• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Dat Merc

Amatuer-tier fanfic writer trying to take his shots at writing...

More Blog Posts62

  • 82 weeks
    It's Christmas...

    Merr Chrimus! :pinkiecrazy:

    1 comments · 112 views
  • 93 weeks
    Friendship is Magic Twelve Years Ago Today

    I can't believe that amount of time already passed!! :pinkiegasp: Twelve years since FiM premiered for the first time and the fandom is still alive. That's just awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

    0 comments · 112 views
  • 94 weeks
    It's October 3rd

    I remember posting this video last year, but I just wanted to do it again just because!! It's also my fic's 2nd anniversary since it was posted on this site.
    Happy FMA Day everyone!!

    5 comments · 194 views
  • 100 weeks
    Second Live Action FMA Movie Now on Netflix

    The title says it all... The full title is "Fullmetal Alchemist the Revenge of Scar." The third (and final movie) will be available next month (maybe...?).

    0 comments · 134 views
  • 102 weeks
    Ten Years In!!!

    I just realized August 5th was my tenth anniversary of being on this site!!! A lot has changed during that time frame and it does go fast. :pinkiegasp:

    0 comments · 95 views

Second Live Action FMA Movie Now on Netflix · 12:12am Aug 21st, 2022

The title says it all... The full title is "Fullmetal Alchemist the Revenge of Scar." The third (and final movie) will be available next month (maybe...?).

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