• Member Since 7th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2023

Flame Heart

Prince of Space

More Blog Posts13

  • 249 weeks
    Gen 5 Thoughts?

    so with gen 4 being over I was wondering what everypony's thoughts were on Gen 5?
    Tell me what you hope for and what you expect.

    0 comments · 208 views
  • 265 weeks
    So i found this. help

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  • 286 weeks
    A thought

    'Life and death' a pretty simple concept but at the same time not completely cuz without life you can't have death and without death you can't have life, everything is interwoven so closely that sometimes it's hard to see the lines, take for example when you get really hot you start to feel cold and when you get cold enough you start to feel like you're burning, that's just how life seems to go

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    0 comments · 250 views
  • 290 weeks
    Happy New Years

    I just want to wish everypony a Happy New Year's hope we have a good year this year

    0 comments · 231 views
  • 304 weeks
    A thought

    When we are child we subconsciously deny everything bad that happens around us.

    When we were teenager we are often angry at everyone and everything around us.

    When we are young adults we're always bargaining and fighting for what we want and what we believe should be right.

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    3 comments · 336 views

Creepy Poem · 12:54am Mar 2nd, 2017

One by two then three no four
All that is here will be no more

Pain is all that you will see
By then you may want to flee

In the end fear will rise
And this will spell your demise

When all is over and your no more
It will start again with three no four

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