So I felt Love and Slavery needed a remake as I felt I was going off from my original idea. Hopefully everyone who enjoyed the original one will enjoy the new remake!
I'm not going to be able to get the chapter out for Camp Everfree the 13th out today, tomorrow I'll be able to post the new chapter. I'm sorry to everyone who was waiting but you'll have to wait till tomorrow. Things have come up and I can't get the chapter up till tomorrow. Happy Halloweens and have a safe fun night!
The first part of Camp Everfree the 13th is out! The next part will be out on Halloween! Hope you all enjoy the story and let me know what you all think so far
wow no one posted a comment on here well even if i am like 3 weeks late merry christmas and a happy new year, 2017 crazy isn't it
4376765 2016 was pretty crazy and so far 2017 might been even crazier, I just hope it's a good year. And thank you.