• Member Since 29th Jan, 2016
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Erina Tail Yellow

I'm back and ready to stay

More Blog Posts32

  • 126 weeks
    Centre Stage Romance: 4 Years in The Making

    As of today, Centre Stage Romance is officially being marked a completed story. After spending months attempting to evaluate what would make an epilogue for the story feel complete I could find no reason and no inspiration to add on to a story that had very well ended. Perhaps at some point this may change but to be entirely honest I don't see that happening. Once again an overwhelming thank you

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  • 157 weeks
    Centre Stage Romance Status Update

    Hey, to all fans of Centre Stage Romance I have some absolutely fantastic news. After a rather unprecedented hiatus I have returned to work on the story. I know this'll be the third time I've promised to return and work on a story here but this is as real as it gets this time. It's no "return to form" as I've toted before. I'm returning a mildly more seasoned human being with different intent and

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  • 253 weeks
    UPDATE: Everything V.2

    Hello everyone, Erina Shindou here. Or as you can all refer to me now Maxine Fowl.

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  • 324 weeks
    FEATURED: Follow You Down


    But in all seriousness thanks to all of you. This blew my mind.

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  • 335 weeks
    Update: Just about everything

    What's up everyone. If you've stuck around this long, I'll go ahead and say I'm shocked. I've been a little down on myself the past few months and because of that haven't written much for you. And to that extent I apologise. I'm currently getting in with an amazing group of people who are inspiring me to do something I've never done before. To update everyone on stories CSR is at a dead

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First Impressions: Glow · 3:32am Mar 18th, 2017

So Cadance VS Celestia, who wins? My money’s on Cadance.

Considering the fact that Chrysalis at far from full power kicked Celestia’s ass. I’m inclined to agree with you.

That is true. What I’m getting at is who's the better match maker?

It’s actually a tie. I’ve seen both of them give not only good advice but help pair those who seem to belong together.Although that verdict seems slightly biased as to who’s reading the story and, what pairings they personally enjoy.

That is a very astute observation that you made. If only you put the skills that you quite clearly have to better you own writing and grades. But in the Story Glow by Carapace we see Celestia’s match making talents come to light.

Something tells me I’ve stepped into a world not my own. Have I mentioned when you do shit like that you’re about as bearable as Dahlia Hawthorne.

I may be an ass but I do it because you're my little sister and I care for you. But I’m not anything like Dahlia Hawthorne. So shall we jump in this mess?

Sure. Better sooner rather than later.

So we open with Spitfire in her Class A uniform recounting the mission that Celestia (The Big Mare) has given her. The mission is classified above top secret on a need to know basis only. The mission is

Operation: Take Twilight Sparkle’s Virginity or TTSV for short.

*facepalms* This proof that you can not do dramatic scenes and build tension properly. So what really is going on is that the we are once again at the snoozefest that is The Gala and, Spitfire’s directive is to escort Twilight around.

There are many events and areas that I would love to visit in Equestria; The Gala is not one of those. The Gala seems about as fun as Sonic ‘06.

One of the few games that crashed on start, must have been made on Vista. You’re right the Gala is dry, boring, and useless. So with words of trust and honour, Spitfire agrees to the task.

Which is the best decision she could’ve made. *ahem* Fangirling aside Spitfire after contemplating her meeting with Celestia; she moves to where the princesses are doing the standard greeting for The Gala. Perhaps the most boring thing at the most boring event. Here however the limit on third person switches to Twilight. And from what I can tell remains this way until at least the end of the first interlude.

So in simple terms it’s Twilight’s point of view. Who we find at the atrium greeting ponies with the other royals. A minute later the hero of the story enters Spitfire. After Spitfire greets them she trades blows with Shinning Armor.

If I hadn’t read Neigh anything. (The comic book arc that shows how Cadance and Shining got together.) I would seriously wonder how they stay together.

Well love works in mysterious ways. Not going to into this part of the story but Shining seems like a dick at this point. So the Ever talented Spitfire leads the Ever studious Twilight into the Gala.

And they proceed to do normal things like observe Pinkie and her coltfriend Party Favor. And get an actually kind of sad moment with Twilight.

Well to quote NMK “Love is never easy both finding it and being in it, is a truly an intricate dance.” So they approach the bar and after some persuasion from Spitfire Twilight agrees to try a rainbow mixer.

I’d like a rainbow mixer. What’d ya’ say after this review we figure out how to make our own?

Even if we could capture the essence of a rainbow and then diluted to the point where it's safe to drink, You are Still under age. So no.

Rainbow Mixers are non-alcoholic anyways! *sticks out tongue*

Be sure to Clarify that after all it is St. Patrick’s day. So go find a rainbow and you can have as many as you want as long it's non-alcoholic and if mom says yes. Now we find our two lovebirds to be sitting at a table chatting.

Yay. This is where it starts to get really good. After some small talk they decide to engage in a flirting competition.

To be more exact it’s how many times can Twilight blush in the span of a few minutes. Let’s face the facts Spitfire has experience and Twilight is a noob but, she is also a fast learner.

So after that it escalates to them ducking out of The Gala for a while. And a small game of tag to go along with it. But either way it ends with Twilight teleport tackling Spitfire onto a cloud.

Then they kissed. Say isn't that how you got your girl?

Well... no. I wish it was that romantic. It was basically a quick sure I’ll ask that question it seems like a good idea.

After a bit things get steamy. But the mood is killed a slight bit by Spitfire saying to they should take this elsewhere.

So naturally Twilight responds with “Hold your breath.” And teleports them to her bedroom.

So what was innocent at first turns to a night of passion and romance. Personally this is bit fast for my taste. I prefer a much slower pace but not a snail's pace for romance.

Ya’ know reading it I had a thought. I’ll transcribe that exact thought. “As nice as this is for Twilight I’d much rather my first be like this.”

Nope nope nope. I’m not going to even try to understand you sex life nor do I want to. For love of everything holy and innocent shut up. Now we need is for Luna to show up.

Come on it’s not that bad. I’ve read worse. If anything I’d consider that one worthy of some praise for at least having storyline.

OK! That’s quite enough. Midnight Bliss can you get us some tea. So your thoughts on Glow?

God I love this story. It’s fast paced really cute and downright ignores it’s own T-rating.

Glow is definitely going up on my top 10 list of all time favorites. For the record the story does not ignore the T-rating but definitely pushes it to the absolute limit without crossing the line.

So overall I’m gonna give the opening a 8.5 because it could’ve been slightly slower. Although when Spitfire’s involved just about everything happens in the fast lane.

So when you said were going to due a first impressions on the story yesterday. I kind of read to the all the way to chapter seven (at the time it was the latest chapter). So God dammit and you said I was bad for finishishing Love Beats Stupid early and reading the first chapter of Love Conquers Stupid!

Well this story is just that good. As I read the chapters it pulled me in as it went into the back stories of the two main characters and stopping just before we got everything. The author did a great job showing and not telling: and telling and not showing. Both Twilight and Spitfire are so believable that it fits them. So I give Glow 9/10.

So this First Impressions was made possible by Winter and the amazing Carapace for writing one hell of a story I know I’ll continue to read it until it’s finished.

Here in a few weeks I’m happy to announce Winter and I will be looking at Anthropology. Quite Literally this is my all time favourite on the site and I’m beyond excited to talk about it.

With love and Care,
Erina Shindou

Also be on the look out of the Second chapter of Center Stage Romance entitled The Beat of Royalty. Coming soonish?
So till next time this is Winter’s Echo signing out.

Comments ( 2 )

Thanks for the review, you two. Glad you enjoyed and had fun with it.

I'm just glad you wrote an amazing story.

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