• Member Since 6th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 16th, 2020


More Blog Posts18

  • 279 weeks
    The Siren's Remorse Epilogue has been Posted

    I'm going to have the next chapter posted by the end of this week. With the story finally started the rest just falls into place. I'm not one for simple little end conclusions but one that sorts it all out. Hope you enjoy the heavy focus on SciTwi and Adagio Dazzle.

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  • 299 weeks
    Siren's Remorse Epilogue Due Soon!!!!

    Just so ya'll don't think I'm never keeping up with my blogs, ch.1 soon due. Plot done and the rest is breaking it up into manageable parts for quick reads and hard hitting lore of what I wished I could have written. Stay tuned!!!

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  • 308 weeks
    Editing has failed....

    So after many tries I cannot get the next chapter of The Sirens Remorse edited. I either dislike how the scenes play out or the tediousness of the situation becomes far too drawn out. I hate to say it but I'm just going to end the edits now and produce the epilogue since I gave up trying to complete the story. I adore the Dazzlings and Sci-Twi... but I've given up on the whole series in general

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  • 327 weeks
    Ch. 9 Snag in Editing

    Sorry to those who've been waiting on the update, it seems inconsistency in the long 20k plus word chapter has been pot marking my progress. While I've done what I can to trim it down, I don't have the time to spend a day editing unimpeded. Which leaves me with a fresh mind and creativity each time I jump on it thus consistency becomes marred. Character dialogue also remains to be an issue, too

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  • 338 weeks
    Ch. 9 Edit Due Soon

    Well after chapter 8's revision I went straight to the next one right after it was updated. So far the chapter has taken a drastic turn and much will be changed from what I left up instead of removing from viewing like before. Safe to say things will get interesting for Rarity who eavesdrops on them, and certain things will be made more in depth than I left it. Indeed I wrote far too much detail,

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Ch. 9 Snag in Editing · 5:39pm Oct 18th, 2018

Sorry to those who've been waiting on the update, it seems inconsistency in the long 20k plus word chapter has been pot marking my progress. While I've done what I can to trim it down, I don't have the time to spend a day editing unimpeded. Which leaves me with a fresh mind and creativity each time I jump on it thus consistency becomes marred. Character dialogue also remains to be an issue, too much of it and I start to feel like I'm watching those old soap operas I grew up with which to some may not find enjoyable or too long for patience in their regard. I understand that, after reading Marko Kloos sci-fi novels among others I'm inclined to rectify my errors but not to the point that it makes the chapter a torpedo from start to finish. I'm aiming for a 20k word ceiling and likely a few thousand less.

To do this I'm constantly building up the Dazzlings and Twilight's interactions while tearing them down over and over. Think of it like building a brick wall with varying sized bricks, uniformity is the goal overall and right now I'm having to start from the top again. Though this I vow it will be the last top to bottom run of editing before I call it quits and be happy with what Ch. 9 has now become. I believe anyone still awaiting content from me will enjoy it, fleshing out our beloved Sci-Twi and the sirens as they should be is leading to a better story than when I first started this fiasco of fanfiction.

May fortune be with us all.

Report TheronSniper · 282 views ·
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