• Member Since 9th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2014


More Blog Posts3

  • 637 weeks
    Out of ideas

    Ok, so the title is a bit of a lie, but it's also sort of not. As of late, I have not been able to think of a single thing to write! I have plenty of ideas proper (a bazillion different settings, characters, and plot-lines), but either they're not developed enough to write or don't fit into the format of a ponyfic (and indeed, many of my ideas have absolutely nothing to do with ponies).

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  • 648 weeks

    College has proved... busy, to say the least. However, I'm slowly coming to grips with my schedule and should be ready to get back into the swing of things soonish (ish). I've got one story that's been thought out and another that's on the backburners (and has been for a very long time), and I'm pretty excited to start writing either of them (honestly I just want to get writing again, but don't

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  • 652 weeks
    Not a one and done

    Although I won't be posting any new stories for a bit, I do plan on continuing to use this account. I've got an intense class coming up, and probably should spend my time on it. Rest assured though that, once it's done (and it's only a week long), I'll be back and better than ever. Since my brain is stupid, expect a return to Junebug, but not in the way you might expect.

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Out of ideas · 4:56am Nov 26th, 2012

Ok, so the title is a bit of a lie, but it's also sort of not. As of late, I have not been able to think of a single thing to write! I have plenty of ideas proper (a bazillion different settings, characters, and plot-lines), but either they're not developed enough to write or don't fit into the format of a ponyfic (and indeed, many of my ideas have absolutely nothing to do with ponies).

Hmm, perhaps I've just got some blockage I need to clear out. Perhaps something in the form of a different perspective on Junebug? Hmmm

If anyone ends up reading this, here's what I want you to do: Suggest, in the comments, a style and a few key points for me to write into the story, and, within a month or so (probably closer to the "or so" than the month, due to finals) you'll have a fic, told from the perspective of any character mentioned in Junebug and written in at least a reasonable approximation of the suggested style. If, by an off chance, more than one person suggests things, I might have to either compromise or write more than one fic. (Note: you do not get to suggest the character)

Report Namboto · 394 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Anything with Junebug in it will do, as long as it's not a gore fic.

How about a simple Slice-of-Life story detailing Junebug's views on the other ponies of Ponyville? We know she isn't much of a talker (apparently), but that doesn't mean she isn't much of a thinker.

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