guess what? · 5:54am Feb 5th, 2016
Guuueeeessssss what I’m playing now :D
( and yes that is mine elf so , what?! ELVES ARE AWESOME!)
I guess i said meantion that i tried getting into Dragon age:Origin a few months sgo but the wholr controls for the game felt really off ( i mean really off) ( at least on the bloody keyboard that i have.) what made me give the game snother try ehat that my (little rother gae me Dragon Age: Inquisition (it wasn't on steam but though Origin. :/)> And i really feat really bad that i didn't play thought Origins ( at all) so play though a bit of the game today ( at least to where my awesome elf joins the grey wardens ) and overall i am glad i am playing this series. I know that there is alot of lore i am going to like about this game series <3