• Member Since 31st Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Nov 28th, 2021

Tyrannosaurus comet

i like to dance, I like to play the piano, I have asperger's and I play tennis

More Blog Posts2

  • 147 weeks
    I am a terrible brother

    I feel like the worst brother in the world, sometimes it hurts not to be able to protect my sister I will be a bad brother for trying to keep her away from problems I'll be a bad brother when I get overprotective her or defend her. She must learn to defend herself, I do not only know that I am an idiot of a big brother. i don't know how to help her and that makes me feel worse

    10 comments · 186 views
  • 149 weeks
    im gay

    If I am gay I like men and if I do this it is because I need to come out of the closet and if I am happy with my partner

    22 comments · 197 views

I am a terrible brother · 3:34pm Oct 1st, 2021

I feel like the worst brother in the world, sometimes it hurts not to be able to protect my sister I will be a bad brother for trying to keep her away from problems I'll be a bad brother when I get overprotective her or defend her. She must learn to defend herself, I do not only know that I am an idiot of a big brother. i don't know how to help her and that makes me feel worse

Report Tyrannosaurus comet · 186 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

I feel the same way with my little sister. I feel like a terrible big sister sometimes. The trick is to let her face her problems, but to be there for her when she needs you.

Your not a terrible brother your not

No i know we just met but I think your amazing and awesome brother :twilightsmile:

Your welcome :twilightsmile:

Really. My sister is 10 years younger than me. I started off being too protective, but then realized that in order for her to grow, she needs room to do so. You grow by facing your problems and making mistakes. You just need to be there for her when she does

ok thank you, my sister is a month younger than me we are the same age, she has social anxiety, autism and adhd

Glad I could help. :twilightsmile:

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