• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen June 23rd


my pfp is me reacting to all of the shit i made on here | https://twitch.tv/pastasparq | https://discord.gg/kUAvJuXC2N

More Blog Posts1479

  • 144 weeks
    Most of my old stories are now privated

    Hey all, I’m only here to inform you as to why most of my stuff has been unpublished.

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  • 205 weeks

    Yo, what’s up. It’s PastaSparq in the fuckin’ house. Previously known as TheArquius, MargopoloGX, whatever it is that will jog y’all’s memories of whoever I am.

    There’s been a lot of shit happening in my life. I figured that I should post a huge big status update on what’s been going on with me. I don’t think anyone will necessarily care but I think it’ll be something worth looking back on.

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  • 249 weeks
    PastaSparq's Variety Hour!

    Hello everyone, it's me, PastaSparq, alive and kicking as well! You may be wondering what I'm doing back here in this hellhole, and I'm here to say that I'm currently here to advertise a talent show of sorts that I will be doing this upcoming Saturday. I call it "PastaSparq's Variety Hour", and I will be hosting it on VRChat!

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  • 282 weeks
    Self promo

    Hey all, Sparq here and I’m back at it again with shilling my creations after leaving for an eternity! And after this, I’ll be leaving for an eternity again! It’ll just be me and the void, won’t that be fun?

    Anyways, I made a server exclusively for artists!! Feel free to join here, and please do spread the word!!!

    Creativity United

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  • 296 weeks
    A Grand Re-Entrance!

    A Grand Re-Entrance!

    Hey guys, it's me!! Aidan, Arq, Sparq, whatever you want to call me! And I'm glad to announce that, after a long period of thinking and waiting, I'm returning here to fimfiction!!

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A Grand Re-Entrance! · 12:34am Nov 19th, 2018

A Grand Re-Entrance!

Hey guys, it's me!! Aidan, Arq, Sparq, whatever you want to call me! And I'm glad to announce that, after a long period of thinking and waiting, I'm returning here to fimfiction!!

Well, why, you may ask? Well, a lot of things have happened in the past month, and a lot of them were related to why I left. My ex and I having a huge fallout, and she left a little while back as well. Final words on the situation- know that I've moved on and I'm with someone else now. I'm not sure about her though lol. Pray for her! However, it's no use dwelling on spilled and rotten friendship, as it's already spilled and rotten! Let's talk about ME now!!

Anyways, the reason I've returned because I've found a reason to be here! I mean, it has nothing to do with MLP or Fanfiction, but rather Super Smash Bros Ultimate. For fimfiction, I want to be the Smash guy. I'm passionate about it, and I'm also the president of my very own Super Smash Bros club (with 40+ members) so as the season of anticipating the Smash Ultimate release turns into anticipation of the 5 DLC characters releasing, I'm steadily gonna become more and more active with speculation posts, theories, and maybe I'll sprinkle in some leaks that come from 4chan or something.

Super Smash Bros is something I'm very passionate about, and something I'm hoping to introduce to new people to what can be literally referred to as the celebration of gaming as a whole. I'm glad to share this joy with you, and I hope you'll enjoy it as well!

This, however, doesn't mean that I am going to be super active here. To be honest, I'm more a of a twitter guy. However, I will at most get you one Smash-related blog post every week, and at least one every month!!

And that's about it I think!! Well, besides my new character design... which will be revealed soon(ish)?

Anyways, I'll be livestreaming tonight whilst drawing and talking some details on my new podcast (name is SECRET), so if you feel so inclined, please do drop in and ask any questions you may have for me!

It's nice to feel this free once again.

Report TheArquius · 414 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Welcome back Arquius!!!

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