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  • 242 weeks
    Why do the princesses say "we"?

    I've noticed now in a few of the stories I've read on here, that Princess Celestia, as well as Princess Luna, say "we" when referring to themselves.
    I suspect Luna says it in reference to Nightmare Moon, and herself, but Celestia does not have another form that I know about,
    yet she still says "we" when referring to herself. Any ideas to why that is?

    2 comments · 194 views

Why do the princesses say "we"? · 10:33am Dec 1st, 2019

I've noticed now in a few of the stories I've read on here, that Princess Celestia, as well as Princess Luna, say "we" when referring to themselves.
I suspect Luna says it in reference to Nightmare Moon, and herself, but Celestia does not have another form that I know about,
yet she still says "we" when referring to herself. Any ideas to why that is?

Comments ( 2 )

It is more likely that they are using the Royal 'We' as it's a common practice to have royalty refer to themselves as such.

So, yeah, nothing to do with Nightmare Moon, it's just a royalty thing.

I didn't know what to look up until you said something. I looked it up and it's actually something call "nosism", which is pretty interesting.
This clears some things up for me now. Thank you for saying something about it.

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