• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2014


More Blog Posts15

  • 528 weeks
    I'm coming back (with some bad news too)

    The Good News
    To those of you who have followed me, and are reading this blog post, then I would like for you to know that I am still alive and I intend to start writing again. I have achieved several important life goals, including completing my bachelors degree.

    The Bad News

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  • 581 weeks
    Those semi-steampunk space shoes

    For anyone who receives or read my blog...

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  • 589 weeks
    Will be stepping back into these space shoes very soon

    Had some major delays, mostly related to life. I've determined that guitar is my instrument, so there goes fifteen to thirty minutes of my day right there. (As well as a good part of my money, as I have Guitar Acquisition Syndrome.)

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    0 comments · 363 views
  • 600 weeks
    Stargazing (Pt. 1)

    So tonight I felt like stargazing. Astronomy had always been something of an interest of mine, but I've just begun to be mature enough for actual backyard astronomy instead of sitting in a chair, staring at a screen and oohing and awing at how beautiful the universe is with color enhanced images from Hubble.

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  • 600 weeks
    Status Report

    Here's how I'm seeing my current stories, for those that are interested:

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A Minor Note · 6:44am Aug 31st, 2012

Today will the last day of the first week of my final year as an undergrad, barring really bad things happening to me.

For the major of you who don't know, I am a physics major. My classes this year are Differential Equations, Modern Physics I (overview of 20th century physics), Statistical Mechanics (think of heat and stuff) and Fluid Dynamics. I will also be a teacher's assistant.

I am very excited. But I may also be very busy. Expect that, somewhat.

Report SolvableSphinx · 223 views ·
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