Post-COVID job quitting · 5:28am Apr 28th, 2021
I resigned from my very first job on December 2019, 3 months before the world went into a pandemic due to the spread of COVID-19.
The job I had was pretty much a dead-end job. I worked for 6 days a week from 9am to 6pm and the tasks that I performed were all the same. What's great about my former workplace is that it's 2 minutes away from my house. I didn't have to worry about the traffic that keeps getting worse every year.
Everything that I earned from that job, I put them directly into my savings. While I get paid slightly above minimum wage for finishing tasks, there were no promotions whatsoever. I didn't ask my boss for a raise because I assumed that it was out of the question. It was a repetitive routine that led me to have tension headaches and depression.
I had to reevaluate with what I really wanted to do with my life because I noticed in the following years that I wasn't performing well like I used to. Ultimately, I resigned in order to pursue interests for my personal growth. Safe to say, it was perfect timing for me because as soon as the pandemic hit, I had a lot of time improving on my hobbies.
Fast forward to today, I'm still pursuing my interests despite not having a job for 1 year and 4 months (and counting). I haven't even made any revenue from what I love doing.
do hope you find what you enjoy and be able to make some money from it.
covid really just mess with things