• Member Since 27th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2022


just a dude who likes mlp way to much for some reason

More Blog Posts15

  • 178 weeks
    i am doind a biography on m.a Larsen!

    for a school project we are doing a biography on a person we idolize. i was going to do Lauren Faust but she is not as present in the mlp comunity as m.a larsen. so im going to do m.a larsen. any interviews you know of or just any info in general would be very helpfull.

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  • 180 weeks
    i want to right a few poems for a friend any ideas

    i have not seen my best friend in 2 years because of covid. he does not even go to school or choir or karate anymore, so i want to wright a few poems about how much i miss him but my mind is completely blank. i need to do this soon cus i really want to show him how much i miss as soon as i can.

    but again any topics, ideas, suggestion, places i could look for ideas, so on.

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  • 182 weeks
    i made a pony oc named sunnybubbles yay

    i am making a back story right now and i have a sketched him but i need to make a file on the pc i have to do it so i have to use a painting program, i have never used one so, this might be a challenge. any suggestions on a program i could us?

    2 comments · 130 views
  • 182 weeks
    A surprise from death

    A surprise from death 

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  • 182 weeks
    i am going to post a short story i wrote jacked up on redbull

    its not going to be spelt right but I want the original thing posted lmao.

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just a lil something a wrote at 12:00 at night when i was sad after reading a book about cats :) · 1:46pm Jan 11th, 2021

hi... my name is marble, and this is my life. a gray bored with blank meaningless words. i c'ant control how you see my life. only you can convai what these words paint in your mind. i can only hope that you see me in the same way i do. there are only a few ways to be happy in life. only a few are chosen from above to be happy. i wish i knew how things work above. but that knowledge can only be found after its to late. the way you're life plays out, the way you suffer to the way you die. its all planned, this is destiny. every time life throws a curve ball at you, its for the benefit of someone else. i am nothing but a pawn, for others to gain form. the higher ups in society, they are meant to be there. they were meant to gaze apon you with a grin, knowing you will never be like them. they use you, and them useing you, is the only reason you live. every pony has a purpose, and some, are just meant to suffer.
(i know there are some mistakes, it was late at night and o was sad lol)

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