• Member Since 11th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2016

Peppermint Pony

Hey! I'm Peppermint! I'm a pegasister from England and I write fanfics from time to time!

More Blog Posts4

  • 437 weeks
    Why haven't I been doing anything over here lately?

    Well, I just moved house for one thing. Luckily I didn't move very far away from my original house so I still live near people I know, but we had to unplug our internet router in the process of moving. The provider of our internet said they would have it up and running last Monday, but they lied as you can tell since we still have no internet connection. I was desperate enough to use

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  • 440 weeks
    So my predictions were probably wrong!

    The next EG film is called Legend of Everfree, so the girls are probably going to go to the human world Everfree Forest and meet Zecora or something. They also might meet people like Discord, I've always hoped for him to be in the films.

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  • 441 weeks
    I bet you I can sort of predict what might happen in the next Equestria Girls film...

    Since Starlight is probably going to stay with the Mane Six (even though a part of me hopes she doesn't and they forget she ever existed), she's also going to make an appearance in the next Equestria Girls film, whatever that may be.

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  • 443 weeks
    Because the words "0 blog posts" we're annoying me to no end.

    Here's a random blog post which will show up in your feed. Let's make it MLP related at least.

    Now, I know I haven't got many followers so it seems kind of pointless to ask this. But be honest now, what do you think about anthro ponies?

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I bet you I can sort of predict what might happen in the next Equestria Girls film... · 7:26pm Feb 7th, 2016

Since Starlight is probably going to stay with the Mane Six (even though a part of me hopes she doesn't and they forget she ever existed), she's also going to make an appearance in the next Equestria Girls film, whatever that may be.

I think she'll work like Sunset does. There won't be a human world version of her, and Twilight will bring her through the portal to meet the human world versions of her friends (and herself... I'm not sure how that will play out unless they completely abandon pony world Twilight and choose to focus on human world Twilight instead) who will make friends with her, and blah blah. Exactly like Sunset.

If there was a human world Starlight, she'd probably be older than the rest of the Mane Six (although I bet pony world Starlight is older anyway) and be the mayor of Our Town, which Sunset would find out about, then she'd write to pony world Twilight about asking her for help. Pony world Twilight would write back saying she knew how to deal with Starlight, and then the story would stem from there.

Seriously, human world Twilight joining CHS was a weird move which could possibly end the Equestria Girls franchise altogether, although they'll probably find a way around it.

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