• Member Since 12th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen January 22nd


It took me eight years to make an account for this site

More Blog Posts2

  • 110 weeks
    Ponepaste Link


    Made one of these after realizing that Pastebin will censor/hide anything fetishy that I try to upload. I would prefer to have everything posted in one place, but oh well 🤷

    Two new story-things uploaded there so far, both involving Chrysalis/SA/Cadance. I might upload them here if Ponepaste goes down again...we shall see.

    1 comments · 583 views
  • 200 weeks
    Pastebin Link

    So I'm not exactly new to the pone game; here's (almost) everything pony-related I've written or greentexted for /mlp/ and /trash/:


    Yes, it's about 95% fat fetishism. :raritydespair:

    3 comments · 155 views

Pastebin Link · 12:03pm Sep 21st, 2020

So I'm not exactly new to the pone game; here's (almost) everything pony-related I've written or greentexted for /mlp/ and /trash/:


Yes, it's about 95% fat fetishism. :raritydespair:

Report Bugfriend · 155 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

That's a good link. Y'all should click it.

Interesting ...
'Good stories'

Are you going to have a dropbox for the pastebin stories? They are all gone.

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