• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen July 15th


Just an up and coming writer filled with the hope to fill everyone with happiness, if not with my stories then hopefully with my sketches.

More Blog Posts2

  • 366 weeks
    Probably the only other post that you'll see

    The only reason I'm posting this one is so I can set something straight, I can't change my short description of myself and no it has been there for years, and sadly it's just to stubborn for me to change it, I was going to change it to say that I'm here to be an illustrator for any one of you writers out there. But thanks to technical difficulties, I can't change that, so I only posted this to

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  • 366 weeks
    Looking to be your illustrator

    YES it is exactly as it says in the title. I'm looking to be anyone of your illustrators in the hopes to be known throughout this website. Now by no means am I a writer but my passion does lay in the more artistic sense. Now I know what you might be thinking "well what's the catch?"well that's the greatest part, I will sketch you a cover, scene, or even character templates and I don't care

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Probably the only other post that you'll see · 1:55am Jul 18th, 2017

The only reason I'm posting this one is so I can set something straight, I can't change my short description of myself and no it has been there for years, and sadly it's just to stubborn for me to change it, I was going to change it to say that I'm here to be an illustrator for any one of you writers out there. But thanks to technical difficulties, I can't change that, so I only posted this to clear up any confusion that I may or may not have started. And also thank you for taking the time to read this.

P.S. I'm not good at writing, if you ever see me post anything it will be out of pure unadulterated boredom, or to simply pass the time, and show of some of my title cover ideas if any of you want to take it, just letting you all know this. I also love it when I know that I can make people laugh when I speak to them directly, because it fills me with joy to know that I could bring you joy in the form of either horrible puns, or legitimate humor, so, if you have the time, or don't mind, please hit me up on skype or discord and we can have a nice and friendly conversation. Again thank you and have an awesome day :).

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