• Member Since 30th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 9th, 2021


"The Meta....The scariest mute in the galaxy" - Leonard Church "We are the Meta" - Sigma

More Blog Posts7

  • 367 weeks
    My new group

    Hello, my followers, I have a new group set up and it is called Soldiers. Join now and help me to defend Equestria against it's foes.

    0 comments · 351 views
  • 422 weeks

    I want some Fanart to use in my fanfics so please send me some.

    0 comments · 321 views
  • 433 weeks

    I want some Fanart to use in my fanfics so please send me some.

    0 comments · 276 views
  • 440 weeks
    Help is needed

    I need help from the comments. I don't want any more bad comments or I will have to stop. I really hope it doesn't come to that. I only want to do this to have fun and give you guys/gals the pleasure of a good fanfiction to read. So I want some changes.

    2 comments · 273 views
  • 440 weeks
    Help is needed

    I need help from the comments. I don't want any more bad comments or I will have to stop. I really hope it doesn't come to that. I only want to do this to have fun and give you guys/gals the pleasure of a good fanfiction to read. So I want some changes.

    0 comments · 244 views

Fanart · 9:43am Apr 2nd, 2016

I want some Fanart to use in my fanfics so please send me some.

Report WeAreTheMeta · 276 views ·
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