• Member Since 16th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen January 13th

That one RationalCritic

Yay, Im a reviewer for the Reviewers Cafe.

More Blog Posts6

  • 337 weeks

    I thought that I should probably do a remodel of my page over the next week. Sort of a Re branding kind of thing perhaps?

    0 comments · 234 views
  • 337 weeks
    Yes, I'm still here

    I am still alive. I am still working on the next chapter to 3 Ponies and A Supercomputer, and I have many more stories planned. These last few weeks I've been working on a synthesis on the Odyssey and its cultural meaning to Dark Age Greek society, and Im very.. very happy to announce that I am finally done with it. Free At Last!!!. As it looks so far this week will be a pretty calm one,

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    0 comments · 177 views
  • 339 weeks
    Delay with 3 Ponies and A Supercomputer chapter 4

    Apologies to anyone reading the story, but as seen I was not able to update on Saturday night. Saturday night's will still be the main update days, however, I was not able to get the new chapter out due to several factors out of my control. The new chapter will be out soon, sometime during the next week before Saturday (and this may affect another chapter being posted on Saturday as well).

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    0 comments · 210 views
  • 340 weeks
    Ars Goetia

    Ars Goetia, the newest chapter in "3 Ponies and A Supercomputer", was to be honest a joyful pain. It was the most difficult chapter to write, and yet it was the easiest chapter to write. This week had been very eventful for me, and I had a large amount of stress with it. First it was the first week of my spring semester of college, and I began morning PT. Second, I had to go to a surprise

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    0 comments · 211 views
  • 341 weeks
    Plans with the start of College again

    Tomorrow I begin a new semester of college, and while I would't normally make a post like this I believe I should since this semester will possibly affect my writing. What is special about this semester is that tomorrow begins my military science courses for Army ROTC, and I will have to be up most days of the week at 5:30 AM (meaning I'll have to get to sleep sooner on top of being at school

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    0 comments · 207 views

Remodel? · 2:56am Feb 8th, 2018

I thought that I should probably do a remodel of my page over the next week. Sort of a Re branding kind of thing perhaps?

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