• Member Since 14th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2017


im trying to decide who is cuter: sunset shimmer or starlight glimmer. Also I'm a guy not a girl. my xbox one gamertag is enderknight726

More Blog Posts18

  • 411 weeks
    Story ideas

    Hey guys, I have a few things to ask. I am having writers block and I had an idea. I want all of you to give me ideas. One of the first five ideas will get a story written about it. Please tell me your ideas by commenting on my user page. See ya later

    2 comments · 390 views
  • 413 weeks
    "What if there was another me" is finished

    I decided to finish the story and begin the sequel to it. I won't be on for a while so just hope that I'm writing. In the mean time, I want all of you who like my story to hang in there and I'll see you later! :twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 424 views
  • 417 weeks
    Third chapter of "what if there was another me?" Is out. Finally.

    Sorry for the extremely long delay. It's finally here. The third chapter is finally out. Well, maybe in an hour or two. Enjoy it when it appears. Best regards, dragonboy!?

    0 comments · 467 views
  • 417 weeks
    apologies to readers

    unfortunately guys, I have a family emergency going on tonight and I wont be able to do anything until this weekend. im sorry for more delays. my promise will be completed by sunday the 18th. see you then as promised and please pray for mercy that I have no more emergencies.

    0 comments · 424 views
  • 418 weeks

    sorry I haven't been on recently guys. I have kind of been busy living my life recently and ive been really busy. I will start updating everything next Wednesday so be patient for me. I promise. if I break that promise I want you to unfollow me unless you are willing to wait until after Christmas. see you guys later

    0 comments · 376 views

First story! · 6:20am Jul 30th, 2016

So recently I have been working on my first story and I'm still working on the rough draft but it will be out in under a week so hang in there

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