• Member Since 19th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2018


Forever Sane

More Blog Posts226

  • 397 weeks
    Spit Out the Bone

    Come unto me and you will feel perfection
    Come unto me and dedicate
    Come unto me, you'll never feel rejection
    Come unto me and terminate

    Remove your heart, it's only good for bleeding
    Bleeding through your fragile skin
    And remove your thought, 'cause it's only for deceiving
    Deceiving thoughts destroy within

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    0 comments · 377 views
  • 400 weeks
    Halo on Fire

    Come won't you stay
    All ends in tears
    Thoughts most impure
    But both shall we bleed

    Oh, Halo on fire
    The midnight knows it well
    Fast, is desire
    Creates another hell
    I fear to turn on the light
    For the darkness won't go away
    Fast, is desire

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    5 comments · 380 views
  • 401 weeks
    Now That We're Dead

    NEW SONG!! (One of the 8 they just realsed)

    When darkness falls, may it be
    That we should see the light
    When reaper calls, may it be
    That we walk straight and right

    When doubt returns, may it be
    That faith shall permeate our scars
    When we’re seduced, then may it be
    That we not deviate our cause

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    0 comments · 326 views
  • 403 weeks
    Atlas, Rise!

    This is getting even better!!
    I can't wait the new album anymore!!! :pinkiehappy:

    Bitterness and burden
    Curses rhinestone day
    Solitaire and sorrow
    All eternity
    CD of the clean perfection
    Deem the mass and blame rejection
    Hold the pose, fein perception
    Grudges break your back

    All you bear
    All you carry

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    1 comments · 403 views
  • 403 weeks

    If you want, take this quiz!
    How well do you know me?

    7 comments · 372 views

Spit Out the Bone · 3:43am Dec 14th, 2016

Come unto me and you will feel perfection
Come unto me and dedicate
Come unto me, you'll never feel rejection
Come unto me and terminate

Remove your heart, it's only good for bleeding
Bleeding through your fragile skin
And remove your thought, 'cause it's only for deceiving
Deceiving thoughts destroy within

Disappear like man was never here
Long live machine
The future's a frame
Man overthrown
Spit out the bone

Plug into me, I guarantee devotion
Plug into me and dedicate
Plug into me and I'll save you from emotion
Plug into me and terminate

Accelerate, utopian solution
Finally cure the Earth of man
Exterminate, speeding up the evolution
Set on course a master plan

Reinvent the Earth inhabitants
Long live machine
The future's a frame
Man overthrown
Spit out the bone

The flesh betrays the flesh
Your man has had his time
We lay him down to rest
Machine the new divine

Stop breathing and dedicate to me
Stop dreaming and terminate for me

All meaning you dedicate to me
All feelings you terminate for me

Disappear like man was never here
Long live machine
Our future's a frame
Man overthrown
Spit out the bone, yeah

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