• Member Since 16th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 24th, 2019


Originally from Spokane, Washington I am a writer and musician who is working as an English teacher in Guangzhou, China.

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  • 466 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    I just wanted to check in with everyone and say thanks for everything. I'm neck deep in the last chapter of the first act of Hitmares but it's super long and taking me a pretty long time. In the meantime I decided to re-write a small story that I had written for my Tumblr blog a couple of years ago, so look for that soon. It's not going to be too long, maybe a few chapters or so but it was fun to

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Happy New Year! · 4:42am Jan 3rd, 2016

I just wanted to check in with everyone and say thanks for everything. I'm neck deep in the last chapter of the first act of Hitmares but it's super long and taking me a pretty long time. In the meantime I decided to re-write a small story that I had written for my Tumblr blog a couple of years ago, so look for that soon. It's not going to be too long, maybe a few chapters or so but it was fun to write.

Anyways I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has been reading my stories and leaving comments and such. To be honest it's a huge process to write each one of those chapters and keep them coming but I truly enjoy the story and the characters and want to show you all where they are heading. While I can't promise it will be quick, I can promise that I'll keep them coming for as long as I can.

Happy holidays and here's looking forward to great things ahead in 2016!

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