• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 19th, 2016

JJ Pony

More Blog Posts6

  • 426 weeks
    Still Here

    Hello everyone!! It's been some time since I last posted an update and I just wanna say, I have not left. I only took time off from here because I was into ouTube and making some art. Since I can't do that anymore, I decided to come back and hang around here. Since a few of my stories are not being published like I wanted them to be. I am going to try again. If not, I will head to WattPad but I

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  • 469 weeks
    Slow and Steady

    Sorry for taking my precious time on finishing this up. I will take some time to just type what I have. I actually wrote this out and have gotten up to chapter 8. I will do my best during Christmas break to get at least the 3rd or 4th chapter up. Other than that, I've been mainly working on my YouTube channel. You should check it out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtWoQlo7mHjpXVfbJMMw9g

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  • 474 weeks
    Unfinished Will Go Up

    Even though my story is not finished, I will indeed start to publish it. As far as I know, I got up to the beginning of chapter 6 and still going. The story will be known as not finished but I will keep working whenever I get the chance. Please just bear with me. For the first two chapters, I feel like they could use some editing but I don't know where to start. Also, chapter 1 is pretty

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  • 476 weeks
    Continuous Work

    Hello everypony. I have been able to finish chapter 3 of Entering Equestria and I am now in the middle of chapter 4. My next post will be snip from a chapter, maybe chapter 4, just so you can look at it. I will put up my fanfic at some point, before Halloween. This will only be what I have finished and I might only do about three chapters at a time so I won't have to write so much. I'm having

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  • 479 weeks
    Other Social Media

    Ok everypony, I have been working on my fan fiction some more. Finished chapter 2 and I'm now in the middle of chapter 3. I may do some chapters that are basically deleted scenes because my story may either get too long, or the chapters may be too short and/or not relevant or even important to the plot of the fanfic. I am working step by step to finish my work. This may not get done for a while,

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Still Here · 2:44pm Oct 1st, 2016

Hello everyone!! It's been some time since I last posted an update and I just wanna say, I have not left. I only took time off from here because I was into ouTube and making some art. Since I can't do that anymore, I decided to come back and hang around here. Since a few of my stories are not being published like I wanted them to be. I am going to try again. If not, I will head to WattPad but I will not delete my account. Life has been rough and I think I was still in middle school when I started this account. Now being a junior in high school this year, it's much more tough than it sounds, yet I'm getting through even with the more difficult things that approach me. Adventures in Equestria is no longer a thing that I want to continue but my newest fanfic, The New Element, is a work in progress. A similar plot to AiE but this time, it involves more action, more characters (my friends included) and a better title, in my opinion. I have also been working on some mini stories, short stories about MLP in general, such as a Cupcakes fanfic but in Rainbow Dash's perspective, an MLP parody of Coraline, an Applejack parody of My Little Dashie,and a few others. Most of these are not yet finished, but I am working on it. Hopefully this is enough information about what has happened to me and that I haven't left, just forgot I had this. Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to creating some more work. Stay Pony!!!

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