• Member Since 7th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2020


Im a very shy person that likes to read well written fanfics and make my own

More Blog Posts5

  • 488 weeks
    Guess who's back?!

    YES! I have returned! I finally have a working computer and some spare time on my hands so stories will be coming out very soon. I will hopefully be started back up on The Sparkle In Her Eye very soon, I'm just having some serious writer's block on it. But I will be posting a new story soon called Ron and John's Adventures at CHS. Its gonna be a collab Im doing with my friend John about our cooky

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  • 513 weeks
    Wow it's been awhile...

    Just a quick update for those who still follow me. I recently got a job and I haven't had time work on The Sparkle in Her Eye and depression keeps kicking in so that's not exactly helping as I find it hard to keep holding on. I hope to have a new chapter out as soon as possible but no promises.

    0 comments · 193 views
  • 528 weeks
    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays everyone! This is just a short little post to say that and to let everyone know that a new chapter to The Sparkle In Her Eye is hopefully going to be up soon. So again, Happy Holidays and I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas(or whatever you celebrate)!!!

    0 comments · 251 views
  • 535 weeks
    Story Update

    To those of you who favorited and follow The Sparkle In Her Eye, first off I want to thank you for the support, you guys are AWESOME!! Second, I'm sorry to say that it will be a little while until the next chapter because my laptop recently broke. Thanks again for following and I promise new chapters soon.

    5 comments · 266 views

Guess who's back?! · 1:50am Oct 5th, 2015

YES! I have returned! I finally have a working computer and some spare time on my hands so stories will be coming out very soon. I will hopefully be started back up on The Sparkle In Her Eye very soon, I'm just having some serious writer's block on it. But I will be posting a new story soon called Ron and John's Adventures at CHS. Its gonna be a collab Im doing with my friend John about our cooky adventures at CHS. So I hope to see you all very soon with more updates.

Report MetalHead777 · 266 views ·
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