• Member Since 4th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2019


Go on my Deviantart, I'm not dead there so lol.

More Blog Posts25

  • 384 weeks

    So.. Im sorta dead on here. Not really into reading/ writing fanfiction.
    I mean I have a Devainart where I somewhat active so

    Bye I guess? XD

    DA: http://sammyisfun.deviantart.com/

    0 comments · 401 views
  • 437 weeks
    Help out a friend

    HEY PEEPS!! So one of my good Friends Roshi is currently wanting to travel to a friend of his :) PLEASE DONATEEE Donate here

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  • 458 weeks

    I am writing the chapter and It is really good so far!!

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  • 466 weeks
    Guys please help...

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  • 477 weeks
    Please look!

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So · 6:09pm Mar 11th, 2017

So.. Im sorta dead on here. Not really into reading/ writing fanfiction.
I mean I have a Devainart where I somewhat active so

Bye I guess? XD

DA: http://sammyisfun.deviantart.com/

Report Sammyisfun · 401 views ·
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