• Member Since 5th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen April 28th


Luna is best princess and my mom

More Blog Posts2

  • 254 weeks

    So, does anybody anypony anycreature else find it somewhat unsettling how informs you, "[Insert Name Here] is watching you", I realize that the site is simply telling me I have a follower, but still, They could have chosen a phrase that's less, Orwellian. So Let's get down to buisness To Defeat the Huns and run through alternative phrases...

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    0 comments · 256 views
  • 256 weeks
    Poem/ Song Parody

    So, I've never done a blog before, but Here's a little thing I wrote based on We didn't start the fire based on the Brony fandom:

    Season 1:
    Lauren Faust, Nightmare moon, Twilight Sparkle's Balloon
    4chan, Derpygate, Fandom facing tons of hate,
    Gak-Gak-Gak, Appledash Facing off Rarajack
    Trixie Does some Tricks, Blueblood is a major prick...

    Season 2:

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    0 comments · 148 views

Phrasing · 11:09pm Sep 11th, 2019

So, does anybody anypony anycreature else find it somewhat unsettling how informs you, "[Insert Name Here] is watching you", I realize that the site is simply telling me I have a follower, but still, They could have chosen a phrase that's less, Orwellian. So Let's get down to buisness To Defeat the Huns and run through alternative phrases...
"[Insert Name Here] is following you"... Too Stalker-ish
"You have gained a new follower, [Insert Name Here]"... Too Cult-ish

(and not the cool kind like the Cola-Cult, but the scary kind, with Goat sacrifices, and Pentagrams, that one scene from Temple of Doom, and other things that Chick-tracks claim happen in Harry Potter that NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPEN, (Seriously guys, you might be able to fool Stay-at-home moms, and people who haven't actually read the books, or in the case of one Two-Disc DVD, where he used this quote " There is no good or evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it." that's just a statement from one character... WHO IS THE VILLAIN, he just conveniently fails to mention it's a quote from a villain...) Sorry Rant over)

Report Nightspawn · 256 views · #Ramblings
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