• Member Since 16th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2012


Just some idiot who likes a certain show about ponies

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  • 676 weeks
    *Insert apology here*

    OK, I know I've only posted 2 chapters so far, but they were posted within a week of each other, and I don't have a new one this week, so for this, I'm sorry.
    This is because I have exams coming up (4 in a week... it sucks I know) so I haven't had the time to write anything.

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  • 678 weeks
    Thank you and word of warning

    Thanks guys, not only for looking at my story (well, why would you reading this if you haven't, btw if you haven't then you should totally do that right now :3)
    Just as a heads up, I'm currently writing it as I'm going along, heck, at the time of writing this, I've yet to start on chapter 2.

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Thank you and word of warning · 9:50pm Feb 15th, 2012

Thanks guys, not only for looking at my story (well, why would you reading this if you haven't, btw if you haven't then you should totally do that right now :3)
Just as a heads up, I'm currently writing it as I'm going along, heck, at the time of writing this, I've yet to start on chapter 2.
This means that the story won't have a consistent upload schedule, just because the story will only progress when i've written it, as well as when my proof reader's finished with it to.
Sorry if this is an inconvenience, but thats just the way it is I'm afraid
Also, if you see anything wrong or just a little mistake, please point it out for me. Also, I love criticism, as long as it's actually helpful and not just mean, so please, criticize away.

Just as a side note, I'm not the guy in the fic (Dan Wilson), the story's main character is based of my real life friend, in case my Username wasn't a big enough clue :)
Anyway, I should really start on that chapter...
Yours sincerely

Report Rhys8bitbroz · 267 views ·
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