• Member Since 28th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2020


Start with a mess of words and ideas for a story then clarify so it makes sense.

More Blog Posts27

  • 358 weeks
    Poetry and a Small Note

    Sleepy, Snowy Days

        Upon a weary winter day,
    Out on the bare ground I see lay,
    Flakes, falling on this blesséd day.
    Covering paths and stones, all grey,
        Turning them to white in our sight,
    No wights ruin wintery night.

        Out the window I see walk,
    A chilled orange fox’s feet stalking.,
        Blackberries which winter held balk,
    But, alas, they remain mocking.

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  • 371 weeks
    About my Absence, and Story Things

    So, yes (for those who noticed) I've been gone for a bit. This is because I was moving, and internet access was not possible, which it still isn't. Me being online is temporary, very simply because I have access to the internet for a bit.

    Alright, with that explained, I will move on.

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  • 383 weeks
    Some Poetry

    It's not finished, but it has a sort of Celestia vibe to it. What do you think? :unsuresweetie:

    Sleep, gentle one, but do not wake,
    The world above is gone, naught but dust and ash to take,
    So, sleep the moonless night away, for your sake,
    And one day the sun shall rise again, but 'till then you must wait.

    0 comments · 233 views
  • 402 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Although I have nothing much to say (or do) on Valentine's Day, I decided to make a blog post. :facehoof: :twilightsheepish: Happy Valentine's Day! :yay: So, how's your day going? (:facehoof:) :twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 220 views
  • 410 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    As you all know it's only five days until Christmas, while I don't have much planned to do (Miles and Miles is sucking up all my time) I decided to do a little blog. So, have a song, and picture!

    The ringing of the bells,
    The singing of the evening choirs,
    Oh, the merriness of it all!

    Trees being set up,
    Decor up high, and down low,

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Poetry and a Small Note · 2:35am Dec 23rd, 2017

Sleepy, Snowy Days

    Upon a weary winter day,
Out on the bare ground I see lay,
Flakes, falling on this blesséd day.
Covering paths and stones, all grey,
    Turning them to white in our sight,
No wights ruin wintery night.

    Out the window I see walk,
A chilled orange fox’s feet stalking.,
    Blackberries which winter held balk,
But, alas, they remain mocking.
A weary fox falls to slumber,
In its towl dug deep, I wonder,

    About its toils till summer,
It lumbers slowly in cumber.
O! how it must wish for her light!
Waiting for end of wearing night.
    So deep in slumber this fox waits,
Indeed in sleep, day it awaites.

    Flakes still yet fall at night’s passing,
In a startled breath I see fall,
    A large lump of snow amassing
From a healthful willow tree tall,
    It teeters under Newton’s rule,
Until it’s on the ground in pool.

    Covered ground, all snowy and smooth,
No print on hallowly surface.
    And so did it appear to soothe
That no wind could stir the curtain.
    Ice snaked up on the frigid glass,
As the night waned, so did day pass.

    No noise greeted the turning day,
Great wide silence keeps spring at bay,
    And only on the wings of May
Comes winterly relief astray.
    White stays the ground until that day,
Naught much is there to do or say.

    Upon this ending winter day,
Out on the white ground I see stray,
    Shoots, of sublime lustrous green lay.
Next to those paths with stones all grey.
    The whiteness melts, the night may pass
But still I think of the fox’s dash.

    Long may be the weary winter,
But less dreary to those light hearts.
    Of fox who passed winter stintly,
Who had naught much in start but part,
    But finished without loss of heart.
To sights of naught, none give their thought.

Afternoon (or morning depending on your time zone). I wrote this and decided to share it here. No, it is not pony-related, but I suppose under a different view it could be seen in that way, but I digress. Anyway, I may not post much--stories and blogs (especially blogs)--but my lack of activity is passing, and I have some things currently in the works which I hope some of you will enjoy when they are finished. Anyhow, have a happy holidays! :twilightsmile:


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