Stories I'll never write but want to · 9:30pm Aug 19th, 2016
Stories I'd like to write, but don't think I have time for. They keep distracting me from my current work, and someone else can have them if they want.
(Note for time travellers, I may or may not use these in the future... they are spoilers for those stories)
-Princess Celesta take tea, and reminisces on how if you totalled up all the time she's ever spent drinking tea it's now longer than a ponies entire life.
-Big Mac, Element of Wisdom, and his travels just off screen
-The Element of Memory, who is cursed by Celesta to never be remembered by her friends (Attempted twice)
-Darth Revan searches out all the 4th wall breakers in media in order to attempt to become real. (Deadpool, Kiel, Pinkie Pie, etc)
-Twilight Sparkles cuts off her horn because some earth pony sends her a letter saying that she's not their princess because she's never lived without magic. (Celesta and Luna come from pegasi and earth)
-Interview with Celestia's personal bodyguard, a pony who got a cutie mark in murdering Celestia (or alicorns)
-Mane 6 rescue an enslaved and broken pony, they find out about massive slavery organisation that breeds docile slaves
-Fluttershy is stabbed by Rainbow Dash... turn out their both changelings, and one wanted to defect from the hive, and the other was loyal
-A happy ending for that Lyra fic 'Background Pony'... IT WAS MARKED SAD NOT TRAGEDY
-FOE fic where Bab Seed is the Cyborg Stable Repair Pony and repairs failing stables in secret. The Protagonist discovers her and they go on adventures
-Story about a doctor that can heal any injury, but feeds on the pain that the patient suffers when it operates on them.(Like a Changeling)
-Lyra's true secret, that she manufactures the songs that everyone randomly breaks into, it's not random, it's her life's work... and she hates it.
-Psychopath who can't feel emotion, trying to feel normal and confused as to why she has an element.