• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2012


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  • 627 weeks

    I haven't dropped either of my FiMfiction stories, I promise.

    I just got a bit in over my head with the AiE stories I've been writing. Tonight I'll bite the bullet and crank out a chapter of Parallel.

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  • 629 weeks

    Feeling a bit better.

    New chapter of Conversion Bureau is about halfway done, see you guys when it's posted.

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  • 629 weeks
    The Election (And back to writing for real this time.)

    I remember when I was young and I didn't care about politics.

    God... I wish I could have those days back.

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  • 633 weeks
    Conversion Bureau Soon

    I've been... busy... yeah, busy.

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  • 634 weeks


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The Election (And back to writing for real this time.) · 8:55am Nov 7th, 2012

I remember when I was young and I didn't care about politics.

God... I wish I could have those days back.

When I was a wee little lad and Clinton was still in office, I didn't understand the system. At the same time, I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't know that he got busted getting his dick sucked under the oval office desk, and I didn't know he signed an agreement that sent a ton of American jobs overseas to China and Taiwan. When Bush was in office, I didn't really understand what happened on 9/11. I was eleven years old at the time, and I knew that a lot of people had died, and it was the fault of a terrorist named Osama Bin laden. The UN wouldn't go to war with us, so we went without them, and wasted eight years trying to fix countries that are inherently broken when we should have been fixing our own country.

2008 came.

I turned eighteen.

It was time for me to cast my vote. Obama vs. McCain.

I voted for McCain after debating it with myself for some time.

McCain lost, but I wasn't too disappointed. Obama seemed like a decent guy to me. "He'll do a good job," I told myself, "We had good candidates this year, and maybe we'll finally get out of the middle east and worry about ourselves for once."

I joined the Air Force, and I was so... so God damn proud to be serving the country I was born and raised in. I worked my ass off for three and a half years to learn everything I could about the trade I had been assigned.

Then Obama started cutting the military.

What was the first thing to go? It wasn't the assets, oh no.

It was the people.

People like me.

I was one of the many airmen unfairly put on the chopping block half thanks to Obama's policies.

Before even this he passed Obamacare, forcing people who earn their keep to pay for people who don't.

I thought Obama was a decent guy, I thought he would do a good job.

I thought wrong. In four years he added six trillion dollars to the debt, shoved our country even further into the middle-eastern hole, and prevented us from using our own energy sources. In four years inflation and gas has skyrocketed, and our taxes keep going up. He watched four Americans die on a live feed to Benghazi and prevented our military from attempting to help them. Then I watched as my Commander in Chief apologized to the terrorists that had killed those Americans, and then he arrested a man for posting a Youtube video.

I have watched our constitution be overturned again and again in the past eight years, and I was tired of it.

I was bitter, I was resentful.

I didn't vote for Romney out of that bitterness. I voted for him because he has experience with economics and I knew if he got in he could pull us out of this hole.

I am not a Republican.

I am not a Democrat.

I am an American.

And I refuse to acknowledge this man as our president.

I wish I could say I still feel pride, but our country is dying.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit depressed, but it's because I am. I've talked with several Obama voters, and most of them are so filled with hatred and bigotry, yet they fly under a banner of peace and tolerance.

I cannot understand them, and I'm glad that I can't, because I never want to be someone who just... hates like that.

Anyways, I just figured I'd vent. I'm writing again finally, it makes me feel a bit better, and I'll finish these stories for you guys.

Because I love writing, and that's the one thing no one can take away from me, even if they strip me of my freedoms.

Report Kyonko802 · 446 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

XD what a retard you are I have no idea how i got here but this is hilarious and so misinformed I think you have me cancer

Sure, there is zero percent chance you will read this, but HA what fucking stupidity, Obamacare maes it cheaper for ALL duhhh

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