• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2012

Sea Blaze

Originally born in Ponyville, absent for 15 years. Now coming back to visit my cousin Pinkie, I'm reunited with my childhood love, and the stories I submit are nothing but the way things happened.

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  • 648 weeks
    Sorry for the wait. Sea Blaze halt.

    Yeah, if there's anyone having interest in what I'm writing, I've got some news for you.

    Firstly, the next one to be pumped up will be either Fluttershy or Applejack. I'm keeping Pinkie for the end. Best for last, isn't it?

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    1 comments · 393 views
  • 649 weeks
    Pumping up the Elements.

    Hey everypony! I've got an announcement to make:

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  • 650 weeks
    Sorry for hurting your eyes.

    I really wish to apologize to those who took their time and read through my latest story, Turn it Up. After re-reading it about an hour after publish I realized it was filled with grammar mistakes! I'm not a native English speaker, but I was always capable of controlling this language. I just don't know what went wrong...

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Sorry for the wait. Sea Blaze halt. · 11:27am Feb 18th, 2012

Yeah, if there's anyone having interest in what I'm writing, I've got some news for you.

Firstly, the next one to be pumped up will be either Fluttershy or Applejack. I'm keeping Pinkie for the end. Best for last, isn't it?
Moving on, after pumping up all the elements I will have 1 last chapter, in which I will give certain improvements to other ponies, like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Derpy, Berry Punch [I love her], and probably even a certain enhanced dragon assitaaaant.

And in the end, the Sea Blaze series are getting put to a complete halt, as I feel the need to finish the Elements of Harmony series. It just suits my inspiration better at this given time. Now that I've put anyone whose taking their time in reading this up to the latest news, I'm out to search for inspiration. Remember, Applejack or Fluttershy!

[If you want, you can go over to the story and write in the comments who you would like to be next. Only if you want. I'll take in consideration the votes only if they exist. XD]

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