A Little Bit About Me · 3:55pm Jul 7th, 2018
Hey there! This is my first time using FIMFiction. And so I thought I would say a little bit about myself.
I have been a fan of My Little Pony since 2013, and I still am one to this day. I have three little sisters who are also fans of the show. I absolutely love writing stories. It was all I did in my free time when I was little. When I grow up, I hope to be a famous author, yet I still have a lot to work on. Me and my sisters are mainly fans of the characters Twilight Sparkle, Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer. I like to spend most of my time outdoors exploring the world, when I'm not writing stories. My favourite colours are Purple and Pink, favourtie food is Spaghetti Bolognese, my favourtie movie is the MLP Movie along with The Greatest Showman. I am also a huge fan of Disney, and am hoping to one day write an MLP and Disney crossover fic.
Hope this got you to know a little bit about me, have a good day!