My Own Way before with Moonkind, set in season one, but I cancelled it just before the end because I didn't know what to do with all of my boring characters. I feel like trying it again, maybe set after season nine but before "The Last Problem". Should I? Or should I just write the first scene I came up with and THEN think about where to go from there?

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