• Member Since 10th Mar, 2020
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More Blog Posts7

  • 188 weeks
    Made a new book uwu for the farther land!

    Hey guys its me Dave who ^^
    this is just a new post about a new book am doing on wattpad and id possible this one.
    The new book is called Bismark lost in equestria I have already posted. Only posted the desperation and the first chapter.

    here's a link to read. https://www.wattpad.com/story/251027732-bismark-lost-in-equestria

    0 comments · 125 views
  • 190 weeks
    Hey guys where are the chapters??

    Hey guys sorry for not posting anything for awhile. But there is good news. I have the first three chapter release but on here. For some reason its not letting my submit it i think there some problems. But i have another website where you can read the chapters. I will link it in this blog.
    Here are some updates so know.

    Read More

    0 comments · 146 views
  • 226 weeks
    owo a pic

    0 comments · 160 views
  • 226 weeks
    Some delay

    Hey guys its DaveWho 2020 chapter one might take longer to realise. My editor is going through something so chapter one might get out as soon as i want. On other news the cover art should be down shortly. Don't worry it will be out but as soon as possible.

    0 comments · 149 views
  • 227 weeks
    Chapter 2 is done.

    Hey guys its me DaveWho2020 again I finished chapter 2 and soon be working on chapter 3.
    Chapter one will be out as soon as the cover will be done and when the editing is done i post it as soon as possible. Again i like to thank my friends jolt and cole for helping me. Jolt editing the chapters and cole is doing the cover art.

    0 comments · 154 views

Hey guys where are the chapters?? · 5:34am Dec 2nd, 2020

Hey guys sorry for not posting anything for awhile. But there is good news. I have the first three chapter release but on here. For some reason its not letting my submit it i think there some problems. But i have another website where you can read the chapters. I will link it in this blog.
Here are some updates so know.

Chapters 1-3 are down and post on this website https://www.wattpad.com/story/217970426-the-adventure-of-dave-whooves-and-princess-luna

Also chapter 4 is being finnish
so don't worry it's going to be done and i haven't forgot about this.

so thank you. I will continue on this and and will finnish. I still haven't been figure out how many chapters i will do but when i dissident to stop doing the chapters i make sure the last chapter will be a good. I won't spoil anything in the chapters but i hope you enjoy

here's are the link to find it https://www.wattpad.com/story/217970426-the-adventure-of-dave-whooves-and-princess-luna

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